"Except for what?"

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"Unless you don't love me at all!"

Sugar and sugar said while also hit tears, this pair of grievance Baba look, do not know really think Qin Sangyu how to bully him.

Children's words are always naive, so although Qin Sangyu felt some of them, she would not blame him. Moreover, now she knows her relationship with Tangtang, so she thinks that Tangtang is dependent on her inexplicably because of blood relationship.

So she thought about it carefully, and then explained to Tangtang patiently, "that candy, I love you too, but this love is actually divided into many kinds. It's like that between you and your father, which is the love between father and son, and the kind of love you said about marrying me is between men and women. This kind of love is too complicated to be distinguished by your age!"

Tangtang's small mouth suddenly bulged up again, "what is my age? In the end, fairy sister, you just dislike me for being young!"


"Yes, she just hates you

Just when Qin Sangyu didn't know how to answer, Lu Liangcheng broke in from outside.

Qin Sangyu was stunned and seemed to be frightened. She stepped back a few times. Fortunately, Luliang City pulled her.

Qin Sangyu stood firm, immediately pushed to Luliang City, and then directly asked: "how did you come up?"

"This is my house!"

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Lu Liangcheng put out these words with his lips. Qin Sangyu could not hold his face for a moment.

"I know this is your home, but..."

"But you can stay as long as you want, and go where you want to go!"

Lu Liangcheng blocked the words behind Qin Sangyu. When she saw the other party's gaping appearance, the corner of her mouth pulled deeper.

"All right, I just came to see this asshole, and I didn't expect to hear that!"

Tangtang stood aside and jumped happily for a moment. "So, Dad, you heard it all, didn't you? That's just right. I'll tell you again in front of the fairy sister. I found that I really like the fairy sister, so I want to marry her. Of course, I know that I can't marry a wife and have children at this age, but it doesn't matter. Sister fairy can wait for me to grow up. "

"She can wait for you to grow up?"


Tangtang nodded his head like a rattle. He said in a loud voice: "yes, it was the fairy sister who promised me, and I will not fail her to let her wait for nothing. I will marry her as soon as I get old!"

"You little boy, who taught you this?"

Lu Liangcheng's eyebrows rose in an instant. He reached out and grabbed Tangtang's collar. Then he carried him to the door without mercy. "I tell you, you give up this idea early. You Lu Chenghao is useless, because she will be your father's woman after that."

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Before Tangtang had time to speak, Lu Liangcheng shut them up. Qin Sangyu looked at Lu Liangcheng and complained, "how can you treat your children like this? What can't you say? Didn't you see that Tangtang's face was scared white by you? "

"I didn't hit him, it was pretty good!"

"You still want to hit him? Have you ever been a father? "

Qin Sangyu glared at her and looked at her. Lu Liangcheng stood up and said, "why? You're just protecting him if he hasn't met his mother and son yet? "

"What are you talking about?" Qin Sangyu immediately criticized him: "even if he is not my son, I will protect him. Anyway, he is just a child. Don't you know? What are you serious about with the kids? If there is something you can talk to him and explain to him slowly, violence is never the solution to the problem! "

"This little bunny and I robbed my wife. I'm not fierce. He doesn't know who his father is!"

"Who Who robbed you of your wife

The blush of Qin Sangyu's cheeks bloomed in an instant. Lu Liangcheng looked at her and felt that she was so cute that she could not help but put his arms around her waist.

Her hands were forced, and their bodies were immediately stuck together, and Qin Sangyu's heart suddenly raised to her throat. She suddenly found that as soon as she was close to Lu Liangcheng, she would be very nervous.

"Why are you so red?"

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"I Where am I? "

"No?" Lu Liangcheng said and directly broke Qin Sangyu's body and turned in the past.

Under the bright light, the woman in the mirror blushed. Her beautiful face was full of tension and uneasiness, but more of a kind of unspeakable emotion. Lu Liangcheng's body was also directly attached to it. He quietly pressed Qin Sangyu's back, and then held Qin Sangyu's chin in one hand and looked up at the mirror with her.

"Sangyu, you see, how well matched we are

"Luliang City, what are you talking about? You let me go. You're like me...""It's hard, isn't it?"


Qin Sangyu choked.

"I know you're upset because your body is very hot!"

Lu Liangcheng's Frank disclosure makes Qin Sangyu more nervous. For a moment, she only thinks that this man is really a devil, because he can think deeply about his own psychology.

The feeling of being seen through was not good at all. So Qin Sangyu twisted herself and tried to push Lu Liangcheng away. What she didn't know was that her push had become a different temptation in Lu Liangcheng's eyes.

"Qin Sangyu, I don't want to let you go. What should I do?"

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"You What are you going to do? "

Lu Liangcheng took a deep breath and then moved Qin Sangyu back.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the thunder like electric shock rippling in each other's eyes. Qin Sangyu's teeth are pounding on his lips, but his eyes fall on Lu Liangcheng meticulously.

Lu Liangcheng seems to be hotter than Qin Sangyu. Over the years, the women he yearned for appeared in front of him. How could he not be excited.

So the kiss came and I couldn't help it.

Qin Sangyu was actually aware of it. After all, Lu Liangcheng's head pressed down a little bit, but she didn't avoid it. Intellectually, she seemed to want to resist, but her body met the kiss honestly.

Lu Liangcheng's lips were very hot, and with the burning temperature, Qin Sangyu's lips were also warmed. Qin Sangyu shrank, and his hands curled up in the middle of their bodies.

"Sangyu, I want you!"

Lu Liangcheng said such a sentence after the overwhelming kiss, which made her wake up completely.

She immediately reached out to push Lu Liangcheng away, and then directly turned on the tap behind her.

"You Wash your face and wake up! "

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