Xia ChuChu's diligence in his career made Qin Sangyu very happy. The other party had talent and was willing to work hard. It seems that he is not far away from the fire.

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How did she know that Xia ChuChu came to the research room? She had been here once before, and people at the door knew her. So when she saw her coming again, she didn't stop her. It was just a little strange. What was the relationship between this person and wanjichen.

Wanzhuo dust did not expect Xia ChuChu would take the initiative to find himself, his face is still wearing a mask, hand also holding several test tubes, saw her come in, frown for a while, hurriedly put down the things in his hand, "a lot of things in this are toxic, you go to the next room to wait for me, I will come out immediately."

Xia Chu nodded and went to the next door. She got up early this morning and made a breakfast by herself. She wanted to give it to wanjichen. There was no other meaning. As long as the other party picked up her things in person, she would leave immediately and would never disturb him here.

Ten minutes later, I saw Xia ChuChu sitting on the seat and did not dare to move things around. A smile flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the shadow of the first visit was still there. This time, I learned to be clever.

"What's the matter?"

He asked, sitting down in front of her.

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Xia ChuChu's face turned red and put the lunch box in front of him. "Recently, I studied some recipes. This is good for your health. I heard that because you are so absorbed in research, you often forget to eat. Thinking that you must not have breakfast today, I brought it to you."

She said this sentence, rose and bowed, "what you said that day, let me have a lot of confidence, I will continue to work hard."

Finish this sentence, ran, face red like a monkey's butt, hands and feet do not know how to put, when she reacts, found that she has been out of the research room.

Xia ChuChu some chagrin, chagrined wish that he did not come here this morning, really, just why bow? Is she crazy? Bow for what? It must be too tense and her body is out of control. She thought so. Her face was full of hate for iron and steel. At last, she returned home almost depressed. Now, Wan Jichen's impression on her is expected to decline.

Why did she have to die to say that, put down the things and go.

"You're back. Have you had breakfast yet? You are so diligent that you know to study early in the morning."

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Qin Sangyu saw her, said happily, put the prepared things in front of her, "know you didn't have breakfast, eat it quickly, after eating, we play games together."

In fact, she did not dare to see her father's love in her eyes Tell each other what happened.

But after meeting Qin Sangyu, the other party's feelings were sincere and warm, which moved people. She sat down slightly red in her eyes, "Qin Sangyu, I finally know why Lu Liangcheng likes you so much. Your heart is very clean."

"I have a secret to tell you, but you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone else."

Qin Sangyu nodded and leaned close to his head, thinking about what secret this man was going to tell her.

"In fact, the last time you worried that I was out of my mind and said I was abnormal, I was too happy. I thought Wan Jichen would not like me and would refuse me directly. But you know, he told me to wait for him for three years. If I still like him after three years, we will get married."

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Her eyes are full of longing, and her mouth is full of happiness. Even Qin Sangyu almost screamed when she heard the news, not to mention Xia ChuChu. No wonder this person was so abnormal at the beginning. She gave Xia ChuChu a hard pat on the shoulder, "yes, you are. It seems that there is predestination between you. I knew you would be together in the end. Come on, wait Chen is not a person who promises casually. Since he has said so, he has accepted your sincerity. Now it depends on whether you can stick to it. "

"I'll stick to it for sure!"

Qin Sangyu's words just finished, Xia ChuChu firmly replied, eyes shining.

Qin Sangyu was very pleased, took out his mobile phone, saw Xia ChuChu eat so slowly, sighed, "it seems that you just did not go to study, you are looking for wanjichen, right? I'm a little curious about what it's like to fall in love with wanjichen. That person usually looks lofty and lofty, but when he has a heart, he will meet a guy who comes to collect himself. "

Xiachu chufei quickly finished the meal, thinking that he and Wancheng dust are not falling in love, the other side seems to have always been in a state of peace of mind, did not do more extraordinary things.

What she didn't know was that after she left the laboratory, Wan Jichen looked at the food in a daze. Finally, he slowly opened the incubator and took out the food. He did not eat anything this morning. Because he had been studying the medical techniques that he was interested in recently, his meal time was not fixed, and occasionally he had stomachache, but he always felt that it was nothing After all, it's fun to be able to dig into what you like.But when he saw the steaming food, he suddenly thought that if he was so absorbed in research that his body would be ruined, what would he use to marry Xia ChuChu three years later? He could not let a healthy person accompany him with his broken body?

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Wanjichen almost realized it in an instant, and his eyes and eyebrows were full of sorrow. After finishing the meal, he immediately ordered the people who were guarding outside to deliver three meals a day to me regularly, and he must go to the laboratory to call him out.

The man guarding outside almost cried. He was a talent valued by the country all the time. If his health failed, they would be punished. Therefore, he always thought that they were persuading each other to have a good meal. However, Wan Jichen did not listen to the advice, and I don't know how the man had figured out how to start eating.

"Well, Mr. Wanqi, it's very kind of you to eat. Now many scientists die because of poor health. If anything happens to you, we can't afford it."

Wan Jichen didn't speak and touched his stomach. Now gastric cancer is an incurable disease. He doesn't want to die in such a disease. It seems that he really needs to pay attention to his body in the future.

"I see. I'll pay attention later. You can rest assured."

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