If the white rose can safely leave from there, it should be back to this place. Why can't you see the shadow of the other party? Ronglang is very worried. He even worries about whether there is something wrong with the white rose. His heart starts to beat. He takes out a biscuit and eats it. Then he stands by the window and looks at the scene below.

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Although this is the capital, the scene is more lonely than when they came. The people who sell things in the street are almost gone. Every family has their windows closed. The city that used to be alive has become a dead city in a moment under the influence of the virus.

He and Lu Liangcheng agreed that the time was one day. He decided to wait for the white rose here tonight. After standing in front of the window for a while, he went back to bed. It seemed that he could still smell the hair on the White Rose's head. The fragrance made him calm down and began to paralyze himself. Maybe White Rose had her own things to do, so he didn't come here. After all, it was that A woman has a lot of ideas. No one can guess what she wants to do.

He has been squinting until the night, his physical fitness has been short-term recovery, heard the gunshot outside, sighed, hidden in the window, looking down, it is still refugees, probably because everyone thinks that they can not live long, so they become presumptuous. Now the law of this country is nothing in their eyes.

Rong Lang keenly heard the voice of someone going upstairs. His eyes narrowed. He slowly took out the gun, found a hidden position, and quietly pointed the muzzle of the gun to the direction of the door.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. It seemed that he hesitated for a moment at the door. Rong Lang was a little strange, This man obviously walked to the door. Why not come in? He bravely opened the door and found the scarred white rose. The white rose looked up at him and finally pulled his lips. "I'm afraid you're going to die like that. I went back to look for it. As a result, almost all the soldiers who followed him were there."

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She pushed aside Rong Lang and walked in. Her arm was still bleeding. She should have been shot by a bullet. Rong Lang felt so hurt that she immediately held her and took out his knife.

"There is no other equipment here. You can only pick out the bullet with a knife. It will be troublesome to get inflamed."

"You choose." White Rose's voice is very hoarse, should have been drinking water for a long time, dry lips, eyes also have no color.

Rong Lang immediately took out the knife, with the remaining iodine in the room, did a simple disinfection, and then looked at her, "bear with it."

White rose gritted her teeth and turned her face to one side

Rong Lang some funny, this person is really, all this time, temper is still so fierce.

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He stabbed the knife into his flesh and bones. He felt the White Rose's body twitch for a moment, and his nervous palms were full of sweat. However, if he dragged on like this, the other side would only feel more pain. So he bit his teeth and picked out a bullet, and then sprinkled the pain relieving powder they brought.

The white rose didn't say a word all the time. The steamed bread was sweating, and even her clothes were soaked.

Rong Lang brought a cup of water and helped her feed it down. "Drink some water, and then have a rest. I came here specially to look for you. Liangcheng is still waiting for us outside. Do you remember the little boy who was infected with the virus last time we saw in the video? He hasn't died yet. We think there is a secret in him, because other people infected with the virus are all Dead, only he is still alive. Now we must take him with us and protect the child when the dust comes

White rose nods her head hard. Now she can't concentrate any more. She almost comes to the door with no strength to open the door. At the moment ronglang's face appears, she breathes a sigh of relief, as if seeing hope. The time when this man appears is really accurate. When she is just about to despair, her mood is not calm now It seems to have been set off a huge wave, but on the surface, it is still light.

"How did you get this injury and who did you fight with?"

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White rose heard his words, light opened her eyes, suddenly pulled her lips and laughed, "this world is really cruel to women, that group of difficult people riot is even if it's female, and almost all of them are strong. Fortunately, I have a gun in my hand, otherwise, I'm still suffering from torture like that group of women."

The darkness of human nature is unpredictable. Everyone is setting themselves free. The most terrifying area in the world is where morality and law are not bound.

Both of them didn't speak, and ronglang's heart was very uncomfortable. Although this man said it lightly now, he knew that it must be very dangerous, because the appearance of white rose was excellent no matter where it was put. Those hungry men must have been watching her closely.

"Well, go to sleep. We will go to Lu Liangcheng at dawn. Wanjichen should be coming soon. Now we have lost contact with that place. We must contact again."

White rose nodded, there was no extra strength to speak. Although the wound on her hand was still stinging, the pain could not resist the huge sleepiness. It took almost one minute for her to sleep completely.Rong Lang also held her and squinted for a while. In this country, sleeping is a luxury. There are gunshots and screams all night. No one knows what happened outside.

The night seems to be so long that it will never come to this city until dawn.

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Rong Lang went to the window and took a puff of smoke. Seeing that there were still people on patrol in the street, he knew that the situation was getting more and more serious. If he did not make the antidote, the whole country would be doomed.

When the first ray of sunshine came out, his cigarette had already been exhausted. He turned his head and patted white rose. He wanted to wake her up. However, seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, he could not bear to disturb her, so she had to endure waiting for another hour. Finally, white rose woke up by herself.

Her hair was messy, and her hands were still painful. But in order to meet Lu Liangcheng earlier, they simply took a few bites of biscuits, then left here and walked outside the capital.

Lu Liangcheng has already got up. The little boy's face is all right. There is no blister. Lu Liangcheng holds his face and observes it carefully for a while. He thinks it is necessary to tell Wan Jichen about this. That guy should know what the child is about.

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