"Thank you, Xiao Hai."

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When Xu Daning heard these words, his eyes were turbulent, and he was a little relieved. He thought that his efforts in these years were not in vain.

It is said that as long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron pestle can also be ground into a needle, which is not unreasonable.

Can he this happy momentum has not maintained for a few seconds, the next word of the sea will instantly hit him into the bottom.

"Brother Daning, I believe you won't hurt me, but that doesn't mean you won't cheat me!"

"Xiaohai, you What do you mean by that

"What's the point? Brother Daning, I'm a little tired. I want to have a rest! "

Xiao Hai suppressed the words in her heart, because she knew that if she was like Lu Liangcheng, Xu Daning would not tell her the truth or tell her the truth.

When she arrived at the fishing village, Xiao Hai went directly to her room. Zhou Meifang was having a meal at that time. Seeing Xiao Hai and Xu Daning coming back, she immediately ran up. However, Xiao Hai was sullen, so she simply nodded her head and went upstairs.

Zhou Meifang got angry when she saw Xiao Hai like this. She held her mouth and pointed out to Xiaohai: "Daning, look at her face. What is it? I'm kind-hearted to come out to pick you up. She doesn't even call. She gives her a face. She doesn't have any education."

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Xu Daning will be upset, so she has no mood to explain to Zhou Meifang.

He just ignored Zhou Meifang and said casually, "Mom, you think too much!"

To my surprise, Zhou Meifang was still chattering, probably for fear that Xu Daning would leave, so she directly reached out and grabbed his clothes.

"I think too much. Do you think I have no eyes? Just now, I can see the expression of Xiao Hai clearly. I'm impatient, but I haven't looked at me in the face of impatience. Is this the attitude towards elders? "

Xu Daning took a deep breath and gently brushed off Zhou Meifang's hand.

"Mom, to tell you the truth, you are not Xiaohai's elder!"


Zhou Meifang was stunned, "what do you mean? I'm not her elder? She lives in my house, eats and drinks from me. How can I not be her elder? If she wants to marry into the door of my Zhou family, I have to agree! "

"Do you agree?" Xu Daning's face instantly showed a self mocking smile. He looked at Zhou Meifang, and there were countless unwilling lines on his dark face. "Marriage is her business. I want to marry her wholeheartedly. Do you see her promise? Mom, don't fight against Xiaohai any more. She may have never wanted to marry me

"Never wanted to marry you?"

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When Zhou Meifang heard this, she became more explosive. "What does it mean that I never thought about marrying you? What is she? A person who fell into the sea and was about to die, but for us, would she have lived to this day? I don't know how to be grateful. "

"Gratitude can make a man fall in love with himself?"

"Who else can she love if she doesn't love you? Don't you look at her own virtue? If you didn't pay for her operation, she would be a handicap. She would be picky. I don't know how shameful it is. Don't forget, I can see with my own eyes that there are pregnancy marks on her belly. Although it is very shallow, I can see at a glance that Xiaohai has definitely given birth to a child. Therefore, with this kind of broken shoes, what qualification does she have to choose you.

Daning, if you still regard me as your mother, listen to her words. You can give up Xiaohai. You believe in her intuition. She is definitely not a good person. You should find a good wife and good mother instead of a hard hearted person like Xiaohai. You don't think about it. What have you done to her in the past two years or more? What did you respond to?

Not to mention anything else, just talk about her operation. Over the past two years, how many times has she had a knife in her face? How much money do you need me to tell you? Don't forget, you put all the coffins your father left me at that time

Xu Daning frowned and the expression on his face was not good-looking.

On the one hand, it is annoying. On the other hand, she is also a little sad for herself. After all, what Zhou Meifang said is actually true. Over the years, he has paid all he can, but what has he really gained?

Xu Daning felt that there was nothing else except Xiao Hai's affection.

"Come on, mom, don't say it. I'm free and measured."

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"What's your sense of propriety? You've got to be where you are today? Mom is a person who has been here, so she is not stupid. Naturally, I know that you are deeply in love with this fox spirit. It is precisely because of this that she wants to persuade you, because she is afraid that you will be trapped for a long time! "

"Mom, you won't worry, because I've been completely trapped and can't come out at all. In this life, I'll only have Xiaohai alone, either she will marry me or I won't marry for life!"

"You! You! You! You are going to piss me off

"If I can't marry her, I will die too!"

"You want to die for a woman. Are you still a man? Where did you put your mother? I gave birth to you and raised you, so you repay me? "Xu Daning slightly hung his head, and then said: "I will make you a lot of money, so that the rest of your life is sure to have no worries about food and clothing!"

"You think I want money? You are my son. I want more happiness than money

"But mom, I'm happy with Xiaohai!"

"But Xiaohai, she doesn't love you!"

"I I'll make her fall in love with me

When Xu Daning said this, his voice was shaking, and he seemed to have no confidence in himself, so he laughed.

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This kind of smile is bitter, and Zhou Meifang is very distressed.

"Well, mom, I have to go out. When I came back, the front desk told me that there was something wrong with the air conditioning in two rooms. It couldn't cure the cold. I had to go to the street to buy some refrigerant!"

Xu Daning finished and left. Zhou Meifang looked at his bleak back, then bit his teeth and walked directly to Xiaohai's room.

Zhou Meifang pushed the door in. The loud voice seemed to be coming to smash the floor.

Xiao Hai is looking for something in the cupboard at this time. Seeing Zhou Meifang come in, she closes the drawer immediately.

"Auntie? What's the matter? "

"Oh Zhou Meifang holds her chest in her hands and looks at Xiaohai with hatred. Xiaohai seems to realize that something is wrong, but before she can ask what is, she is slapped in the face by Zhou Meifang.

"You fox spirit, bitch! Stinky woman watch! You've been seducing my son for so long, aren't you satisfied? Do you really want to hang him for life? "

The more she scolded, the more angry she became. So she simply started to tear it up.

Small sea a center of gravity is not stable on the ground!

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