Lu Liangcheng looked up at the other party lightly, thinking about how this man promised his second aunt to eat less snacks when he left the army. As a result, he only came back one day and forgot his promise.

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"If you're hungry, I'll ask the chef to get you something to eat. Don't eat those snacks. The snacks are not clean."

But Qin Sangyu's face is full of disapproval, who said snacks are not clean, frown for a moment, "I just want two packets of spicy strips, recently I want to eat something spicy, otherwise I feel the taste in the mouth is light, husband, I only eat this once, really."

Her eyes are pathetic, and I hope this person can agree, but Lu Liangcheng is very firm and calls the canteen of the company to send something up.

Qin Sangyu's mouth skimmed and moved his eyes to the book in front of him. He didn't want to pay attention to this person at all.

Ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door of the office. Soon, a pile of snacks after dinner was not sent to Qin Sangyu.

Before that, Qin Sangyu thought that the company could only deliver food, but he didn't expect to deliver them. His eyes were bright, so he suddenly threw a wink at landing in Liangcheng and began to eat with small snacks.

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Lu Liangcheng took a sharp blow from the corner of his mouth and did not care about the other party. After dealing with all the things, he quickly contacted the old man and wanted to know about his mother. However, the old man knew little about his mother. He had already told him before. Now he heard him asking this, and he thought that something was wrong, so he spoke anxiously 。

"Is something wrong, small town? Now Sangyu is pregnant. Don't be impulsive about a lot of things. Wait first, and then talk slowly after the birth of others. I'm really worried about you. If you don't take Sangyu to the Lu family, I'll let someone take care of her You are both parents for the first time. Many things may not be clear. Anyway, your grandmother is very boring now. It's just right to take care of Sang Yu

Lu Liangcheng had this plan, because Qin Sangyu can always see strange cats now, and I don't know if this situation can be relieved after arriving at the Lu family, so he directly agrees with the old man and hopes to take Qin Sangyu there at this time.

After hanging up the phone, he looked up at Qin Sangyu and found that the heartless woman was still eating delicious food. It seemed that he did not think about the cat at all. He just thought it was funny, so as not to worry about him all the time.

They stayed in the company until the afternoon. In the evening, the Lu family sent a car to pick them up. Qin Sangyu knew that he was going to live in the Lu family.

"Do you want to investigate your mother's affairs, so you will be a little busy recently, afraid I can't take good care of me."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded faintly and gave her a kiss on her face. "I have already said hello to Aunt Zhang. Today I give her a holiday. Aunt Zhang is also in love now. She can't eat dog food with us every day."

Qin Sangyu's eyes are smiling. After getting on the bus, he thumped his shoulder, "it's not because you are always tired of being askew. When I was in the army, I was often ridiculed by my mother. If it hadn't been for loving you, I would have fallen out with you."

She said haughtily, turning her head out of the window, looking at the fleeting scenery outside, her heart is very satisfied. With such a husband and mother-in-law, she has nothing to worry about. It seems that the rest of her life is only enjoyment.

The car stopped outside Lu's house. The two old people picked up people outside in person. They were smiling when they saw them coming back.

Lu Liangcheng noticed that the two old people were so lonely that their children were outside. Lu Song was so frustrated that he left so much trauma in their hearts and sighed.

"Granddad, grandma, what are you standing here for? We know the way. You don't have to wait."

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Shen Bizhi glanced at him faintly and ran to Qin Sangyu immediately. "Who is waiting for you? I'm here to wait for Sangyu. Sangyu is pregnant. Everything is not careless. Of course I know you know the way, hum."

Lu Liangcheng's mouth took a puff, some helplessly stretched out his fingers to rub his temples.

Qin Sangyu was pulled into the door by Shen Bizhi. Seeing the helplessness on Lu Liangcheng's face, Qin sang Yu chuckled. Then everyone sat down on the sofa.

"Sang Yu, I had a dream last night that you were pregnant with twins in your stomach. After I woke up, I went to the ancestral hall of the Lu family to pay respects. I hope my ancestors can send mail. We have never had twins yet."

Qin Yi hears her words and subconsciously touches her stomach. She doesn't know if she has telepathy with her children. She really feels that she is pregnant with twins, and her mouth is bent. "Grandma, don't worry. The ancestors of the Lu family must have heard your prayer."

With Qin Sangyu's words, Shen Bizhi's mood is much better in an instant. Her eyes have been turning on her stomach, hoping that the other party can give birth to a child now.

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In the evening, Lu Liangcheng went to the study upstairs to look for something. He remembered that the old man had given him something that should have something to do with his mother's life experience, because it was the only thing that his mother brought when she came to Lu's home. However, he searched in the study for a long time, but he did not find it. He sat on the sofa frustrated.At this time, the old man opened the door and came in. Seeing the depression on his face, he took out the contents in the drawer, "are you looking for this? I gave it to you at the beginning, but you just looked at it in a hurry and put it on the table. I put it away again. After all, it is the only thing your mother left behind. "

Lu Liangcheng took the envelope. He remembered very clearly that there were only a few pieces of paper with special patterns on it. At that time, he couldn't understand it, so he put it on the table at random. But now he thinks, is the pattern related to five places.

"Grandfather, why did mother come to the Lu family at first? Can't you remember?"

Lu Tian's eyebrows are twisted. It's not that they can't remember, but there are so many nannies who come to the Lu family every year. They don't have the heart to pay attention to each other. After all, apart from the main house, other houses also need to be taken care of. However, the man is diligent, so he is transferred to the main house. At that time, he and his wife were still discussing, saying that the nanny is different from other people, Noble temperament, should be a child of a large family.

"There are so many nannies in the family. I really don't pay much attention to her. I just think she has a good temperament. I discussed with your grandmother for a second."

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