In the past, she thought it was her temperament that made Lu Liangcheng appreciate it. At that time, she was not afraid of anything. But now, since she was held in the palm of the man's hand, she has lost all the courage to face difficulties. What's the difference between her and other women? Just like Lu Xiao said, she really doesn't deserve to be around Lu Liangcheng.

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"I see, thank you."

She breathed a sigh of relief and said faintly. Thinking that Lu Liangcheng is still looking for clues outside, she only felt a little dull and painful. If only she had not been afraid of the tricks in five places at the beginning, she could safely give birth to the child and then think about the five things. But now that Lu Liangcheng knows what five places have done, it is estimated that she can't be idle any more When, she still hope that the other side can accompany their own.

The dinner was ready soon, and she was not in the mood to eat because Lu Liangcheng had not come back at this time, but the two old people had been taking vegetables for her. She remembered that she had children in her stomach, so she could only bear to eat more.

In the evening, Lu Liangcheng finally came back. She was tired all over. However, at the first sight of her, she seemed to be completely exhausted and sat down beside her.

"Do you have nightmares today?"

This is what worries him most. The last time Qin Sangyu had a nightmare, he directly startled the child in his stomach. Such a thing can't be repeated several times, otherwise the child can't stand it.

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Qin Sangyu shook his head slightly, "I feel that I'm in a better mood. There should be nothing wrong with me. Maybe I'm too sensitive. In fact, you don't have to follow up on this matter As grandfather Lu said, I'll wait until my child is born. I really want you to be with me now. "

Qin Sangyu said what he wanted to say most. He reached out and held his hand. Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed, and he gently held her. "I handed the investigation to other people. I will accompany you until our child is born."

Qin Sangyu's eyes are surprise, did not expect this person to listen to their own suggestions, she nestled in his arms, "thank you."

In addition to these two words, she really did not know what to say, only felt full of happiness in her heart.

"Fool, what do you say to me? Thank you."

Lu Liangcheng hugged her tightly, as if holding the most important baby in the world.

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Lu Xiao watched from a short distance and knew that Qin Sangyu had figured it out. When she had a nightmare next time, she should not be afraid. The corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. Only in this way, everything was developing in a good direction. The child in her belly was about to come out. She could feel it.

In the following time, Lu Liangcheng was always with Qin Sangyu for fear that something might happen to him. Qin Sangyu still kept having nightmares, but now she is not afraid. Every time she has a nightmare, she tells herself that everything in the dream is false. In reality, Lu Liangcheng is with him, so she doesn't need to hurt her What was she afraid of? Maybe this psychological hint really succeeded. Then she did not fear again until baijue was discharged from hospital.

On the day of baijue's discharge from hospital, Lu Xiao was the most excited. He cleaned himself up early and said that he wanted to take a bus to see baijue. Qin Sangyu originally wanted this person to wait for him to go with him. But when he saw that he was so eager, he could only wave his hands and smile on his face, "if you know you are in a hurry, don't wait for us. Go ahead first."

As expected, Lu Xiao left first. Thinking that she could see a healthy baijue in the past, she was full of excitement. This month, she was so patient that she could not see her.

When the car stopped at the gate of the hospital, she rushed in. As soon as she came to baijue's ward, she saw that Wan Jichen came out of the ward. When she saw that she was not followed by people, she didn't wrinkle fiercely. "Why did you come by yourself? What can you do if something happened on the road? Go in. I just gave him the last shot You can wake up and be discharged. "

Lu Xiao's face is more excited, suddenly went to the side of wanzhui dust, and gave him a hard hug, which just entered the ward.

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Baijue was sleeping as expected. She was really losing a lot of weight. Thinking about it, anyone who was tortured by such pain every day would not want to eat more bowls of rice. She sat down quietly in front of the hospital bed, looking at each other tenderly and holding his hand.

It seems to know that she is coming. Bai Jue wants to open her eyes, but after injecting this medicine, she is so sleepy that she can only lie on the bed and slowly sleep in the past.

When I woke up, there were a lot of people in the ward, including Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng, as well as two elderly people.

Bai Jue felt very embarrassed. As a younger generation, she was sick and startled two old people. "Grandfather Lu, how did you come?"

Lu Tian sits on one side and shivers at the thought that Bai Jue has been so seriously ill this time. Fortunately, the boy of Wancheng family has the ability, otherwise his granddaughter will be miserable.

"Come and see you. Everyone is hiding from us. We didn't expect that your condition would be so serious. Fortunately, we are all well now, otherwise we are really worried."Bai Jue got up and turned around in front of everyone. "It's really OK. It's just that my body has been hurting a few days ago."

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As soon as the dust at this time to push the door to come in, see everyone looking at themselves, a slight cough, "can be discharged, completely no problem, tonight can be alive and you go outside hi."

Lu Xiao's face is a little red. She said before that she would invite everyone to dinner. "Otherwise, this time, we all go to get together. It's not said that we will invite you to dinner. We haven't had dinner together for a long time."

However, when Su Jue Mo came to the hospital in advance, I didn't see one of the old people who came to visit the hospital in advance

Because there was a dinner party, Su Mo just came to join the meal. Fenghua had been quietly with him. At last, they found a high-class restaurant and sat down in it. All the people looked at each other and came. At this time, they were sitting on a table with some emotion.

"Wanjichen, come on, I respect you."

Bai Jue poured a glass of wine and raised his glass toward the dust of Wanqi.

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