But after the experience in G City, summer dream has matured. Now she only has her own interests in her eyes. She doesn't pay attention to everyone at all. Only in summer, she will listen. Summer is her father.

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Summer is a person who cares about interests very much. Although he has given birth to so many children, some of them have never met him since childhood. They have lived like ordinary people all their lives, and even have not lived as well as ordinary people. After all, as long as you have entered five places, once you have no use value, you will not pay attention to you.

However, it doesn't mean that the brothers and sisters will not pay attention to it in summer. In their opinion, anyone may become their enemy. Although many people have not shown their face in front of their father, they have to attack many people in order to prevent them from happening, so that they have no possibility of turning over in their whole life. Now the object they want to attack most is It is summer dream, because summer dream is really too eye-catching, in G city put such a big mistake, but in the eyes of her father, she is still that excellent child.

Summer dream to find time to see dream dream, found that dream is now very good, although looking more mature than before, but see her come, immediately let people bring good coffee.

"Sister Xia Meng, I thought you forgot me."

Dream at this time is not like a teenage girl, all over the body is full of precocity, but this precocity contains a little immature, which is undoubtedly the most attractive for men like summer.

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Dream sat down beside Xia Meng, her face was naive. "Sister Xia Meng, I have seen a lot of things recently, which I have never seen before. I really thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I would not have lived the life now. Your father is very kind to me and bought me a lot of things. Sister Xia Meng, I will repay you well in the future."

Xia Meng's eyes are full of smiles. Although Mengmeng is smarter than others, she is only a child after all. She doesn't know the danger of human nature. She doesn't know that she was sold by others. She still regards Xia Meng as her closest person and wants to repay each other.

"As long as you live a good life, dream, I said that you will live a good life. If you hear people say something about me in the future, you must take the initiative to tell me that if I am defeated, then your good days will come to an end. We need to help each other, understand? Now you are in front of my father, what my father said and did What, you must write down all, dream, your memory is better than others, I believe you can do it

Dream nodded and knew that this person was very good to herself, and what she asked her to do would be completed by herself.

"Sister Xia Meng, don't worry. I remember what you told me. I will be your best stop here. I have seen that many people want to drag you into the water. As long as I am here for a day, you will not be bullied by others."

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Dream eyes are very clean, at least in this moment, she is really for the summer dream.

Summer dream will her in the arms, the corners of the mouth light hook up, "at the beginning I knew that he did not see the wrong person, then you take good care of my father, if there is anything, remember to tell me."

"Yes, sister Xia Meng."

Dream is still the clever dream. What she wanted was a life of rich clothes and luxuriant food. Now she has lived such a life and her life has reached its peak. The next step is to have a good look at how to maintain such a life. As the saying goes, it is easy to change from thrifty to extravagant, and from extravagance to frugality. Now if she is allowed to live as before, she will feel that she will die.

As soon as Xia Meng left here, she ran into her sister outside. Xia ChuChu is a goddess in the five places. She looks pitiful. But she knew from a very young age that this man was just a poor looking man, and his moves were no worse than anyone else.

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"Sister, didn't you go abroad to recuperate? Why did you come back at this time?"

She just asked politely, but Xia ChuChu's mouth seemed to have thorns, staring at her faintly, "I heard you found a little girl for Dad? Xia Meng, I really didn't expect that you would do such a despicable thing in order to get dad's attention. "

Summer dream's eyes are all ridicule, she will be like this, is not this person's good teaching, at the beginning of the first to father to send a little girl, but her dear good sister.

"Xia ChuChu, what kind of dress do you put on in front of me? Did you forget the girl you sent to my father's hand, and she was tortured to death at last. What qualifications do you have to say to me now? I don't know if the girl's wronged soul has ever looked for you at night."

Xia ChuChu's face suddenly turned white. At the beginning, the little girl was the pain of her life. When she went out to carry out the task, she rescued a girl. The girl liked her very much and trusted her very much. Who knows that she pushed the other party into the abyss personally. When her father said that she would take the girl to play, she really thought that her father would take the girl to play In places like the scene, she thought that the other party thought that the girl was cute, so she paid so much attention to the other party. It was not until a week later that she saw the girl's body that she almost collapsed. At that time, she realized that her father had such a hobby, which made her feel sick.But living in the five places, summer is everything here. She has no strength to compete with each other. All these years, she has been looking for excuses to go out, but she still comes back to show her face every month. Otherwise, dad will doubt her. He is a very suspicious person.

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But just back, she heard that Xia Meng had given her father a little girl. Those children were only in their teens, and their lives were just unfolding. How could they be destroyed in the hands of that man? But Xia Meng, as her sister, did not have any repentance at this time, and was even proud of what she had done.

"Xia Meng, you really changed. You were not like this before. We had the best time when we were young. At that time, I thought you really regarded me as my sister, but I didn't expect that you were just trying to make use of me..."

Xia ChuChu's face was full of pain. Although the big family was chilling, she always felt warm because of the existence of this sister But how can this person repay her? When she is not paying attention, stabbing a knife into her body.

, "summer, Chu, Chu, don't put yourself in such a good way, the person who was reporting in front of dad is not what you are. You really think I don't know anything. From childhood you are the eyelid that dad sent to me, a running dog, and less sister love here!"

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