In the villa where Lu Liangcheng is located, he and Qin Sangyu don't know what happened. They are still trying to coax their children. Lu Liangcheng suddenly thinks of the problem that has just been reported to him by the top management and wants to find a mobile phone. However, he finds that Qin Sangyu gave the mobile phone to him just before he went out.

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"Where did you put my cell phone? I'll call the staff in Tiancheng. "

Qin Sangyu suddenly did not know where he put his mobile phone. He looked around the bedroom and found that he had not. He suddenly remembered that when he had just come up, he seemed to have put his mobile phone on the coffee table. He immediately walked downstairs with Lu Liangcheng and took the mobile phone.

It's full of unread news of Xia Meng. The other party sent more than 20 pieces of news. Qin Sangyu feels speechless. This woman is really persistent. It can't be described with a more appropriate word, that is, licking dog. Xia Meng is the female version of licking dog.

Lu Liangcheng saw the mobile phone on the tea table. He thought that Mo Yu had just sat on the sofa for a while. He didn't know whether the other party had looked at his mobile phone. Because many times, he would let Mo Yu check some messages on his mobile phone, so the other party knew his mobile phone code.

"If you put your mobile phone here, what can you do if Mo Yu sees it? If he knows the chat records between you and Xia Meng, he will definitely misunderstand me."

"Mo Yu just went to bed. Xia Meng is really annoying. I saw that she kept sending messages. She was a little upset, and the two children were crying upstairs. She put the mobile phone here. It should be OK."

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As soon as she finished her words, she saw that Lu Liangcheng's expression was not right. She asked in doubt, "what's the matter? Have you forgotten something? "

Lu Liangcheng felt that Mo Yu must have seen the news, because the other side's expression was not right. Mo Yu had been with him for so many years, and he was more familiar with each other and sighed.

"When I just came in, I saw Mo Yu sitting on the sofa, and his face was very wrong. If he didn't guess wrong, he should have seen the news. I'm going to talk to him."

Lu Liangcheng said, and walked toward the room where Mo Yu lived. However, after knocking on the door for a long time, the other party did not come to open the door. After opening it, he found that Moyu was not at all, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes. Now he is very sure that Moyu should have read the news.

"Yes, Mo Yu thought I was that kind of person, so he left directly."

Qin Sangyu's face is also anxious, think from another angle, if she is ink rain, after seeing those news, she will doubted life, just like betrayed by a loved one and his brother. It is estimated that he has begun to hate Lu Liangcheng in his heart.

"What should I do? Let your people go out and look for it. Then you can have a good talk with him. Anyway, now that he has broken up with Xia Meng, it is time to know the identity of Xia Meng."

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Qin Sangyu said, two people quickly contact their own people to go out to look for, must return to ink rain.

At the same time, Lu Liangcheng worries a lot. If Mo Yu goes to find Xia Meng, things will be bad. He will tell Xia Meng the truth and Xia Meng will lose his trust.

"Qin Sangyu, you should send a message to Xia Meng with my number. We will catch Xia Meng tonight. If she meets Mo Yu, it will be troublesome. Mo Yu will tell us what we still love. Xia Meng will know that he has been cheated."

Qin Sangyu also know the seriousness of the matter, dare not delay at all, quickly took Lu Liangcheng's mobile phone, sent a message to Xia Meng.

Xia Meng has been waiting for a reply from landing in Liangcheng. Thinking that it is night and Qin Sangyu is beside Lu Liangcheng, she is very uncomfortable. She doesn't know when she can be with Lu Liangcheng. It would be nice if she could marry her right away.

"Xia Meng, let's meet tonight. I want to see you very much."

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Summer dream saw his mobile phone screen suddenly pop up such a, eyes a bright, is Lu Liangcheng sent to her.

But she has some affectation, thinking that this person is not accompanied by Qin Sangyu, hum, this time just want to come to find themselves.

"Qin Sangyu, you just did not reply to my message, I thought you ignored me."

Qin Sangyu could almost imagine the woman's affectable expression when she saw this one in the summer dream. She pulled the corners of her mouth. Because of the urgency of the situation, she also followed the other party's words to the bottom.

"Qin Sangyu is sleeping. I don't want to stay by her side. Let's make an appointment to meet. Do you know the left bank cafe? You can wait for me there. I'll come out immediately. Don't make up. You are a beauty even if you don't make up."

Xia Meng saw Lu Liangcheng's hair and thought about the man's mouth, which girl went out without make-up now. Although she knew she had some beauty, she didn't look so good, so she took a lipstick on her body.

When she saw the news from Lu Liangcheng, she couldn't wait. She took out the new clothes she had bought, took all the cosmetics to the car, and asked the driver to send her to her, just in order not to be late and want to get there before Luliang City.The left bank cafe in G city is very famous. It's not far from her. When the car is running, she starts to make up on her seat. She hopes to be beautiful when she sees Luliang City later.

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"Miss Xia Meng, do you stop here?"

"Well, here it is. Turn on the light for me. The light is a little dim here. I want to see the makeup on my face."

Summer dream light said, but the driver in front has not spoken, which gives her a very uneasy feeling, the heart trembled, this just found that when she just got on the bus, she did not pay attention to it. This seems that the figure of her back is somewhat different from her original driver. Is she hijacked? "

" Xia Meng's eyes narrowed, and he felt a pungent smell coming from the carriage. Then he fainted. The man drove the car in another direction, which was the place where his boss had told him.

At this time, Mo Yu has arrived at Xia Meng's home. She wants to persuade Xia Meng to give up her boss. The boss doesn't treat her sincerely. What the boss says is lying to her. He can't divorce Miss Qin. The relationship between them is still so good now. What he does now is just looking for stimulation outside.

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