The reason why he knew Xia Meng's residence was that he had followed her before, because Xia Meng never wanted him to take her home. He was very curious. So when he got into the taxi, he followed him, just to know where this person lived. Later, he even thought whether Xia Meng didn't want him to know. It turned out that her family conditions were very good, and he was absolutely right at that time Fang is a good girl. She doesn't want to put pressure on herself, but Mo Yu fully understands now that people just don't want him to understand her.

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He sighed with loss and waited for a while in the same place, but he still made a call to Buxia Meng. However, as before, the man still didn't answer. Mo Yu felt that he couldn't get lost. This person really didn't give him a chance. Now they can be together. They are already at the age of marriage. It's very important to accompany each other A wise thing to do.

But Xia Meng trapped the boss's gentle trap, and mercilessly kicked him away. Mo Yu didn't know what he should say, because all the language was pale, he felt lost and wronged, and hated his boss at the same time.

Although the boss gave him a new life at the beginning, Mo Yu was very clear at this moment that he could not treat his boss as before. He did not trust each other as much as before, and from this moment on, the boss was just the boss.

I don't know if God is joking with him. When the car drove back, he saw some ruffians fighting. It seemed that they were very fierce. He didn't want to meddle in his business. He protected the expert at this time. The other side was beaten too pitifully. But from the outline of his facial features, he could see that he was a good-looking man children.

"Who the hell are you? Can you leave our affairs alone?"

"If we don't know later, we'll come out together again!"

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Mo Yu thinks that these people are local ruffians, there should be no bottom line, but the other side can ask him that, all over his face, he does not want to cause trouble.

"Why did you hit him?"

Several ruffians frowned, afraid that Mo Yu was a policeman, but when he saw the man hiding behind him, he was not angry.

"Why? This guy relies on his good looks and colludes with his younger sister everywhere. My sister is only 15 years old. He made her pregnant. And my girlfriend was also quietly asleep by him. On the surface, this beast is brother to me, but behind his back, he regards me as a fool. Today, I will teach him a hard lesson. I tell you, this matter is none of your business If you continue to stand in the middle of us, we will be rude to you! "

Everyone thought that Mo Yu was here to find fault, but after hearing this, Mo Yu suddenly turned around and hit the injured man in the face.

"You are a beast! Don't cheat your friends and wives! Besides, there is a minor! It's time to fight! "

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The man was afraid at this time. He just liked to play with women, but he didn't like to fight with these people. He kept begging for mercy, but Mo Yu's fist was not polite at all, and hit him hard on his face until the siren sounded nearby. Those people saw Mo Yu as crazy as they were afraid that this man would kill him, so they pulled him away from here Inside.

"I said you brother, your brain is out of order. Why are you so excited that we think he's sleeping with your woman!"

Mo Yu's face was pale and smiling. In fact, his own woman was robbed by his brother, but he didn't have the courage of these people. He didn't want to do anything to Lu Liangcheng except hate each other.

"The police are coming. Let's go and you too. Don't let the police catch them, or you will go to jail."

Those several people were very kind to remind Moyu, but the ink rain was like a walking corpse, as if at all, did not hear their words, stopped in place for a while, only then slowly got on the bus, smoked a cigarette in the car, felt that it was really meaningless to live.

He had no parents since he was a child. He had only one brother. He grew up with his brother. But he trusted the boss very much. If he knew he hated the boss now, he would break his leg.

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Mo Yu sighed and thought that he simply left G city. It was a kind of torture to stay here.

But soon, his mobile phone rang, it was his brother's call, did the other party hear something?

However, Murray would make a phone call. It was a complete miscarriage. When he flipped through the calendar today, he suddenly found that it was his brother's birthday, his 27th Birthday, so he decided to celebrate with this man.

"Where are you? Let's go out for dinner. Today is your birthday. Have you forgotten?"

Mo Yu's eyes turned red when he heard his brother speak. It is estimated that this is the first time that he is so fragile that he just wants to hide himself and not to see anyone. It turns out that today is his birthday. He grew up with his brother and his elder brother is like a father, so he will listen to whatever he says.

"Well, let's go to the hotpot we often eat. I don't feel like eating hot pot for a long time."Murray keenly felt that Mo Yu was a little bit wrong, as if very low. Was it not happy to think of this person's birthday? When he had a birthday, he was always very happy. "Where is the boss? Doesn't he know that it is your birthday?"

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Lu Liangcheng used to give each other birthday personally. Everyone went out for drinks and something. But this year, he was thinking about five things. He really forgot the birthday of Mo Yu. He forgot it accidentally, but it didn't look like this in the view of Mohui.

He felt that the man didn't want to recognize his brother, or he would not encourage his girlfriend to break up with him. He suddenly felt very upset.

"Brother, tonight is the party between our brothers. You can't bring the boss out. Besides, if the boss calls you and asks where I am, don't tell you. I want to be quiet tonight."

Murray was more strange, knowing that the other party should be in a bad mood, and thought to wait for a meeting and then ask again, so he nodded firmly, "rest assured, I will not tell the boss about this."

He just hung up, saw Lu Liangcheng called, and asked whether Mo Yu was there. Murray was more strange and felt something must have happened between the two.

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