After Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng entered the house, they still felt that something might have happened. They were worried. They took him by the hand and sat down by the side. "Tell me honestly, is there something big going on in the company? Do you need Ethan's help? "

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Lu Liangcheng looked at this woman speechless. She really looked down on him. Tiancheng can go to the present situation. The things tonight are just trivial things for him. If you can't get this right, Tiancheng would have collapsed.

"It's all right. Don't worry about it."

Qin Yuyu was worried about Moyu, but she was worried about Moyu. How did she feel when she entered the room? How do I feel that his spirit is not very good, did you scold him for what happened tonight? "

Lu Liangcheng took a turn of the tongue again, thinking that Qin Sangyu really wanted to piss him off. Was she such a person in her heart? "He said that he was in a bad mood and wanted to go abroad for a holiday, and he would not come back for half a year. I think he is affected by the summer dream too seriously. Let him go out and play, so as not to be depressed all the time."

Qin Sangyu sighed. She also felt very angry about Xia Meng. She knew that Xia Meng was not dead, but she promised that she would not tell the people in front of her or Mo Yu that she was still alive. Whether there is a fate between them depends on the arrangement of heaven.

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Mo Yu quickly prepared the things for his vacation and handed them to Lu Liangcheng's room. Now that Lu Liangcheng has just taken a bath, he signs his name on it and informs all the senior officials. Then he lies on the bed and hugs Qin Sangyu in his arms.

Qin Sangyu has been thinking about Xia Meng, but for a while she also thinks about Xia ChuChu. Xia ChuChu seems to be out of sorts recently, because the other party is crying and laughing tonight. If she hadn't repeatedly promised that she was ok, she would have called the doctor to see him.

"If you say that after a person is rejected, will he go crazy? I think Xia ChuChu is also very wrong. Anyway, it gives me a strange feeling."

Lu Liangcheng's brow frowned. Xia ChuChu grew up in five places from below. Even if he was rejected by wanqichen, his psychological endurance would not be so low, because something happened that they didn't know.

"Xia ChuChu is a person from the five departments, and is also the future successor who was very optimistic about by the original director. Do you really think her psychological endurance will be so low, wife, don't always worry about these. Should we continue our business?"

Lu Liangcheng's face was tinged with a bad smile. That night, after his old house was smashed by his grandmother, Qin Sangyu seemed to have been very resistant to this matter and didn't want to continue. However, now that the two children are hard to be around, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once the child is sent back, things between husband and wife will be reduced by more than half. He is a normal man I can't help it.

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But as soon as Qin Sangyu heard him say this, he thought of his disgrace in his old house. "Don't want to, have a good rest, sleep, and live is not just for this kind of thing. Lu Liangcheng, you are already an adult. You should learn to restrain yourself. Don't always be affected by this thing. You can't even control your own desire. You can't do anything important."

Qin Sangyu began to seriously educate each other. She didn't think it was her fault. After all, it was normal between husband and wife, but she kept pushing away, which made Lu Liangcheng very miserable.

Lu Liangcheng was lying on the bed, like a salted fish, or he was already a salted fish. He took a leisurely look at Qin Sangyu and found that Qin Sangyu had no sign of conscience, so he sighed heavily and planned to go to sleep.

But in the middle of his sleep, he felt vaguely that someone was kissing him, and his spirit was suddenly excited. However, he restrained his desire to put people under his body. He kept holding on and pretended to continue to sleep, just to see what Qin Sangyu was going to do until Qin sang Yu kissed him Time, he has been unable to help, will each other a hug, and then ruthlessly pressed down.

"It's your initiative. Don't blame me."

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Lu Liangcheng had been holding back for a long time before. She was very uncomfortable in her heart. She was rejected by Qin Sangyu tonight, which was even more uncomfortable. So now she has the opportunity. She has no control and allows her body to vent. Qin Sangyu thought that she would stop in half an hour at most. But it was only in the early morning outside that she slowly opened her eyes and found that the animal was still there continue.

"Are you a human being, Luliang City, you are an animal!"

Lu Liangcheng thought that I was you, the beast is not also you forced out, his face is satisfied, and then put people into his arms, in her ear blowing a breath, "comfortable, wife, sleep."

He is comfortable. Qin Sangyu is almost falling apart now. She wants to go to the bathroom, but the pain on her waist almost makes her scream. Some indignant glances at the man who falls asleep. What a beast.

She went to the bathroom sullenly. She saw that there were large pieces of strawberries on her neck. She felt that her face was boiling hot. This Luliang City was really like a wolf who had been hungry for several days and suddenly ran into delicious meat. She quickly washed her face, turned out a high-collar sweater from the wardrobe, and covered herself with strong knots, which made her feel better.Now the weather is still very cold, because Lu Liangcheng has been struggling for the whole night last night. Qin Sangyu thinks that he is a little tired, so she went alone during the morning run, without disturbing each other.

When she came back from running in the morning, she saw Lu Liangcheng walking down the stairs. After seeing her, she showed a smiling face.

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The new aunt has already prepared the food. Sure enough, such an aunt has more experience than those little girls. The cooking is also very delicious. Qin Sangyu is very satisfied and can't help but praise a few words.

"Auntie, your food is delicious."

Aunt was praised by her face is smiling, "I and Xiaozhang are acquainted, she now went to honeymoon, know I am coming, already told me your taste, Miss Qin, you eat slowly, I did a lot this morning."

Qin Sangyu nodded, originally wanted to have dinner with Xia ChuChu, but Xia ChuChu went to class in the morning, saying that she didn't understand the previous several places, so she had to find a leading professional to explain to her.

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