Lu Meimei had learned some psychology when she was in training, so she still has a certain ability to grasp the people's heart. She knows that if she stays in the hospital, she will appear deliberately.

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Even if Qin Xiaoyun's IQ doesn't feel anything, Lu Liangcheng will inevitably think more in case he knows.

So she asked Xiao Shen to pack her things. And then I went home.

"Miss, if Miss Qin really went to see you and didn't see you in the hospital, would she give up?"

"How can she give up? If she has something she wants to know, she will definitely come to me. As I told you before, the biggest motivation to stimulate people's curiosity is to let the curiosity of the other party not be verified, and the more she will struggle."

While driving, Xiao Shen listens to Lu Meimei's words. She doesn't know why. She just feels that Lu Meimei is extremely terrible.

Fortunately, she did not offend her. Otherwise, it would be too easy to deal with her with Lu Meimei's ingenuity.

But Qin Xiaoyun on the other side is another scene. After she came back from the hospital, she was totally lost in her soul.

Lu Xiao called her and told her that everything was normal in the shop. She said thanks and went home directly. Tangtang was asleep, but Lu Liangcheng was still waiting for him in the living room.

It was late at night, but the man had not slept. He sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. Although the light gray household clothes were loose, they still looked very good on him.

Lu Liangcheng is very tall, and he is very good. The legendary three or seven points is like him. Therefore, even if he is a little crooked in the posture of half tilt, he still feels his legs are abnormally slender when walking from this angle.

Qin Xiaoyun looks at him unexpectedly some daze.

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The bridge of the nose is very high, because close the eyes, the deep eye socket appears more obvious.

The light of the crystal lamp fell on him, which made his appearance more dazzling without any reason. Qin Xiaoyun unconsciously slowed down her pace. She walked to the edge of Luliang City. Before she spoke, the people on the sofa woke up.

"Are you back? Are you all right? "

Lu Liangcheng almost jumped up from the sofa. Since he knew about the restaurant, he immediately rushed over. If Qin Xiaoyun had not insisted on not going to the hospital, he would have helped her to deal with it without saying a word. Now looking at her standing in front of him, his heart has been hanging on the mood but still has not dissipated.

"Do you know how worried I am?"

After Qin Xiaoyun lost his memory, he never took the initiative to do too many intimate actions, but now he does not care so much. He can't wait to let her know how worried he is.

Through the clothes, Lu Liangcheng's violent heartbeat can still be clearly transmitted to Qin Xiaoyun's ears. She pauses slightly and seems to have thought for a moment. Finally, she puts her head in his arms as he wishes.

Qin Xiaoyun's action made Lu Liangcheng's spirit soar several times. Although there was not much emotional change on his face, his dark eyes had already been pleasantly surprised.

"Sangyu You... "

"Thank you for your concern."

Without waiting for Lu Liangcheng to say a complete word, Qin Xiaoyun apologized. Although there was no problem in his words, Lu Liangcheng always felt that there was something wrong with Qin Xiaoyun today.

He just wanted to continue to ask, but the other side said: "also, I told you, I have changed my name, you seem to have forgotten."

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"Qin Xiaoyun?"


"But I'm used to calling you Sangyu."

"You can expose me so easily, and you will put pressure on me."

Sure enough, what she said worked for Lu Liangcheng. With just one word, Lu Liangcheng immediately agreed.

"OK, I remember. I'll call you Xiao Yun later."


After leaving Lu Liangcheng's arms, Qin Xiaoyun puts down Bao ran and sits down on the sofa.

The servant immediately brought a pile of snacks, and Lu Liangcheng told her, "I asked people to prepare them. I think you have been busy handling those things all night, and you probably don't have much time to eat."

Qin Xiaoyun looked at all kinds of exquisite dishes on the plate, but had no appetite at all. She just raised her head and quietly looked at the landing in Liangcheng. Until the other party realized that it was wrong, she slowly took it back.

"Luliang City, what kind of person was I before?"

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Lu Liangcheng's good-looking eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. He is not a person with too many expressions, but for Qin Xiaoyun, all his emotions and emotions will be affected instantly.

He keenly catches the strange tone of Qin Xiaoyun, and then goes to sit down beside her.

"What happened? Did Lu qiongtian come to you again later? "


"I expect he doesn't dare. I've done it myself. Even if he's a jerk, he doesn't dare to commit a crime under my nose."

Qin Xiaoyun's body instantly straightened up, "do you hand it in person? Lu Liangcheng, what have you done? ""What did you do?" Lu Liangcheng seems a little unhappy and incomprehensible when asked by Qin Xiaoyun's cultural tone,

"that bastard bullied my wife. It's reasonable for me to teach him a lesson."

"How did you teach it?"

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. If he moves you, I'll do him."

"So you hit him?"

"I think so."

When Lu Liangcheng mentioned Lu qiongtian, his expression changed instantly. If he was gentle and spoiled when facing Qin Xiaoyun, he was vicious and cruel to Lu qiongtian.

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He even asked Mo Yu to bring the picture of Lu qiongtian.

Qin Xiaoyun just glanced, because her mental bearing capacity was not so good. She only knew that Lu qiongtian in the photo was covered with blood. Looking at her appearance, Lu Liangcheng's hand must be very heavy.

"If you hit him like this, he must be hospitalized?"

"In hospital? Don't worry, madam. This boy is not in hospital. He has to stay in the hospital all his life. "

"What do you mean?"

Mo Yu stood upright, and said to Qin Xiaoyun, "the boss knows that this boy has bullied you, you immediately sent me to take people. What I brought are all first-class thugs. That kind of childe, who can't resist a few times and then fall down. After all, he bullied his wife today, so no matter whether he resists or not. The lesson still needs to be taught. "

"What lessons have you taught?"

"I broke my hands."

"What? You You broke his tendon? "

Mo Yu didn't seem to notice anything. He was also a little happy. He assured Qin Xiaoyun, "madam, don't worry, this boy will never bully you. No, it's not just you, he doesn't dare to bully you in the future."

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