Lu Liangcheng took Tangtang to his study. In the innermost room, all the information about Qin Sangyu's disappearance was kept.

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Although Tangtang was only six years old, he inherited a good gene from Lu Liangcheng, so he was intelligent since he was young. When he was four years old, he was proficient in six languages. Therefore, Lu Liangcheng did not worry that he could not understand these materials.

He just opened the drawer to himself, then put a few thick stacks of documents into sugar sugar's hand, and finally took a dictionary and said, "if you don't understand, look it up yourself!"

The implication is that he won't explain it to him.

However, Tangtang's temper was also very hard. Seeing Lu Liangcheng like this, he reached out and pushed the dictionary away.

"I don't need this. I know all the words!"

After that, the little guy buried his head and looked at it seriously.

These records are also very detailed, since the aircraft accident, the basic details have been written down.

Lu Liangcheng was still a little worried that sugar and sugar would not understand, so he thought about it and went up to make a little explanation.

"As soon as the accident happened, I immediately sent someone to investigate it. Although the government reported a simple accident to the public, in fact, the incident was a terrorist attack. When I knew the truth, I immediately rushed over with people."

"I know, Dad, you took me with you then!"

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"Do you remember?" Lu Liangcheng's eyes were somewhat surprised. After all, Tangtang was only about three years old at that time.

He took a chair and sat down, and then took Tangtang on his knee. Although the relationship between father and son has always been good, after Qin Sangyu's disappearance, they seldom made such a gesture of intimacy. Today, Lu Liangcheng did not know what was wrong with him. Instead, Tangtang did not refuse. He naturally put his foot across and held his hand heavy Dian's information sat firmly on the lap of Luliang City.

"At that time you were young, only about three years old, so dad thought you had forgotten it!"

"I haven't forgotten. I still remember that my aunt took me there that day. Then when I got there, I saw you and uncle Moyu sitting in the sea!"

Lu Liangcheng was a little bit amused, because as soon as sugar and sugar were finished, his mind automatically came up with that picture at that time.

This will think about what kind of state of mind he was at that time, in order to recklessly want to rush into the sea.

Tangtang is still flipping through the information by himself. He can see it very quickly, but in fact, he sees every line and picture.

Maybe he inherited Lu Liangcheng's excellent gene, so Tangtang can read at a glance. He sorted it out in his brain while watching it. After reading all of them, he turned to Lu Liangcheng and said, "Dad, so fairy sister is really my mother?"

Lu Liangcheng looked at the information he had closed in his hand and then nodded. Tangtang's small head immediately drooped down.

"What? Are you not happy? "

"Of course not! It's just It's just a little hard to accept! "

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Tangtang rummaged through her own thesaurus and finally found the right word.

"Dad, I think it's so sudden that I don't respond to it all at once!"

"I know, so I want to tell you that!"

Sugar sipped his mouth, the childish face of a sudden dissipated clean, at the moment, where he is still like a child, is completely adult appearance.

Looking at Lu Liangcheng, he really asked, "Dad, can you tell me what you said is true? Is the information given to me reliable? "

"What do you say?"

"So sister fairy is really my mother?"


Lu Liangcheng nodded. At the moment, there was not too much expression on his face, but Tangtang already understood that such an expression represented that everything was true.

His cheek puffed up like a puffed puffer fish. He stretched out one leg, then rowed back and forth on the ground. Suddenly he said, "will mother still think of us?"

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Lu Liangcheng sighed, and his generous hands covered the top of Tangtang's head.

"It will be!"

I don't know if it's for Tangtang or for myself.

When Tangtang came out of the study, the whole person had changed. He became nervous and embarrassed. At a glance, he knew that he must have something on his mind at the moment.

He went back to his room and paced back and forth for a long time, then took out his mobile phone and called Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao was surprised when he received the phone call. After all, the boy seldom took the initiative to find himself, so he quickly asked, "is there something wrong with you, or is your father attacking you again recently?"


Sugar answer very calm, he bit his lip, and then holding the mobile phone whispered, "Auntie, can I ask you something?"

"Well? What's the matter? "

"Can you tell me more about my mother?""Your mother?"

Lu Xiao was playing with the children at that time. After hearing Tangtang's question, she immediately put down her mobile phone toy. She waved to the nanny to take the baby away. Then she took her mobile phone and sat down on the chair beside her.

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"Sugar, do you miss your mother again? Why don't you ask your father to send you to me for a few days? My aunt is free these days, so I can hide and accompany you. Besides, your brother has a few days off. My aunt wants to take you to my grandparents' place. What do you think? "

"Auntie, I'm really OK!"

In the past, Tangtang had been in a mood because of Qin Sangyu's disappearance, so Lu Xiao heard this and thought that Tangtang had been stimulated or thought about others. However, Tangtang said it calmly, claiming that she was really OK. She just wanted to hear about Qin Sangyu.

"What do you want to hear?"

Tangtang thought about it for a while, and then said, "I want to hear it. Aunt, you'd better speak more carefully, because I have forgotten a lot of things. I seem to remember some pictures about my mother playing with me, but I don't seem to remember what she likes to eat and play with!"

Tangtang talks with a sense of guilt. Lu Xiao is a little confused. She has a premonition that something has happened, but she doesn't know how to ask. So she has to answer Tangtang's request and tell her all about Qin Sangyu that she remembers.

"Your mother is a gentle, kind, beautiful and virtuous woman. In my impression, it seems that all the beautiful words are related to her. When I first met her, I thought she was really beautiful."

"What does my mother like?"

"Well, this one..." Lu Xiao thought about it for a while, and then said, "your mother doesn't seem to have anything particularly annoying or picky about food. It seems that because of this, your father always says that he is greedy, and she will occasionally be as mischievous as a child. For example, she often stays up late to play games, especially when she is pregnant with you and fruit, so your father has been angry for this!"

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