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Xu Daning Leng next, as if it was a mistake, and then immediately asked: "Xiaohai, what did you just say?"

"I said go back?"

In fact, there were two days left for Xiaohai's observation, but at this moment, Xu Daning is more happy than anyone else to hear Xiaohai say so.

He was very proud to look at Lu Liangcheng, that kind of expression seems to ridicule him: do you see? Xiao Hai and I went home, so you are nothing and nothing.

Lu Liangcheng naturally saw the look in his eyes, but he was very calm. He just thought he didn't see it. He just suddenly felt that Xu Daning was not really a cruel character.

No brain, no plan.

Xu Daning almost used the fastest speed to sort out the things, and then happily pulled the suitcase with Xiaohai.

Mo Yu didn't understand this. He looked at Lu Liangcheng and asked, "boss, so is it sure that this woman is not a little lady?"

"No, she must be!"

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Lu Liangcheng's eyes twinkled with leaping light. This light with a desire deeply warmed his heart.

Ink rain this can't understand, since so sure is Qin Sangyu, then how to let go?

He was afraid that Lu Liangcheng didn't handle Qin Sangyu properly, or that Xu Daning would take him away because he didn't have time to react. So he couldn't help but remind him: "that Boss, Xiao Hai is gone, and looking at Xu Daning's defense and attitude towards us today, I think it will not be easy to see Xiaohai so easily with him in the future. "

"It's OK!" Lu Liangcheng smile, and then very confident: "we can't find her, she will come to me?"

"Ah? Boss, do you mean Xiao Hai will come to see you

"I'll find out in the future."

Mo Yu, who has always been smart, is very confused. He feels his head and his thoughts are still in a mess.

Lu Liangcheng looked at him and then chuckled, "don't think about it. You'll know it later."

"Boss, you know my character. If you want to like it or not, you can tell me what's going on. I don't think Xiao Hai told you anything when he left."

"Do you think she can talk about it now? Tell Xu Daning that you lied to me, you bastard? Even if I gave her all the information you found, she also looked at it. But Mo Yu, she still needs a process of digestion and acceptance. This process is not long, but it is definitely not OK at once. Of course, more importantly, it is better for her to disclose and explore this kind of thing in person! "

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"I can understand this, but the boss, Xu Daning looks very uneasy. Although he has no courage and no plan, he is stubborn. I just talked with him here, and it is obvious that his inner defense line can not be carried. I guess if it is not for the large number of people here, he will definitely fight with me, so I am real when such a person is around Xiaohai I'm afraid there's something in case

"Naturally, I will not let Xiaohai No Sangyu is out of my sight

Mo Yu's eyes were wide open, and he thought, this changed his name. As a result, Lu Liangcheng not only changed his name, but also told Mo Yu: "you are not allowed to call her Xiaohai in the future. The name given by that man makes me feel very angry. She has her own name, Qin Sangyu!"

Ink rain some helpless, want to remind, in case it is not? But in the twinkling of an eye, it doesn't matter whether it is. Since Lu Liangcheng thinks it is, it's OK. Other things are not so important.

"Do you want some people to go to the fishing village?"


"Well, what?"

Lu Liangcheng replied, and the ink rain was embarrassed. Then he immediately said, "yes, I will protect Xiaohai well Oh, no, Madame! "

"Well!" Lu Liangcheng nodded with satisfaction and left.

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On the other side, Xu Daning also took Xiaohai back to the fishing village. He was a little excited, especially excited, because at the moment when Lu Liangcheng took her out, he really thought something was going to happen.

But in the end, Xiao Hai came back and offered to go back, so he was very happy and couldn't help being proud.

"I said that Luliang City is not a good thing to see. Xiaohai, don't you know that I was really worried about death just now?"

"Worried?" Xiao Hai turned her head mechanically, and her expressionless face made Xu Da feel a little worried, "what are you worried about?"

Xu Daning swallowed his saliva and couldn't tell why. He felt a little flustered. He leaned against the sea and hesitated for a while before reaching out and grabbing her hand. "I was worried about your safety at that time. If you think about a man suddenly rushing in and taking you away, how could I not be in a hurry? Xiaohai, I'm really miserable when you say that. Can't you see me Care about you? "

Xiao Hai suddenly lowered her head. She watched Xu Daning grasp her hand, and then she pulled it away quietly."Yes, but sometimes too much care will make people do some incredible things."

"Xiao Hai, what do you say..."

"I don't mean anything. Don't think about it!"

Before Xu Daning finished, Xiao Hai interrupted him, and Xu Daning's face turned pale.

He stares at the hand that pulls back, the eyebrow that picks up looks like a hedgehog.

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"Is that son of a bitch talking nonsense to you? What? Xiaohai, you can't believe it

"Can't believe it?" Xiao Hai, who originally didn't believe Lu Liangcheng's words at all, suddenly became a little bit unsure after seeing Xu Daning's expression and reaction.

"Brother Daning, I've known you for such a long time, and I've never seen your expression like this. I don't understand. I didn't get hurt. Why are you so anxious and so resentful about that Luliang City?"

"I am worried because you were taken out by him, so I am afraid and afraid of your comfort. As for resentment, Xiaohai, you really misunderstood me. I don't hate him, but I will guard against him, because in my eyes, I hate anyone who will hurt you!"

"Brother Daning, can I ask you a question?"

"You say?"

"Would you hurt my mother?"

Xu Daning's face collapsed in an instant. He looked at Xiao Hai with an unbelievable look, and then said, "you say such a thing, so you think I will hurt you?"

"That would not be so!"

Xiao Hai gave a wry smile and then said, "in the past two years, brother Daning, you took me to the West and ran East. For my injury, I almost ran all the cities that could run. I still remember that at that time, there was no money for surgery. In order to collect money, you drove the boat to the dangerous sea area to be the fish in the black market! So, you have been so desperate for me, how can I believe that you will hurt me! "

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