Tang Tang's words made Qin Sangyu think a lot. She really didn't like staying in the hospital.

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The operation brought her a certain degree of treatment, and she did remember a lot of previous memories, but none of these memories were complete, they were all one after another.

When this kind of fragment appears more and more, Qin Sangyu has already been unable to resist.

Because she had no way to splice, it was even more confusing.

Sugar sugar left her, seems to have a bad life, refused to eat, refused to go to school, she suddenly realized that her own state seemed to make everyone worried.

So after Lu Liangcheng came back, she offered to go back to live.

Lu Liangcheng brought her a lot of food and heard this sentence before opening the package.

He stopped at once and walked over with concern.

"Sangyu, what happened? Or are the people here not taking care of you? "

When Lu Liangcheng talks to Qin Sangyu, he always whispers gently, as if holding a baby in his hand, afraid of breaking the baby with a little effort.

Qin Sangyu shook his head and whispered: "it's not your problem, it's not the hospital's problem. It's my own problem. I don't like it here!"

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A word that he didn't like made Lu Liangcheng lose the impulse to ask. In his eyes, these three words are enough. As long as Qin Sangyu doesn't like it, he won't stay!

"Yes, I'll take you home!"

In the evening, Lu Liangcheng took Qin Sangyu home. The servant should have been informed and cooked a full table of dishes.

At the beginning of the banquet, Lu Liangcheng suddenly left for a period of time, and when he came back, he brought a woman.


Sugar sprinkled feet, all of a sudden rushed to the past, Lu Xiao saw the situation, immediately picked up the small meat ball.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've grown so tall. Oh, I'm fat! This face, almost catch up with the meat buns in the bun shop downstairs of my community! "

"Hum!" Sugar immediately Du mouth, "smelly aunt, I'm not meat bun!"

After that, he jumped down from Lu Xiao.

He and Lu Xiao have been very close, so he was very happy to see Lu Xiao. He held Lu Xiao's hand tightly and asked, "Auntie, are you here for dinner?"

"Yes, I want to see your mommy

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"Yes, mum has been back for so long, but my aunt hasn't come. I wonder if my aunt doesn't want to see Mommy!"

"Why, just..."

"Well, don't say so much. Sangyu is here. You Come and recognize it

Lu Liangcheng interrupted the two men, and then took Lu Xiao to the edge of Qin Sangyu.

Lu Xiao's eyes immediately began to take a look at Qin Sangyu, but the person in front of him and his memory were completely different.

Although still the same beauty, but with the past beauty completely changed a mode.

In the past, Qin Sangyu was pure, natural and elegant, but now Qin Sangyu is charming and peony. Although her facial features move naturally, she still makes Lu Xiao feel that she does not know her.

"Are you?"

It was Qin Sangyu who opened his mouth first. After hearing this, Lu Xiao was stunned.

Although Lu Liangcheng told her something on the way to her, he told her that Qin Sangyu had lost her memory and her appearance had changed, so she also made some psychological preparations. However, she did not expect that even if she had psychological preparation, she still found it difficult to accept Qin Sangyu at the moment of seeing Qin Sangyu.

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"I'm Lu Xiao. Tangtang just called my aunt. I'm Lu Liangcheng's sister, so You are Qin Sangyu My sister-in-law? "


"Auntie, she is Mommy

Tangtang ran to help Qin Sangyu explain: "mommy has lost her memory, so she can't think of all the things. When she first came here, she couldn't even remember me and my father!"


"Now I can remember some Some clips! " Qin Sangyu answered himself, and then went on: "but it's not complete. Many of them can't be put together. The sugar and sugar part has recovered a lot."

"Ah, my sister-in-law is still biased, but I am also a mother, so I can understand that motherhood will greatly increase our innate abilities. However, my brother must be angry and jealous, right?"

"I asked you to come to dinner together, not to make you so wordy!"

Lu Liangcheng gives Lu Xiao a look, indicating that she should not be so anxious. However, Lu Xiao's character does not care about these things. She can't help seeing Qin Sangyu at this moment.

She directly went up and took Qin Sangyu's hand, and then opened her mouth. Her eyes turned red instantly.

"My brother kept it from me for a long time. When I knew it, I couldn't believe it. But now, seeing you in front of me, I really believe it. What they said to me is true.To tell you the truth, I didn't recognize it at that moment. I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I meant to say

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Although Lu Xiao's words are a little too impatient and urgent, Qin Sangyu just can't hate it, but he understands it very well.

She smiles and takes Lu Xiao's hand.

"It's OK. I understand what you said. I think you must be surprised at the change of my appearance, right? In fact, I did some plastic surgery, because I had an accident, and when I woke up, my face was hurt. The family who saved me took me to do some repairs! "

"Thank God, that's what happened. Fortunately, you met a good man! Who is that family? Tell me, sister-in-law, I will go to my door and thank you in person in the future

Qin Sangyu's expression instantly embarrassed, for this question he really did not know how to answer, so Lu Liangcheng stood up.

"I've already thank you. Don't worry about this kind of thing!"

"Yes, it's been a long time. You must have done everything you should be. But, brother, you are really a bit too much. Why did you tell me now and let me meet my sister-in-law now, you know I How much I miss my sister-in-law these years

Lu Xiao suddenly burst into tears. She hugged Qin Sangyu and said a lot of words.

"Sister in law, you don't know how much I miss you these years. I have dreamt many times that you and I go shopping, eat, and take our children around the world.

Over the years, my brother and I don't often see each other, because I can't find him. Since your accident Bah, bah, what's wrong? Don't you stand in front of me now.

I mean, when you're not here, my brother hides himself

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