Even if Xia Meng's current behavior breaks the rules, Xia Meng dismisses them. These people don't know that their father will die soon. If they are given a chance, they will be more unscrupulous.

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"I'm well prepared. As for whether you dare to join me, that's your business. It's a decision to change your life. Those who are involved can raise their hands. Those who don't can go now. But you have to remember that you can't tell others what I told you. If I know who has leaked the secret, I won't spare the other party. "

People who have lived in the five places for so long all know Xia Meng's means. If this person is cruel, it's like poisonous scorpion. They don't want to provoke each other. So after hearing her words, they hesitated a little, and everyone raised their hands. After all, the three elders are on this side, and the three elders are not impulsive people.

If Miss Xia Meng and the three elders join hands, they may be able to hold the position firmly in their hands. Although they may be nailed on the pillar of shame, it is obvious that they want a good life. As for the pillar of shame, it is the excuse of the loser.

Xia Meng saw that the people who had followed him now raised their hands, and felt more or less gratified, although he knew that these people raised their hands because of the three elders.

"Miss Xia Meng, don't worry. We will follow you all the time."

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"Yes, Miss Xia Meng, no matter what you do, we will support you."

This is the first time that Xia Meng realized the feeling of being supported by others. Her mouth was bent. If she could, she would like to plot a rebellion and grab that position from her father. But now, it will only be more chaotic. And other elders are expected to give her a lot of trouble, as well as the rights held by her father.

After a short time of thinking, she still pressed down her ambition a little. It seems that she has to wait until her father dies.

But on the other side, dream dream this time has come to the summer, here, see the summer face more pale, Lianjiang took the side of the veil, to the other side of the forehead.

Summer probably did not think that when he was in bed, he was actually such a child taking care of him. He looked at the ceiling faintly, saw that dream brought some medicine back, and shook his head slightly, "dream, these drugs are useless, you don't have to worry, I'm fine."

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"Uncle, don't lie to me. I know you will die. I know you talked with sister Xia ChuChu that day. Uncle, you can't last long. Why don't you call a doctor? If you call a doctor, you can stay for a long time."

But when summer heard the key point, the man actually hid behind his back to eavesdrop on him and his delicate speech. A flash of fire flashed in his mind, thinking about what seemed to be his physical problems. Xia Meng should have known it, but the child had been holding back and didn't make a move. Maybe he was waiting for him to die slowly.

Summer does not blame each other at all, after all, at the beginning of his position, is also stepping on the bones of countless people to climb up, want to stand in a high position, you have to abandon everything, this is very clear to his daughter.

"Meng Meng, have you seen who your sister Xia Meng is close to when you are outside recently? I'm going to die soon. I really don't trust her, and I don't know if the child has friends in the five branches."

Compared with the three elders' interrogation methods, summer's is obviously much better. He spent such a long time with dream and dream, which can be regarded as a thorough understanding of the child's temperament. In the final analysis, it is only a child and can't stir up any storm.

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"Sister Xia Meng's relationship with the three elders is very good recently. I think the three elders often go to her, and yesterday they painted several pairs of paintings for her. I also heard what they said about the wedding, but I don't know whose wedding it is. I think sister Xia Meng has a favorite person."

Summer immediately thought of the day when several elders came to see him. The three elders said that the man was full of confidence and seemed to have figured out what would happen to him and Xia Meng. It seems that there should be some agreement between him and Xia Meng. For example, once they succeed in winning five places, they will get married?

Summer looked at Meng Meng and knew that the child must have told Xia Meng what he and Chu had said, and the corners of his mouth were bent. In this way, the game became more and more wonderful. I don't know that Xia Meng, who was prepared earlier, will win or lose against the other elders? It's hard to say.

"Dream dream, this time I don't blame you to go outside and talk nonsense. You can give me memories. In addition to the three elders, who is your sister Xia Meng coming closer to?"

In addition to the three elders, did Xia Meng not attract other people? He knew his daughter. Without complete preparation, the other party would never have done anything. The corners of his mouth were hooked up. The daughter, ah, sometimes really surprised him. If the other party didn't always stick to his daughter's personal love, he would certainly have made great achievements in the future Interest.

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"And those subordinates I used to have. I saw that sister Xia Meng was discussing with them. At first, those people didn't agree. But recently, their attitude was a little loose. Uncle, you're all sick. Why do you have to do something about the five departments? I think you should have a good rest now. I believe that as long as you have a good rest, your body will be OK."In summer, she reached out and touched her dream's head. Although the child was smart, she was only a child after all. Many things could not be considered. She needed other people's advice. However, as long as someone was willing to teach each other well, the child's future must be limitless. She could see through everything, and she had a delicate heart and dared to give advice to adults Rare.

"Dream dream, you remember the words of uncle, if the uncle is not in the future, you should follow Xia Meng's side well, I believe she will cultivate you well."

Dream eyes instantly red, feel this person with the account of the matter, such a feeling makes her very uncomfortable.

"Uncle, are you really going to die? I thought you were just joking

Xia Meng's eyes flashed. Although Xia Meng was able to successfully get five places in his hand, he was still a little short of time to deal with Lu Liangcheng. With Xia ChuChu beside Lu Liangcheng, Xia Meng would not be in any danger to his life. Because of his guilt in his heart, he would not have the heart to kill Chu Chu. At that time, Xia Meng would return to five places and sit down with him The position, constantly strong, this child follows the summer dream, the future is unlimited.

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