Qin Sangyu and Xia ChuChu have already started the game at this time. Both of them are very involved. However, Qin Sangyu thinks about the affair of Moyu last night and decides to tell this person about Moyu's vacation.

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"Mo Yu took half a year's vacation and said he was going to take a vacation outside. It seems that Xia Meng has a great influence on him. I don't know when this guy will get better."

Xia ChuChu's hand, Xia Meng is her sister, but some people because her sister has become like this, her heart is really sad, "in fact, some words I said may not be good, but Mo Yu is a good man, Xia Meng has past experience, I also think they are not suitable, but emotional things, we outsiders also can not say clearly It depends on what they think. Let's not get involved and let them develop by themselves. Now that Mo Yu has gone out, I don't know if I can meet Xia Meng. The world is so big. If two people can just get together, it will prove that they are predestined. "

Qin Sangyu thinks that's the same truth. Let them toss about their affairs. Now it's very peaceful between her and Lu Liangcheng. She doesn't want to worry any more. The corners of her mouth are bent. "Come and help me. This man squats in the grass and thinks I haven't seen it."

Xia ChuChu is very good at playing assassins, and the assassins kill these mages. Although the mage's explosive skills are very powerful, they still can't fight the assassins.


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They didn't think about the matter between the ink rain and summer dream, and played the game attentively.

When Lu Liangcheng came back, he saw two women still holding mobile phones playing, and his eyebrows frowned. Now Qin Sangyu is really lazy. He only knows how to play games all day, and doesn't want to go out for a long time. Recently, a film was released, and he wanted to watch it for a long time. But because of what happened that night, Qin Sangyu was always angry. When no one was there, he would call him a beast. Why Maybe accompany him to the movies.

"After dinner, you two have a good time. Come here and eat your meal first."

Aunt has already prepared the meal and put the food on the table. Lu Liangcheng has already sat in front of the table at this time, and said faintly.

But after a game begins, you can't stop in the middle of the game. Even if you are dead, the Resurrection time is less than a minute. Unless it is the end of the game, both of them are still fighting. Where can we afford to eat.

Lu Liangcheng was a little depressed. He put his head together. When he saw Qin Sangyu's achievements, he couldn't help laughing. "What a real dish you're playing, since you play a mage, you have to be a little bit obscene. How can you still go up when you're fighting like this? Well, no wonder you need someone to take you. As for your skill, you stay in gold at most."

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Qin Sangyu was almost killed by the other party. She saw the assassin in the back and was afraid of being killed by others alone. So she wanted to ask her own tank to block it. As a result, other Lu Liangcheng said nothing.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Lu Liangcheng, my skills are much better than you. Don't forget that you only played this game for a short time. How can you compare with me?"

Lu Liangcheng saw her complacent look, slightly uncomfortable in the heart, is not a mobile phone game, can he really be worse than Qin Sangyu?

He snorted coldly and took out his mobile phone lightly. He saw that there was still this game on the mobile phone. It seems that after playing last time, the game has not been unloaded. The corner of his mouth has been ticked, "give me a month's time, and you can see how I abuse you."

Qin Sangyu was angry and laughed at each other's words for a month? So many heroes, this man has been very busy recently. How could he stare at his mobile phone and play games all the time without seeing the coffin and not shed tears. "OK, I'll give you one month. I want to see how you abused me then."

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During their bickering, the battle was over, and it was still their side that won, because Xia ChuChu was so strong that he completely hung the other side. People said that Xia ChuChu could hit nine out of one.

Finally, Lu Liangcheng was still thinking about the game and sent a message to the senior officials. It was a fight related to man's dignity. Qin Sangyu, who must be abused at that time, called his father. He thought that the senior officials would gather together several people who played the best show of the game at present, and he would like to play the game well these days.

The top management were shocked by his orders. When did their president begin to lose his mind?

They really want to call and ask if this person is serious. Recently, the company is very busy, and the president has time to study how to play games. But in the evening, they called Lu Liangcheng and found that the other party was serious and said in a serious tone, "this is about the dignity of men In the war, he must practice his skills hard, and finally hang and beat others. "

The senior officials can't help but wonder whether a young master in the upper class has provoked the president, and the young master plays games very well, so the president decides to play the game? They deeply believe that nodding and beating others in the best place of the other party is the most powerful blow to the enemy. It is also like what the president of their family will do. So after several times of thinking, they think that things may be really like this. After all, their president has always been such a person.So in order to achieve the president's goal, they immediately searched for the best team to play "glory of the king" and asked them to come and teach the president to play the game, and they were hired with high salary. After receiving the news, the team over there came immediately and gathered in Lu Liangcheng's office.

Lu Liangcheng first looked at their past records and thought that it was more than enough to defeat a Qin Sangyu. He had seen Qin Sangyu play games. She only played mages and shooters, and occasionally played auxiliary games. These heroes had no help from others, so it was difficult to drive the whole team.

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"Teach me all the heroes you're good at playing. I'm going to beat a man."

Who didn't know that the president of Tiancheng was standing in front of him. The other party actually asked them to teach him to play games. He felt that he could go out and play for a year.

In the next few days, Qin Sangyu and Xia ChuChu have been in contact with assassins. After all, they want to PK with Lu Liangcheng. Then the mage must not be able to beat others. This time, she must not lose. Lu Liangcheng's ridicule of her reminds her of Li Bai, who mocked her that night. She was so angry that she didn't sleep!

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng are so serious about the success or failure of this time because they have made a big bet, which is related to each other's dignity. They are fighting for dignity, so they can't be taken lightly.

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