Lu Liangcheng tried his best to calm down. He thought that Mo Yu had been with him for a long time, and he must be able to see his emotions from some details. Mo Yu was already a little suspicious at this time, but he thought that this was his boss. He had no reason to cheat him, so he trusted him and went out of the office.

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As soon as he left, Qin Sangyu's eyebrows were raised. At this time, she was very sure that Xia Meng was from five places. She was only with Mo Yu to get information that was beneficial to her. This matter hurt Mo Yu a lot. If she can't handle it well, she can't do it well.

Lu Liangcheng also saw something wrong with Xia Meng. It was clear that when the person was in the office, his performance was seamless, but after he went out, he completely exposed his nature. For his confession, the other party was happy. She didn't like Mo Yu. Why was she so happy with his confession, even when Mo Yu was around her, she didn't feel it.

"Wife, do you think she's from five places?"

He asked Qin Sangyu and sat down in his position. If he could, he really didn't want to hurt Moyu. After all, it was the first time that Mo Yu fell in love for such a long time. Moreover, he seemed to like Xia Meng very much. If he finally knew that Xia Meng was cheating him, he would not be able to bear the blow.

"Why not? People from five places are good at camouflage. I don't think you have doubted her before. It's enough to see that she has profound skills and knows how to lock her target on Mo Yu. At least she is a very smart woman."

Qin Sangyu said faintly that his purpose to come this time has been achieved, and the next step is to let summer dream show his horse's feet. But now the other party has ink rain. As long as Mo Yu believes her, this matter will be very difficult.

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"Moyu is your brother, you have to think about it, don't let the other party get hurt."

She left this sentence and planned to leave. She had no mind to spend it here. The suspicion of that summer dream was really great. And at the moment of closing the door, the other party saw the look in her eyes, which was really uncomfortable.

Xia Meng is also shocked at this time. When Mo Yu opens the door of her office, she clearly sees Qin Sangyu inside. She is almost sure that Lu Liangcheng's confession just now is just a trial to test whether she is sincere or false about Mo Yu.

Xia Meng thought of her performance just now, but she couldn't pick out the thorn, just the smile at the door, some of which revealed her emotion, but only Mo Yu saw that smile, which should not talk nonsense.

She sat in her position for a while, feeling uneasy, she went to Moyu's office.

Mo Yu is very happy to see her coming. Since last night's date, he has been worried about Xia Meng's dissatisfaction with himself. After all, compared with those men who can say love words, he is really a little too dull.

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"Xia Meng, what's the matter? Is it something that you don't like at work?"

Xia Meng shakes his head and sits down in his seat. He wants to know what the man and Lu Liangcheng talked about in the office, but it seems inappropriate to ask him directly. Mo Yu is not a fool. Maybe that will show his horse's feet.

"When I saw the president's wife come to the office, I really want to know how she came. Mo Yu, how do I feel that the president's wife seems to be hostile to me, but the look in my eyes seems to be very wrong."

Summer dream said this, the face is sad, let Mo Yu some sad.

"No, Miss Qin is a very kind person and will not be hostile to others. Are you wrong?"

Mo Yu asked, but thinking of Qin Sangyu asked about Xia Meng and whether he suspected that Xia Meng liked the old version, but Xia Meng was clearly with him. Such jealousy really made people uncomfortable.

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"Xia Meng, don't worry, Miss Qin, I will help you speak well. If you are with me, I won't let you suffer any injustice."

"Thank you, Moyu."

Xia Meng took the initiative to lean on the arms of the rain and bend the corners of her mouth. If the smell of the fragrance is always floating into the nasal cavity of the ink rain, ink rain has always felt that this is the perfume of Xia Meng's body, but only Xia Meng knows that this is the five powder. As long as there is this, the mood of Moyu will be influenced by her all the time, and this person will become incredibly confident in himself. Five strong points of powder.

Mo Yu really believes in Xia Meng now. In front of Qin Sangyu, he doesn't even forget to say good words about Xia Meng. Both Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng think that the iron tree is really blooming, but they don't know. In fact, a large part of it is the function of medicinal powder. Because Mo Yu likes summer dream so much, Qin Sangyu and Lu Ling have been unable to find a solution.

The most annoying person is Xia Meng. Because of the confrontation with Qin Sangyu, she has exposed too many things. From the mouth of Mo Yu, she knows that Qin Sangyu is not an ordinary woman, and the other party's mind is no worse than anyone else. Can you see his hostility to her just because of such a look.

In fact, Xia Meng's conjecture is not wrong, because Qin Sangyu is really the eye of textual research. She knows the purpose of Xia Meng, and even knows that Xia Meng is actually a little interesting to Lu Liangcheng. She has already sat in Luliang City's car at this time, frowning. Seeing that Lu Liangcheng is the same, she sighs, "do you think of a solution?"Lu Liangcheng shakes his head. It seems that there is no solution to this matter. As long as you touch it, you will certainly hurt Mo Yu. He is afraid that Mo Yu will want to go astray. Mo Yu has been with him for so many years and has been willing to be in front of green leaves. This time, it is not easy for a girl to take the initiative to pursue him, and he is also trapped. However, he is told that the girl actually wants to pass him It's really hard to get in touch with another person.

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"What do you think I should do about it?"

This is the first time that Lu Liangcheng is so sad. On the one hand, there are brotherhood and five mysterious places on the other. If Xia Meng really has something to do with the five places, Mo Yu is bound to be hurt.

"Stop the loss in time, and you can't let Mo Yu fall in like this again. I think you can let Mo Yu go on a business trip for a few days. Don't let him hang out with Xia Meng all day long. Every day they get along with each other, Mo Yu will only like that woman more."

Lu Liangcheng thinks Qin Sangyu is right. He immediately finds a task and tells Mo Yu about the task.

Mo Yu is shopping with Xia Meng now. When he receives the call from Lu Liangcheng, he frowns. Why should he send him out at this time? With Xia Meng around, he really doesn't want to leave G City, but the boss's order dare not not not follow. He sighs and looks at the simple girl in front of him.

"Summer dream, I may be on a business trip."

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