"No! No way, Dad, you're lying to me

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Tangtang looks incredulous. He reaches out and pushes Lu Liangcheng, with an angry expression on his face.

Lu Liangcheng has some helplessness, but he is not good at losing his temper. How can he be his own son? Is it true that he can have a hard time for this?

What's more, this is originally an oolong. At the age of Tangtang, where do you understand love and love? Lu Liangcheng's patience is much better.

On weekdays, he only repeats what he says and does things. Even for the elders of the Lu family, he seldom has the patience to explain a thing in detail. However, today, he is different. He suddenly seems to have changed his temper, and his speaking speed has slowed down a lot.

"Lu Chenghao, stand up for me!"

Sugar sugar originally wanted to twist the body immediately stood still, after all, once Lu Liangcheng called his name, it means that the matter is serious or Luliang City is really serious.

How my father's character or understand, so even now I am very unhappy, but still forced myself to stand in front of Luliang City.

"Lu Chenghao, you are not a child now, so you can't make such a fool of yourself. Do you know?"

Tangtang's mouth turned high in an instant. "When I went out to play alone, Dad, you said that I was still a child. How can I run around? Now you tell me that I'm not a child, so I can't be a kid, so I'm a kid or not?"


Lu Liangcheng took a deep breath. In an instant, he felt defeated. He held out his finger and poked at Tangtang's forehead twice. Then he directly said, "Lu Chenghao, can you speak well?"

Tangtang's face is still full of discontent, but when he turns to see Lu Liangcheng's hazed face, he can't stand up for a moment.

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What can he do? Having such a strong father is doomed to be suppressed.

Tangtang suddenly felt miserable, so she cried out.

Why my life is so hard, since I was a child, I lost my sister and Mommy, and my father is always fierce to me. When I grow up, I weaken the pain before, and then I meet a girl I like, and my father will come out to obstruct us. Dad, are you the kind of bad parents who are playing on TV? "

"Lu Chenghao, that's enough. Who did you learn this sentence from? It seems that I have to find a new teacher for you. What has been taught?"

As soon as he heard that he wanted to change his teacher, Tangtang got excited immediately. His head mechanically swung back and forth, and then he said in a loud voice, "I don't! I don't change teachers. Kaka is very kind to me and I like him very much! "

Lu Liangcheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the refusal of Tangtang. He suddenly thought of something. Then he slowed down and asked, "tell Dad how much you like Kaka!"

"Well?" Tangtang thought about it carefully, and then said: "I like it very much. Miss Kaka is very kind to me. Sometimes when she comes to give me a class, she will bring me the cake I like to eat. Even if there is no class, she will send me a message to greet me. I think that Kaka teacher cares about me, so I like him very much!"

"Do you like your fairy sister?"

"Of course

"Who do you like better, Miss Kaka or sister fairy?"

Tangtang was immediately asked. In his world, he never seemed to compare two people together, so the question seemed a little difficult!.

"Like it all!"

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Tangtang thought of a way to say the answer, Lu Liangcheng finally couldn't help smiling.

"You said that you like your fairy sister, so you want to marry her. Now you say that you like Miss Kaka, then do you want to marry Miss Kaka?"


Tangtang blinked her eyes and showed a kind of expression that was difficult to choose. Lu Liangcheng leaned against the wall, and his lazy eyes shot over.

"I thought how much you liked it. Just such a question confused you. It seems that your fairy sister is not very important either!"

"Dad, you're talking nonsense! Sister fairy is really important to me

"Do you like fairy sister more or your Kaka teacher more? You can only choose one of them!"

"I don't want to choose!"

"You have to choose!"

"I don't want it!"

"Then I'll change teacher Kaka for you and take the fairy sister away!"

"Dad, you can't do this!"

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Sugar sugar present in addition to the full body of alert, at this time he looks like a soldier waiting for war!

Lu Liangcheng did not change his expression at all. He still had a smile on his face, and then used the language of standard elders to teach children: "children can't be so greedy!"

"I'm not greedy! I just I just can't bear it! "

Tangtang's eyes turned red in an instant. He stirred his fingers and seemed to hesitate for a while before he came to the landing of Liangcheng.Feifei's little hand gently grabbed the clothes of Lu Liangcheng. Tangtang reached out and shook it, and called out her father with some pleading and coquettish voice.

"I really can't part with them. Miss Kaka is really good to me. She is the person who talks with me the most in the past two years. Every time I feel bad, she will accompany me to play, so I really like her!"

"What about your fairy sister?"

"Yes, and And it seems that I like it more because I feel very happy when I am with sister fairy. I feel that I am not afraid of anything and can do whatever I want to do with her. When she is beside me, I sleep soundly, just like It's like the fairy sister is a superman, as long as she is there, I'm not afraid of anything! "

"So that's what you call love!"

Lu Liangcheng stopped laughing, and then squatted down seriously. He took Tangtang's hand and asked, "why do you want to marry a fairy sister?"

"Because I don't want her to leave. I want to see her every day, play with her, sleep with her, listen to her tell me stories. The book says that if you want to keep a girl, you will marry her, so..."

"So you're going to marry her?"


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Tangtang is very honest. Lu Liangcheng only thinks that he is extremely cute.

He gently wiped sugar's eyes, and then said in a warm voice: "in fact, there are other ways to keep your fairy sister!"

"What can I do?"

"Let her marry your father and become your mother!"

"Dad, after all, you still want to rob a woman with me!"


Lu Liangcheng choked and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Lu Chenghao, have you ever heard that child said he wanted to marry his mother?"

"No, but how could sister fairy be my mother?"

"Do you still believe it?"

"I don't believe it. If it was my mother, she would recognize me. After all, I am his darling!"

"Well, you can go to a place with me."

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