After a day's hard work, she finally lay down on her favorite big bed. Unfortunately, she immediately received a call from Xia Meng. Xia Meng's voice had a trace of bitter resentment. After so many years, she was still angry that she had been a shield for a person for so many years.

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"Did dad ask you to go to Lu Liangcheng? Xia ChuChu, where have you and Lu Liangcheng developed? I've known since I was a child that you have a deep mind. I didn't expect that this time I've actually dealt with my man. "

She regards Lu Liangcheng as her own man, and no one else can touch her, including Qin Sangyu. Therefore, in her heart, she will find Qin Sangyu sooner or later. After all, Lu Liangcheng has a engagement with her, and can never have relations with any other woman.

Even if Lu Liangcheng doesn't like himself now, he will be with him sooner or later. Their fate has always been tied together, and it is impossible for that person not to admit it.

"Are you a man in Liangcheng? Summer dream They have already married Qin Sangyu, and now they have children. If you continue to pester, you will destroy their marriage. Do you think that the happiness you rob will last for a long time? How did you rob it and how you will lose it. Xia Meng, as your sister, I still want to advise you that it is not too late to look back, your ambition will hurt you sooner or later !”

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"Shut up

Xia Meng said bitterly, what does this woman know? All along, the other party only criticizes her from the perspective of a saint. She has no idea how persistent she is in her heart. She likes Lu Liangcheng seriously Since the two men had been engaged for a long time, why did Lu Liangcheng marry other women? This is not a breach of their commitment. This is what Lu Liangcheng owes her. If the man does not divorce Qin Sangyu, she will tear Qin Sangyu to pieces.

"Xia ChuChu, you are well protected, so I don't know the darkness of the five places. If you had that mother, do you think Dad would have thought for you so carefully, then you will only be a chess piece that he can use. Just like me, Xia ChuChu, you have never been my sister. I'm just your stand in and your shield, I tell you You, what you owe me, I'll get it back sooner or later. "

Summer dream said with a smile, as for the ink rain in G City, she has already forgotten this man, at the beginning of everything is just a play on the spot, that man is stupid, will take everything seriously, hum.

She put down her mobile phone lightly, just through her own mirror, saw the three elders prying outside, looking very obscene.

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When Xia Meng thought that she might marry such an old man in the future, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach. At first, since she had chosen this man, there was no way out for everything. Even if all the rights of the five places were in her hands, she was just a puppet of the three elders. But she didn't care so much. As long as she could revenge herself, whatever she did Yes, she would.

"Three elders, if you have something to say, what are you wandering about?"

She said sarcastically, but the three elders didn't recognize the sarcasm in this person's tone at all. She took out a painting that he had painted yesterday, and all the paintings were about this man, four or five.

Xia Meng saw that the old man regarded a pile of waste paper as a treasure, and his eyes were full of sarcastic smile. Was it because he had promised to get married that he would now have no scruples. Damn it, she couldn't even turn over with each other. She could only take a few pictures and said, "are you painting them? It's really fierce."

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She praises hypocritically, but she sees a glimmer of light in the eyes of the three elders. It seems that the other party is very concerned about being praised by herself, and the corners of her mouth are bent. "Three elders, what did you do last time I asked you to do? Don't perfunctorily. My father will die soon. If our plan is not completed by then, the one who marries me will become his Someone else. "

She said faintly and put some paintings aside. A trace of anxiety appeared on the faces of the three elders. She said quickly, "Miss Xia Meng, I finished your task very early. Now all my people are around the island. As long as the director dies, we will fight with other elders immediately. No one will be our opponent. You can rest assured."

How can Xia Meng rest assured that she can't bear to have a little flaw. This time, she is absolutely sure that she will win. If she still has a happy time, she will faint directly.

"Three elders, although we first knew the news that my father was going to die, we should not let out any information or take it lightly. This is my last stop. If I win, I can turn over. If I lose, I will die. If you want me to live, you must finish all the tasks I assigned to you."

When the three elders heard Xia Meng say this, he was shocked. Is this man's idea so extreme? It turns out that this is a war that can only be won. He will immediately turn around and go out. He absolutely can't let Miss Xia Meng have anything to do. So he has to check the things arranged before to avoid other omissions.

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Xia Meng looks at his back, and his eyes are full of ironic smile. Qin Sangyu and Xia ChuChu are not dead. How could she die so boastfully? She just said that just to make this person more attentive. The ability of the three elders has always been very strong, which is the reason why she will choose the other party. If Qin Sangyu and Xia ChuChu are not dead, how can she praise her death After all, she is willing to listen to each other.The third senior general checked all the arrangements again, and there were still no mistakes, so he went back to his room. However, on the way, he met a dream. The girl is the one who is being raised by the director. I don't know what the situation of the other party is, and the body of the director. The director has not come out to see people for two or three days, and I don't know if she died In my own room.

"Dream, stop for me."

He snorted coldly and said, dream quickly stood in place, saw three elders, respectfully line a ceremony, "three elders, do you have anything to do?"

"How is the chief's health? When I saw him last time, I found that his face was very pale. I don't know if he is any better now."

Dream's eyes flash a trace of vigilance, uncle told her, absolutely can't reveal his present situation to anyone, can only close his lips.

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