Lu Xiao and Qin Sangyu have said a lot about Luliang City. Even though Lu Liangcheng has been using color on the edge and trying to interrupt, Lu Xiao still grabs a lot of things.

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In fact, this is not a bad thing. Lu Liangcheng himself knows that, even from his heart, he hopes Qin Sangyu to know this.

After all, he loves Qin Sangyu, so it is a very happy thing to let her know. The reason why he is worried is that he is afraid that Qin Sangyu will be under great pressure.

But in fact, it's OK. After listening, Qin Sangyu said thank you to Luliang City.

"Are you still eating? I'm starving to death!"

Sugar sugar wronged to hold the stomach, after a long wait, finally can not help.

Lu Xiao and Qin Sangyu look back, see the little guy's appearance, instantly smile out.

"Go, go, go! If you don't go out for dinner, my little ancestor will be hungry and faint! "

"Wow, it's finally ready to eat!"

Tangtang jumped onto the chair and ate it with a chicken leg.

The meal lasted a long time, and she was also very happy. On the table, Lu Xiao had been talking to Qin Sangyu about the past two people's affairs. Although Qin Sangyu basically could not remember, she could feel the intimacy and happiness from Lu Xiao.

In the afternoon, Luliang City company had to leave first. Tangtang also took a nap in the room. Lu Xiao followed Qin Sangyu in and sat down beside the bed.

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At that moment, there was no commotion on the table. Instead, it suddenly became quiet. They looked at each other for a long time. Then in Lu Xiao's tearful eyes, Qin Sangyu asked, "I have changed so much. Why can you recognize me?"


"Well, your brother must have told you that!"

"My brother?" Lu Xiao shook his head with a smile, and then said, "he told me that you have changed a little, but he didn't say so concretely. Otherwise, I would not be so surprised when I first saw you!"

"Yes, then Then how do you recognize me? "

"In fact, to tell you the truth, you can't recognize it by looking at your face. Sister-in-law, you've changed a lot. You know, almost two people!"

"Is it?"

Qin Sangyu couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. Then he went to the dressing mirror and sat down.

In the mirror, she has a delicate face that everyone envies.

The big eyes, wide and deep eyelids make this pair of originally bright eyes more profound.

Her nose was very straight, and she knew it had been done, because she hit a reef when she fell into the sea, and the big pieces of flesh on her nose were gone.

But now looking in the mirror, the nose really has no trace.

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"It seems that my face is not the same as it used to be!"

"Sister in law, do you remember how you used to be?"

Qin Sangyu opened the lower drawer, which was full of photos.

"The first day I came here, Tangtang showed me all these, so I know what I looked like before!"

"So it is!"

Lu Xiao laughed and took out a picture from the drawer.

The photo was taken on Qin Sangyu's wedding day. There were many people in it. Lu Xiao looked at Qin Sangyu and asked, "how many people do you remember here?"

"I don't remember!"

"And her?"

"No, so you're going to tell me?"


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Lu Xiao shook her head and then laughed deeply, "I'm talking to you a lot now, which will make your brain go out of order. It's better to take you to see you directly later! What we saw with her was enough for me to talk to you for days and nights

"Is that so? That seems to be a deep friendship

"Yes, I don't know each other, but I think if she knew you were still there No, she must know! "

"Well? Why do you say that? "

"Because his husband is by your husband's side every day. You say, he looks at you every day, and will not talk to his wife when he goes back? I think her character will definitely propose to see you, but my brother will not allow him to do so. So, after all, I am the last one to know!"

Qin Sangyu heard some confusion, but still caught the point, "you just said his husband is beside my husband, so this man is..."

"Yes, it's Mo Yu's wife. As for the name, you can think about it yourself, and I won't tell you!"

Qin Sangyu took a look at Lu Xiao and put the photo back in the drawer.

"It seems that I really forgot a lot!"

"Well, don't worry, sister-in-law. I think everything happens for a reason. Maybe God thinks it's a good thing to forget! And you just forget now, does not represent the future, also does not represent a lifetime, you can rest assured, I will accompany you, also will say to you a little bit, I think, as long as you want to remember, you will remember it! ""Lu Xiao, thank you!"

"Thank you. That's all right. But sister-in-law, I think we have a more important thing to do now."

"Well? What? "

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"Don't you think we should do a big shopping?"

"Shopping? Why, I wish I didn't need anything! "

"Oh, sister-in-law, you don't look at your present dress!"

Lu Xiao held Qin Sangyu by the shoulder and asked her to look at herself in the mirror. "Sister in law, your appearance is not suitable for the clothes you used to wear. So is my brother. You have been back for so long and won't let you change your clothes. Look at you. Now you're like a big star. You're shining. You're going to buy some bright colors, the pure white before It's not for you! "

"Well Is it? "

Qin Sangyu looked at the mirror carefully. It seemed that Lu Xiao's words were reasonable. She pursed her lips and hesitated to ask, "is my appearance not as good as before?"

"Ah. In the past, sister-in-law was different in style Well, now, hahaha, now the face of sister-in-law is absolutely a goblin. And to tell the truth, as a woman's point of view, sister-in-law's face is more beautiful than ever!

But in fact, these are not important, because for us, like you, so no matter what kind of sister-in-law you become, you are my brother's wife, my sister-in-law, sugar sugar's mother! "

Qin Sangyu didn't want to be tearful, but she cried because of Lu Xiao's words. Lu Xiao immediately realized that her words might have touched her feelings, so she immediately took Qin Sangyu up and went out shopping together!

Lu Xiao still took several bodyguards and did some secret work, but the appearance of Lu family's daughter still caused the crowd. Of course, after seeing Qin Sangyu, these onlookers seemed to change their focus again!

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