"Uncle is much better, but he doesn't want anyone to see him. Recently, he has been cultivating himself. If the three elders want to go to his room, please call him in advance."

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The three elders probably didn't expect that he was choked by a child one day. The other side didn't know what to say. He had to knock on his head and suddenly found a sugar from his body and put it in front of his dream.

"Mengmeng, do girls like this stuff? Tell me what the uncle is doing now, and I'll give you sugar, OK?"

During this period of time, Mengmeng has been following the summer. She has eaten all the delicacies. How can she care about a small piece of sugar? She looks at the three elders like a fool. She thinks that this person is really strange. If she really wants to see uncle, why not call him directly? Uncle is a very kind person. If he is three long, he is very kind What's the matter? Uncle will meet with each other.

But at this time, this person is here to ask himself, really strange.

"Three elders, if you want to see the uncle, you can call him directly, right? Why ask me here, I'm just a child, I don't know anything. "

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When she said she was only a child, her heart was a little empty. Although she was only 12 years old, she understood all the things she should know. She also knew many things that other children didn't know. The uncle praised her and said that she knew too much.

Mengmeng's heart is a little tangled, because she knows that Sanchang is always a sister of Xia Meng. Sister Xia Meng has kindness to herself. If it was not for sister Xia Meng, she would not have come to five places. Therefore, sister Xia Meng occupies a very important position in her heart.

And she often saw Xia Meng sister and three elders walking very close, which shows that the relationship between the three elders and Xia Meng sister should be very close.

Three elders found that this child and other children are really different, he can only slowly squat down, raised his hand to touch the head of dream dream, "dream, I ask you this is for your uncle's good, if your uncle really has something wrong? Do you know how to deal with it? Director Xia is the leader here. If you find that his health is not strong, many people with bad intentions will do it at this time. You deliberately hide the news. Can you afford to do anything about your uncle in the future? Dream, you are just a child. You don't understand many things. You need to consult our predecessors. "

When the three elders found that the cognition of dream and dream was not only staying at the stage of children, they began to use these principles to cover each other's words. Although it was a little mean, the effect was very good.

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As soon as Mengmeng heard him say this, he began to panic, "three elders, uncle's health is really bad recently, but he has been holding on, and I don't know why he has to hold on. Maybe it's for five things. I think uncle is the best person I've ever met. Although he told me that he can't tell other people about his body, but I know that his body is slowly getting worse. Uncle should want to live longer, but I give him medicine and he won't take it. I want to call a doctor, and he won't allow me to. I'm really worried

Dream said, feeling that she was about to cry, because she really did not want to lose uncle's favor, but there is no way in front of her, uncle refused to take medicine, the doctor did not come, she can only accompany each other every day, hoping that his body can suddenly get better.

There was a glimmer of gloom in the eyes of the three elders. It seems that the body of the chief is really not good. How long the other party can drag on is not sure. He and Miss Xia Meng have to prepare early.

He thought so, and immediately went to see Xia Meng, but was told that the rain had gone to other places, as to where he had gone, he had no idea.

In fact, Xia Meng not only reached an agreement with the three elders. When she did not cooperate with the three elders, she asked her own people whether they wanted to do something big with her, but all the people refused her. Maybe she was a woman who should not be involved in these things.

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Later, after the three elders joined in, her talents gradually joined her plan, but all of them were confused. They didn't know what she was going to do. Xia Meng came to see them at this time, just to explain what she planned to do in the future.

After listening to Xia Meng's words, they were shocked because the man wanted to capture five places. Did the other party forget that five were her father's things? It's really unfilial for her to treat her father like this.

Xia Meng's eyes are full of resentment, but she has never regarded that person as her father. People have been using her and using her as a shield for Xia ChuChu. She will never forgive each other.

What's good about Xia ChuChu? It's just that she has a good face and a good fetus. If her mother is not the woman her father loves most, Xia ChuChu will be a chess piece. According to her character, she will be the most unfortunate one.

Xia Meng gently pulled a lower lip. To be honest, she was actually very jealous of Xia ChuChu. The more jealous she was, the more she wanted to destroy her. She absolutely did not allow anyone to stand on her head, especially the elder sister who was not favored by her.Xia ChuChu didn't want to fight with other brothers and sisters since childhood, so she has always been outside. In everyone's opinion, she is the most hopeless person. Everyone thinks that she will be gradually forgotten by her father, so many people don't deal with each other. Although the brothers and sisters compete with each other, Xia ChuChu seems to have been forgotten since childhood. She is in the brothers and sisters Between the impression is even very good, all people want to be good friends with her.

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This is probably the place where Dad is powerful. He is worthy of being a director for so many years. He has achieved the ultimate in grasping the people's heart.

Summer dream think of these, in the heart of resentment, think about it from another angle, if Xia ChuChu knows that he has been a shield for so many years, it is estimated that she will be more crazy than she is now.

"Miss Xia Meng, are you sure you want to do this? That man is your father

Some people said faintly, their hearts have been shaking. They don't want to be nailed on the stigma column. In the five sections, rules and other things are equivalent to laws. If someone breaks the rules, they will be condemned by everyone.

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