Xia Meng's heart shook hard. She began to panic. She felt that Lu Liangcheng was deliberately supporting Mo Yu. She didn't want Mo Yu to have too much contact with her. That person still saw something, or that she was in the stage of suspicion. "Mo Yu, you are going to go for a few days. We just got together, and really don't want to separate from you."

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Mo Yu is very sad to see her reluctant face, but there are some problems in foreign companies that need him to solve. Although he used to travel frequently, this is the only time, and he is not so willing.

"I don't know. It's estimated that this business trip will take a long time. You should take care of yourself here. I'll leave tomorrow and wait for me to come back."

He reached out his hand and touched Xia Meng's head. Xia Meng was not used to it. He felt that he had been taken advantage of by Mo Yu. However, such small movements were too common between male and female friends. She sighed and suddenly threw herself into Mo Yu's arms. "Can you not go? I really hate you. Work can be done by others. Why must it be you, cough Cough

She began to cough violently, coughing with tears, which scared Mo Yu. She quickly took her to the car and said that she would go to the hospital. But Xia Meng stopped him, and her eyes were full of tears. "You are going to leave tomorrow. Where will you care about my life and death? Mo Yu, take me to your house, I want to see where you live."

Summer dream light says, lean on his shoulder, seem to be very attached to him.

Mo Yu liked the feeling of being attached. She bent her mouth and turned her head to leave a kiss on her cheek. "OK, I'll take you to my place."

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Mo Yu is a very honest man. How honest is he? Even if Xia Meng said this, he still didn't dare to have other ideas. He didn't dare to think about things like going to bed. He simply took this person back to his residence to go shopping.

Xia Meng has been observing this man's expression, but nothing can be observed. She sometimes even thinks, this man will be honest too much, he has offered to go to his home, he is still so calm, should not be very nervous.

"Xia Meng, why do you cough? I'll go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for you. Because my place is very good and people live there, so I don't have a medicine box. I always live with my boss."

Mo Yu has always lived with Lu Liangcheng and seldom goes back to his own place. Therefore, the place where he now lives is somewhat empty, and there are no basic things.

Summer dream does not have any interest to understand this man, just cough is just pretending, is to let the other party heartache, now hear him say so, can only say, "just a simple cold, ink rain, do you know how to cook?"

She doesn't feel that her requirements are too much, probably because she knows that Mo Yu likes her, she always asks for each other.

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"Yes, I can cook it for you tonight."

If other women met such a good man as Mo Yu, she would cherish it very much. But Xia Meng is different. Her ambition is very big. What she wants is very clear. She wants to be Lu Liangcheng's wife and marry into the Lu family. As for Mo Yu, she is just a stepping stone on her way to success. Now it seems that this man is very happy Become a stepping stone.

This is the first time Mo Yu took the girl back to his place of residence. Thinking that there was nothing in the refrigerator at home, Mo Yu immediately went to the supermarket and bought a lot of vegetables and fruits. He also asked Xia Meng what kind of fruit he liked. But Xia Meng was always light, as if he had something on his mind. He thought that he was very unhappy because he was leaving G city, My heart is sweet.

After buying fruits and vegetables, he went to the pharmacy to buy a lot of drugs, which were the regular family medicine. He was afraid that the man's cold would worsen. After buying all the things, he took Xia Meng home with him.

Xia Meng thought that the place where Mo Yu lived would be very shabby, but when she saw the villa, she was still a little stunned. Moyu was just a high-rise building in Tiancheng. She actually lived in a villa. She always thought her high-end apartment was good, but she didn't expect that this man was really hiding.

"Is this where you live?"

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Standing in the living room, she took a look at the surrounding layout, and felt that this man was still very good at life. At least, the layout was very exquisite. It didn't feel like an upstart, but it was very comfortable.

"Well, but I seldom come back. When I was on business, I used to live in a villa near which villa. There was no fixed place to live. Xia Meng, do you like it here? It's not easy for fresh graduates to rent a house. Otherwise, you can live here in the future."

Mo Yu didn't want to take advantage of Xia Meng at all, because he had brought a lot of fresh graduates, and some of the boys still talked occasionally. He knew that the most difficult thing for fresh graduates was not to find a job, but to find a place to live in Because the housing price in G city is too high, many graduates will choose to share rent with others, so as to make a living. He likes summer dream, but doesn't want to live like this.

The corners of Xia Meng's mouth turned away. Although she knew that Mo Yu lived in a villa, she would not look at this man because of the villa. After all, since she was a child, she would not care about a small villa."Well, I'm not renting. I own a house in G city."

Mo Yu hears her words, nods, as long as it is not renting a house. Renting a house is really painful. A girl doesn't need to experience these things.

"Then sit on the sofa for a while, and I'll cook for you."

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He turned around and went into the kitchen and began to wash rice and vegetables skillfully. Xia Meng was a little shocked. The man was so proficient in such a thing. He should have suffered a lot before, and his mouth was turned away. She and such people are doomed to go together. She has never suffered from hardship since childhood. If she and Mo Yu are really together, their three views will be very different.

Where does Mo Yu know that his present sacrifice is a joke in the eyes of summer dream, some people don't like you, what you do is wrong.

He made his own dishes and brought them to the dining table. Seeing Xia Meng playing games, he called out "have a meal."

Summer dream this just put down the game, see he made a few dishes style is good, but she inexplicably do not like, can only take out a mobile phone order a takeaway.

"You eat, I have no appetite."

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