Qin Sangyu is more suspicious now. Lu Liangcheng's mother should be related to the people in five places. Maybe she is still a special person in the five places. Therefore, the talents in the five places will care about her children so much. Her eyes twinkle, she looks at each other lightly, and suddenly takes a deep breath.

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"Honey, I really want to ask you recently, Your mother may be from five places. You know that I'm being watched by people from five places. The other party's purpose is obvious, that is, to let me die, but they didn't target you. So I wonder if your mother is from five places, they will let you go. Husband, I think it's necessary for you to find out. "

Lu Liangcheng frowned. Recently, he had been investigating the affairs of the five divisions. However, the organization was so mysterious that he couldn't find any trace of them. Moreover, it was emphasized by the superiors that they could not fight against the people who had nowhere to go. The people in the five places were their power, and they were very special forces. The two sides could not fight each other.

"I'll take my time to investigate. Isn't that the cat you're talking about is not a dream, but something you can see clearly?"

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are worried, if so, this person must be very afraid, after all, it is really too weird, it is not something that can appear in real life.

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"Fortunately, I have you by my side, and I'm not afraid of it. But I'm worried that I can't stand my spirit for a long time. So I hope you can investigate this matter clearly. I'm pregnant now, and I really don't want others to fight against my child. Husband, you know it's not easy for me to bear this, so I can only trouble you."

She was very polite, and instantly made Lu Liangcheng laugh, and some spoiled looked at her, "I am your husband, what's the trouble? You are really, let me be angry and funny. Don't look at the window sill tonight, or you can sleep with the quilt in my arms, so no matter what tricks they have, you can't see it, and naturally you don't have to be afraid. ”

Qin Sangyu nodded faintly, thinking that this method was feasible. She stood on tiptoe and left a kiss on Lu Liangcheng's face. "This method is simple and crude, but you don't have to go to work today. I haven't been to Tiancheng for a long time. I plan to go to the company with you."

Lu Liangcheng is going to work today. However, in order to make Qin Sangyu see himself when he wakes up, he moves everything to the afternoon. In order to get up with this person, he shaves her nose lightly.

"Do you want to see if there are girls in the company who are interested in me. I don't understand that. Let's go. Let's go now, my wife."

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Lu Liangcheng's voice was full of teasing, which made Qin Sangyu feel embarrassed, because that's what she thought. After the last chat with Lu Xiao, she felt that she should take good care of her husband and that she couldn't let those fox spirits seize the opportunity, So it's necessary to go to the company to have a look, that is, to firmly grasp this person in their palm.

They soon arrived at the company. When Qin Sangyu was pregnant, she had already been around the company. Everyone knew the news of her pregnancy. But to her surprise, how long did it take to see her? She was so big.

"Madam President, your stomach is so big. I think people in the same month have smaller stomachs than you. You should not be pregnant with twins."

"That's right. I've had children too. I don't feel like my stomach is so big. I think it might be twins."

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Because it's lunch break time now, everyone is taking a rest. Seeing Qin Sangyu come to the company and start to talk about each other, it's really boring to be in the villa. It's good to have these people chatting with him. Qin Sangyu's face is full of smiles, and he reaches out to touch his stomach.

"I don't know. If I'm really twins, I'll be very happy, because I'm free these days. I've been with Lu Liangcheng to name my child. They've thought about several names, but I don't know how to choose. If I have two, I don't have to worry about it for the time being."

Everyone began to laugh. At the beginning, they still didn't dare to contact Qin Sangyu. They thought that since she was the president's wife, she should not be very good-natured, and this person's methods were very powerful. They remembered that when this person worked in Tiancheng, all the women who were against her had no good end in the end, so they couldn't help worrying.

But now I know that this person's personality is so good, and he is very approachable. He tries his best to answer their questions. However, Lu Liangcheng can't bear to see his wife surrounded by so many people, so he quickly comes here and grabs her hand.

"Don't be surrounded by so many people. I'm afraid I'll frighten my children. I'll go to work soon."

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It's the first time for us to see Lu Liangcheng speak so gently. Before, the president was very serious, and his whole body exuded a terrible aura. People who wanted to talk to him were forced back for a long time. Therefore, before today, they did not say any nonsense except work with their own president, but after Qin Sangyu, the president's My temper seems to be much better. I have a gentle smile on my face.They were suddenly extremely envious of Qin Sangyu, but they were only jealous, and they did not dare to do other things. After all, there was a lesson before us, and we did not dare to go up and die.

Qin Sangyu was pulled by Lu Liangcheng and entered the company directly. It was funny to see the other party protecting himself at any time. "In fact, it's fun to chat with them. Why are you so nervous? I'm a little nervous."

Lu Liangcheng took a look at her stomach. She was pregnant. She was not nervous. Her wife was pregnant.

Both of them did not speak next. Lu Liangcheng sat on the chair and dealt with his own affairs lightly, while Qin Sangyu was sitting on the sofa with a magazine.

The sofa in the office is very soft. Maybe it's a very expensive brand. Lu Liangcheng is very good at enjoying life. As can be seen from the layout of the office, she collapsed on the sofa and suddenly felt empty in her mouth. She wanted to eat a little snack and smacked her lips. "Lao Gong, is the ink rain there? I feel my mouth a little lonely. Let him buy me some Come on up and have some snacks. "

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