Lu Liangcheng couldn't help it, but Qin Sangyu's fear was so clear.

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He immediately turned around, and then walked to the edge of the pool, the cold water on his face, the reason finally slowly back.

"I'm sorry, I was in such a hurry! You've come back to me. Why am I in such a hurry? " Lu Liangcheng said as he stretched out his hand to hammer the cup washing table. The self reproach in his expression was real.

Qin Sangyu had some blame, but also a little angry, because he felt that Lu Liangcheng was so abrupt with a trace of disrespect, but when he saw this expression, the anger in his heart disappeared instantly.

She was a little surprised and more surprised. She didn't understand why she couldn't get angry with Lu Liangcheng all of a sudden.

She seemed to want to make this layer clear, but found that it did not seem very reasonable, so she finally gave up.

She turned around and opened the door. She didn't know whether to escape or what. She rushed out directly. Even the sugar candy standing at the door asked her, she didn't pay attention.

"Dad, what did you do to my fairy sister?"

Sugar hands akimbo, like an adult inquiry.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes have always been staring at Qin Sangyu's running direction. When he heard Tangtang's angry questions, he lowered his head.

"Your fairy sister?" He didn't seem to want to answer the question. Instead, he discussed what Tangtang called Qin Sangyu.

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Tangtang raised her head, and for the first time in her life, she faced Lu Liangcheng in such a posture. At the moment, they were face to face, and there was no grade difference between father and son.

"I'm asking dad what you said. Why don't you answer me? What did you do to my fairy sister?"

"Lu Chenghao! Do you know who I am? I'm your father, that's how you talk to me? "

Lu Liangcheng's eyebrows are flat like a line. Tangtang takes a breath and shrinks her shoulders with a little fear. Her short leg also wants to move back a few steps, but when she thinks of Qin Sangyu's face, Tangtang feels that she can't step back.

"I'm sorry, Dad, it was just my attitude that was not good, but I really have very important questions to ask you!"

"Is your important question to know what I have done to your fairy sister?"


"Then you don't have to ask, because you are wrong in this question!"


Tangtang's face will wrinkle into buns in an instant. If you reach out and poke at this time, you will definitely be popped out of your cheek instantly.

"There are not so many why! Lu Chenghao, how old are you? What are you thinking? Besides, she is not your fairy sister, she is your mother

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Tangtang is surprised to make a sound. Originally, two copper bell like eyes are staring even bigger now.

He shook his head in terror, as if to shake out what he had just heard, but Lu Liangcheng repeated it again!

This time sugar sugar thoroughly angry!

"No! You're lying to me, Dad! She is my fairy sister, how could she be my mother! Why do you want to rob a woman with me, Dad, do you not love me

Looking at Tangtang's real and sad expression, Lu Liangcheng could not help laughing.

Of course, this is also fortunately his own son, otherwise, dare to rob a woman with him, regardless of who you are, and directly drag out a beating.

But in the face of his son, he can only bear to try to explain to him.

"Lu Chenghao, I'm not kidding you. Your fairy sister is my wife. Her name is Qin Sangyu."

"No way, Dad. You lied to me. What does Mommy look like? I know. I have a lot of pictures of Mommy!"

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"Do you know what cosmetic surgery is?"

In fact, Lu Liangcheng didn't want to talk to Tangtang so early. Even if he wanted to confess Qin Sangyu's identity to him, Lu Liangcheng didn't want to use such words in such a way, and he didn't want to tell Qin Sangyu's experience so plainly. But Tangtang's naive words pressed him step by step. Lu Liangcheng thought, he could not really let his son treat his wife What kind of funny idea, so can only say.

He squatted down, rarely so gentle and patient to speak to sugar sugar.

"Dad knows that you are smart and have a good memory. Although I have prevented anyone from reminding your mother in front of you for more than two years, including the plane accident, Dad actually knows that you remember everything!"

The little milk bag of Tangtang is like a balloon that has been released. His eyes are fixed on the ground, and his feet swing back and forth. Lu Liangcheng sighs, then reaches out and pats Tangtang on the shoulder.

"Do you remember the day dad found the fruit?"

Tangtang's shoulder trembled suddenly. He looked up in a hurry, but didn't say a word.

"Dad may never forget the picture of that day in his whole life. Dad knows that you can't forget it. Yes, he knows that now dad doesn't want to believe it or admit it, but he has to admit that Guoguo really left. She left us. At that time, everyone said that your mother and fruit were gone, even more colorful, no bones."Lu Liangcheng pauses and seems to realize that the four words may be incomprehensible to the child, but Guoguo says, "I understand this meaning, Dad, keep talking!"

Lu Liangcheng's pupils were filled with an indescribable look. He took a little breath and then continued: "in fact, I believed that at that time, but I couldn't bear to face it, so I took you away. First, I was afraid that you would not be able to bear such a small face. Secondly, I was really afraid of hearing that your mother would encounter the same thing as Guoguo

"So you haven't been looking for Mommy all these years?"

"I've been looking for it all the time. Uncle Mo Yu has been looking for it in private, but I haven't heard from you. In fact, I've slowly accepted it for more than two years, but I know I've met your fairy sister!"

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Tangtang seems to be a little more serious, he bit the white teeth of his lips one by one.

"Dad, why are you sure sister fairy is my mother?"

Lu Liangcheng laughed, "my own wife, how do you want me to confirm?"

"But if she was really a mommy, how could she How could... "

"I don't remember you, do you?"


Sugar nodded, and her bright eyes could not help but let out some disappointment.

"Silly child, she doesn't remember you, she doesn't know you, she just can't remember!"

"What do you mean?"

"It means, your mommy, she lost her memory!"

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