Rong Lang's step slowly, suddenly become more firm, that is his brother ah, they said that no matter what difficulties, will face together, the corner of the mouth slightly hook a, "grandfather, you know I am a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness, Lu Liangcheng is my brother, anyway, his affairs are my business."

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Mr. Rong wanted to say something more, but seeing this man so firm, it was hard to stop him. Anyway, he is old now, so let these young people go to trouble.

Lu Liangcheng got out of Rong's house and was about to get on the bus when he saw Rong Lang's butt bumping behind him. His eyebrows frowned. "Rong grandfather should not want you to get involved in such a thing. I'll do it myself this time."

The identity of those people is just listening to feel terrible, if you do not pay attention to a little, can become the target of all the big men wanted.

"You don't see who I am, and what I decide can't be changed easily by others. My grandfather is old now and only pursues stability, but it won't stop me from fooling around outside. Anyway, I'm going to marry white rose soon. While they haven't submitted their retirement application, they can have the last vote with you."

Lu Liangcheng's face was touched. He went over and patted him on the shoulder. The others didn't know what to say. They looked at each other and got on the bus one after another.

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Lu Liangcheng finally went back to the Lu family, saying that he would not often go home recently. He would let people go outside to investigate the news, and he would go out in person to find out the relationship between his mother and five places, and why people from five places should deal with Qin Sangyu.

Qin Sangyu grabs his hand, and finally slowly releases it. Knowing that this man is running outside for his own sake, he sighs, "don't hurt yourself. If you can't, don't go to them."

"You are haunted by nightmares now. How can I not look for it? You can have a good rest. Don't think about anything else."

Lu Liangcheng affectionately kisses her on the cheek, and then steps out of the gate of the Lu family.

Qin Sangyu took a look at his back, and felt a little uncomfortable. They just wanted to get along with each other. Why did it become so difficult? She sipped her mouth and then went back to sit on the sofa. Because she had a nightmare last night, she was very sleepy, so she just lay up and fell asleep.

when she opened as like as two peas, Lu Xiaobei found herself in a very fierce way, which was just like the nightmare of last night, and it was all stretched.

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"Qin Sangyu?"

Lu Xiao called her name, and Qin Sangyu was even more alarmed, because she subconsciously felt that she could not call her own name, or she would die. Sure enough, Lu Xiao immediately turned around and began to pinch her neck.

Qin Sangyu was nervous and wanted to struggle, but thought of what Lu Xiao said before, he immediately gave up the resistance. Anyway, it was just a dream, and there would be no real loss in the dream. Pinch it, pinch it, I won't stop you.

She thought so calmly, but the strength of her neck slowly disappeared. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was on the sofa. The TV was turned on. Lu Xiaozheng was peeling melon seeds and watching TV. She found that she was awake and rushed forward.

"You wake up. When I came in, I saw you sleeping here. I didn't dare to disturb you. After all, you had a nightmare last night and you must not have a good rest."

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Qin Sangyu breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head slowly. She had a good sleep. She looked at Lu Xiao and said, "thank you for the method you taught me today. Just now I repeated the same nightmare, but I didn't struggle. The feeling of being pinched soon disappeared. I was afraid, but suddenly I didn't fear. Although this method sounds absurd, it is The most effective. "

Lu Xiao picked up his eyebrows and bent his mouth. "I just feel that no matter how powerful the dream is, it's just a dream. Anyway, there's no big storm. I think you're well protected by Luliang City. That's why you're so flustered."

A word awakens the dreamer!

Qin Sangyu's eyes opened slowly, and suddenly found that it was really what this person said. Because Lu Liangcheng always protected her, she didn't deal with many things by herself. Lu Liangcheng blocked her in front of her. Her protection made her feel moved and warm. She could not help but rely on her. So now, no matter what she does, she feels very much I feel like I can't do it.

She pushed everything to Lu Liangcheng, but she forgot that Lu Liangcheng was just a mortal, and there were things he could not do. If he continued to shield himself from the wind and rain, would he be tired one day or another.

Qin Sangyu feel at this time very powerless, want to do what to help each other, but now listen to a big belly and very inconvenient.

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"Now you take good care of yourself, which is the greatest help to Luliang City. I think he intends to be more serious with the people there this time. While he is worried about things there, he has to worry about you. This is the most terrible thing."

Qin Sangyu nodded lightly, trying to calm his mood, not to be frightened by the things in his dream, "I just rely on him too much, so once I leave him, I feel like I can't do anything. Ah, I envy you at this time."Lu Xiao lightly raised eyebrows. It was a blessing to meet a husband like Lu Liangcheng for several years. This person was really in the middle of happiness. She bent her mouth slightly and didn't speak. She took out her mobile phone and made a call to baijue.

Bai Jue answered quickly. Listening to the tone of the other party, her health seemed to be better. Lu Xiao was completely relieved, "you should take good care of yourself. I'll come to see you in a few days. Recently, grandma is cooking in person. She's so enthusiastic that I can't leave."

Bai Jue now wishes that this person would come to see him later. When she heard her saying so, she nodded quickly, "well, you can stay with the two old people. When I'm well, I'll pick you up. Now I have someone watching. You don't have to worry."

Lu Xiao nodded happily, and then hung up the phone, "you envy me and baijue. I only think you are joking. You also know how many things Bai Jue and I can be together. He is still my hard pursuit But you are different. It is Lu Liangcheng who takes the initiative to look for you. He despises so many women, but he just takes a fancy to you. If you are so scared because of a nightmare, Qin Sangyu, what qualifications do you think you have to stand by my brother's side? "

Qin Sangyu is in a trance and wakes up by the other party. Yes, she is better than other women. Where is the other party?

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