The old man mumbled these two sentences. His face was helpless, but what was more helpless was Lu Liangcheng, whose eyebrows and eyes were darkened. He pinched the envelope in his hand and looked at it carefully for a long time. However, there was no extra thing in it. It was just a pattern. In addition, there was nothing left. He could not see anything from this. He could only take the envelope first and then Continue to look for other evidence.

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"Well, what do you want to do with your mother's background? Is something happening, Xiaocheng, I told you, now that Sangyu is pregnant, you'd better not mess around. At least you have to wait for the baby to be born, then you can do it freely, or I won't let you go. "

Now they regard Qin Sangyu as the most important person of the Lu family, and they must take good care of it.

Lu Liangcheng was speechless. It was his own wife. Could he do something else to harm her? "Grandfather, don't worry. I'm not a child. I know what to do and what not to do."

Lu Tian nods, smiles on his face, and turns to go downstairs.

Downstairs, Shen Bizhi is chatting with Qin Sangyu. They don't know what happy things they've been talking about. They've been laughing. However, after Lu Tian sits down, their laughter narrows a little.

Every family has such a man who is not good at words. Lu Tian is such a man. Although he wants to know what they are talking about just now, his dignity as an old man still keeps his mouth shut.

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"If only sang Yu's stomach was really twins. Just now I and she were talking about naming the child. She had a discussion with Xiaocheng before, but I didn't know how to choose. I think it's better to think about the name after the baby is born."

Shen Bizhi's face is full of smiles. After so many years with this man, he still doesn't know what he thinks. Obviously, he wants to insert into their conversation. He feels embarrassed and turns his mouth. "In the future, let's think about names together. We must think of some nice names for our great grandson."

When Qin Sangyu saw that the two old people were so attached to each other, he felt very warm in his heart. He reached out and touched his stomach. Maybe they were twins. It would be easier to prepare for a second child.

The nanny at home has finished the dinner, but Lu Liangcheng is still upstairs. Qin Sangyu goes upstairs and finds that the other party is staring at a pile of things in a daze.

"After dinner, what are you doing?"

As she approached, she found that the man seemed to be obsessed with what he was thinking. She did not find her coming in.

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"Luliang City, after dinner, go down quickly and come back to see it in the evening."

Lu Liangcheng suddenly woke up from his meditation and saw him with a big stomach beside him. He quickly got up, helped her, and sat down on one side. "After that, you still walk less. Even if you want to walk, I have to be by your side."

Qin Sangyu saw this man so worried about himself, just like at home. He thought that if the two old people saw it later, they would laugh at them. He could only clap his hand. "Look at you. I said I'm ok. Don't make such a fuss about it. It's just pregnancy. If a girl doesn't get pregnant, there's no one like me."

She was talking about the truth, but when she saw Lu Liangcheng staring at her seriously, she said slowly, "because not everyone married the guy named Lu Liangcheng. Since you married me, I will spoil you."

Qin Sangyu some blush, think of this guy really, smirk twice, reached out to hit his shoulder, "look, you are proud."

Two people quarrel, slowly went downstairs, see two old people have been waiting downstairs, eyes are smiling, quickly walked a few steps.

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Shen bichi frowned when she saw that Luliang City was coming late. She didn't know that Lu Liangcheng was investigating the woman's affairs. She thought that the man was sleeping upstairs and doing something quietly. Her face was not happy for a moment. "Sang Yu is pregnant now. Why is your husband so incompetent? Small Town, you should stay with others more and go upstairs quietly to do something."

Qin Sangyu found that the two old men were really strict with their husbands, so he spoke for him, "there are a lot of things in the company. In order to accompany me, he has already piled up a lot of work. Grandma, don't worry. Lu Liangcheng is the best man I've ever met. No matter what he does, he is very attentive."

Shen Bizhi beckoned them to the table. When she heard her saying this, she said, "it's because beauty is in the eye of lovers. I see, you are in your eyes. It's estimated that no one is more perfect than a small town."

Qin Sangyu really thinks so. In her heart, her husband is the most perfect. She even thinks that she has saved the universe so that she can be with this person. After all, before meeting Lu Liangcheng, she is just a girl who is bullied by others. Maybe she can't even arrange her marriage by herself, and finally becomes a tool for family profits.

But Lu Liangcheng saved her from all this and held her high. She never dreamed that one day she would be held by someone like this. Maybe she had lived in the mire for too long, and suddenly flew to the cloud. She was really speechless.

"What are you thinking? Eat quickly. The child must be hungry. You didn't have lunch today. "Lu Liangcheng's opening brought her thoughts back. Qin Sangyu quickly looked back and found that there were many dishes in her bowl, either Lu Liangcheng or her grandmother. She found that she was really happy now. She sighed and quietly finished the food.

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The old man's favorite scene is that the people they care about can eat a lot of food, so that they can feel at ease and have a sense of achievement. Therefore, seeing Qin Sangyu eat three bowls in a row, both of them are laughing, and they always ask her to eat more.

When Qin Sangyu finally put down his chopsticks, he only felt that his stomach was not enough. He helped Lu Liangcheng to get up, and then pulled the man out. "Walk with me for a while. It's good to hold up."

Lu Liangcheng bowed her head, and her stomach seemed to be bigger. She took a puff from the corner of her mouth, and quietly stretched out his hand to touch her stomach. It was strange that he felt like he was touching his son.

All of a sudden, there was a force in his stomach. His eyes lit up and he looked at Qin Sangyu in surprise. "The child just kicked me?"

Qin Sangyu nodded, and she also felt it. She laughed and said, "maybe I think of it. I'm always restless recently. Sometimes I can kick me up when I sleep."

"Wife, you have worked hard."

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