Xia ChuChu heard Xia Meng's words, and her face turned white. It turned out that she had always been amorous. This person never regarded her as a sister. As a child, she always took the initiative to take Xia Meng's mistakes in her own body, but she knew that people had always thought of her like this.

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"Xia Meng, when I was a child, I really regarded you as a sister. I don't know what you said. If you don't believe it, you can ask your father in person. Your character is easy to be bewitched, and you will never realize your mistakes."

Xia ChuChu light said, and will not because this person is his sister, has been conniving at her, others will not say her shortcomings, but she will, she really do not want this person to go wrong, now that the child has been to the father's side, estimated to be poisoned, children for these things are not clear what is, and will not feel ashamed Shame, is completely deceived.

"Sister, don't tell me that you want to save the dream. I can tell you that it is the life that Meng Meng chose by herself. It has nothing to do with me. I just gave her an opportunity. She is still very grateful to me."

Summer dream light said, the corners of the mouth are smiling, some disdain to look at this artificial woman, in all people's eyes, Xia ChuChu is the most kind-hearted one, all said that her heart is soft, even father in this person's side, will unconsciously slow down his tone, by what ah, Xia ChuChu these years, but did not make the slightest contribution for five places.

"Sister, I wonder if there is a hidden relationship between you and dad. Otherwise, how could dad treat you so well? Do you think you are secretly...

Xia Meng looks at her eyes with disdain. As for what is in private, both of them are very clear, and Xia Meng's mouth will not spit out any good words.

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A slap in the face of summer dream, summer dream some incredible looking at this woman, she actually hit her? Damn it, who does this woman think she is? She calls her sister. Does she really regard herself as her sister? In the five places, where there is any kinship.

"I don't want to hear that a second time."

Xia ChuChu's eyes are cruel, before this, she always thought that summer dream was hoodwinked, but now it seems that the other party's heart is originally black, forget all things dirty aspects, now the summer dream is not the original little girl, also does not deserve her any relationship.

Once figured out such a point, Xia ChuChu treats her without any mercy, lightly pinches Xia Meng's chin, "later let me hear such words, I will not be polite, and ah, if I tell these words to Dad, believe me, he will be more angry than me."

Xia Meng saw Xia ChuChu's present appearance, and felt that this person was completely like a changed person. How many sides does this woman have? Just put it not very gentle? How suddenly has she become like this.

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After Xia ChuChu left, her eyebrows were frowning all the time. She wanted to know how the girl next to her father was doing. She wanted to let others have a look, but after thinking about it, she decided to go and have a look. When she arrived in the dream room, she saw the 12-year-old child making up in front of the mirror.

I don't know who taught her this make-up. Looking at her is not a girl at all, she has a sense of pretending to be mature.

"Are you a dream?"

Xia ChuChu hesitated to open her mouth. She used to like children very much, but the breath from her dream made her very uncomfortable. Why does such a small child have such a breath,

"I am, who are you?"

Dream turned to look at this woman, found that she has summer dream elder sister looks like, "you are summer dream elder sister's elder sister?"

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Xia ChuChu nodded and squatted beside Mengmeng. Before she came here, she thought that dream was forced and had been cheated to come here. But after seeing the breath of dream, she was suddenly very sure. Maybe the child really wanted to live like this, and the corners of her mouth pursed. The child was not an ordinary person. Although she was talking to her, her eyes were one Straight has a light alert.

"Do you want to leave here or not, I can take you away. You, a child, should not end up alone in this place. In the future, you will meet someone who really loves you, and you will regret it."

Xia Chuchu can only explain this with dream, but dream is like looking at the other side as a fool. She is willing to stay here. No matter who asks her to leave, she will not leave. It feels very good here. There are so many delicious things, so many big clothes and perfume every day. This is something she never dared to think about. Xia Meng changed her completely. Sheng, she really thanks that person very much.

But I don't know what kind of mind the woman in front of her really wants to take her out of here.

"I don't want to leave, you go, do not come to me, I am very happy here, and that uncle is very good to me."

Xia ChuChu's eyes flashed a little surprised, it seems that this girl is much more precocious than the people of the same age. She can only get up and is planning to go out. She gets up and sees the summer coming in.Summer nodded to her faintly. After so many years, her relationship with summer seemed to be like this. They nodded each other and seldom really sat down to say anything.

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She always knew why her father was so tolerant to her. In fact, she loved a woman in her life in summer. That woman was her mother. However, when her mother died in order to save her father, the man felt guilty. So for so many years, she always wanted to mend her body. But Xia ChuChu didn't want to stay in five places, and she always had her own outside Her father helped her a lot secretly, so every month she would take time to report here, so as not to let people down.

"Are you used to it outside?"

Summer light said, beckoning to the dream, dream immediately cleverly sat in his arms, like a porcelain doll general, this feeling makes Xia ChuChu very uncomfortable, seems to feel the resistance of Xia ChuChu, summer patted dream on the shoulder, "you go out to play first."

Dream performance has always been very clever, heard his words, faint nod, and then really left here.

Summer just sighed, "I know you don't want to stay in five places, but the outside world is not as simple as you think."

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