She had a wound on her neck, so she didn't dare to fight too hard. Maybe Zhou Meifang saw this, so she directly stretched out her hand and pulled her hair.

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"You cheap hoof! When are you going to harm my family Daning? In the past two years, you have eaten my family's food and mine's food. In order to repair your appearance, Daning is almost ruined for you. Do you have any conscience as a woman.

You think I like you? When I got you out of the sea, I told Daning to throw you away. If Daning hadn't stopped me, you would be a dead man now, you know? But you are not grateful at all

Xiao Hai raised her head, and her scalp was torn. She could only bend her body as hard as she could, and then tried to make Zhou Meifang's strength lower. However, Zhou Meifang made full use of her strength, so no matter how she moved her body, the pain was not reduced at all.

"It hurts! Auntie, you let go, I ache

"You know it hurts."

Zhou Meifang's eyes showed a trace of the pleasure of revenge. She bared her teeth and glared at Xiao Hai, and then continued to shout: "I want to make you ache today. I want to let you know my pain. I tell you, bitches, your pain is not one thousandth of mine, nor one tenth of Daning. You know, I look at my son Is it hard for me to be tortured like this by you? You don't love him, why hang him! "

"When am I going to hang him?"

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Xiao Hai felt aggrieved. She pushed Zhou Meifang with her strength. As a result, Zhou Meifang slapped her in the face.

Fortunately, this slap on the face, in addition to the mouth a little blood smell accident, other places are also no pain.

Xiao Hai skimmed her mouth, and then spit on the ground. When she saw the blood foam coming out, her eyes immediately converged.

For a long time, she always respected and forbeared in front of Zhou Meifang, either for something or because she felt that she was Xu Daning's mother. Therefore, she was ashamed of Xu Daning, so she took care of Zhou Meifang. But now it seems that this woman has always hated her all the time, so why should she be restrained?

Think of here, Xiaohai's waist also straightened a little.

"Auntie, since you have said everything like this today, I will tell you the truth. I owe Daning. I also know that he is good to me, takes care of me and loves me, but he is willing to do it, isn't it? Did I force him to do anything? "

"You! You! How can you say such a thing, Xiao Hai, it's hard for your conscience to come true. It's made of stone

"Xiaohai?" Xiao Hai murmured the name, then mixed with tears and laughed, "Xiao Hai's heart may be made of stone, maybe not. It doesn't matter to me, because the important thing is, I don't know whether I am Xiaohai at all!"

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Zhou Meifang's footsteps flashed back for a moment. She looked at the sea in an incredible way, and her eyes fell out of fear unconsciously.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean, Auntie? Don't you know? From the moment I woke up, what I heard and saw was what you and Ningge gave me. At the beginning, you told me that my name was Xiaohai, and I was Ningge's fiancee. Then I went to sea with Ningge and encountered an accident.

At that time, I was thinking, if I was going out to sea with Ningge, why did something happen to me, but nothing happened to Ningge! "

"This This Arning has many times to go to sea and has rich experience. If you don't often go to sea, how can you understand the safety experience of going out to sea? "

"Since I don't often go to sea and have no experience of going to sea, why did Ningge take me with me that time?"

"I I How can I know! "

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Zhou Meifang avoided the burning eyes delivered by Xiaohai, and then immediately continued with the fierce appearance before: "I don't want to tell you this now, I just want to ask you, when are you going to torture my son?"

"Auntie, do you really think I'm torturing your son? If all I know now is false, isn't it me who is really hurt? "

"Are you hurt?" Zhou Meifang thought it was ridiculous. She pointed to Xiao Hai's neck and said in a loud voice, "you just came back from the operation and the bandage has not been removed. How can you have the face to say such a thing? Why don't you think about it? Who's with you every time you have surgery? Who took you to do it? Who is it? Whose money did it cost again? "


Xiao Hai couldn't help sniffing out of her nose. Looking at Zhou Meifang's appearance as a shrew, she was not surprised at all.

Just this moment, the last little scruples in her heart were gone.

She thought, since it is sooner or later to face, then do not care to face in advance.

"When it comes to money, auntie, I really didn't want to lose a point. In fact, I recorded the demerit debt a long time ago, and I wrote down every sum that Ning Ge spent on me! So if you want to calculate, I can give you the account book immediately, but I also want to remind you that the later mingsuo was my idea. All the decoration and design were from Ningge and I. in theory, I was half of the founder of Mingsu. Even if it was technology investment, not to mention 50% of the shares, it would be 20% or 30% in any case, so auntie, If you count the money you've earned during this period of time, is my share already offset the money in front of you? "Zhou Meifang was stunned by Xiao Hai's remarks. In her eyes, Xiao Hai has always been the kind of woman who is glum and speechless. But today, she found out that this woman is actually very smart.

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Of course, no matter how smart she is, it's nothing compared with Zhou Meifang. A woman of her age is good at shrew like gags and stealing concepts. So when she heard Xiao Hai say that she still wants to hold shares in her own technology shares, she immediately rushed over.

"I said," why don't you like Anning and you don't want to marry him, but you have to hang him all the time. It's for the sake of famous hostess, Xiao Hai. I tell you, you give me the whole heart of early death. We have spent enough money on you. From now on, you can't add a cent to take away.

You are a fox spirit and a poisonous woman. You have always been uneasy and kind-hearted. Instead of keeping you and letting you continue to harm Anning in the future, I'd better kill you first today. "

Zhou Meifang took a broom from nowhere, then held her head in her backhand and pointed the end of the stick to Xiaohai.

Xiao Hai retreated, covering her vital points with both hands defensively, but Zhou Meifang's broom did not go down.

"Who! Who's holding my broom

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