"Who told you to break his tendons? Why do you do this? "

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Qin Xiaoyun suddenly stood up from the sofa, listening to the tone like some unhappy.

Mo Yu was also a little confused, but he didn't react for a moment. He thought Qin Xiaoyun just didn't know, so he wanted to ask in detail, so Mo Yu explained it more clearly.

"The boss said that hurting his wife is an unforgivable crime."

"Hurt me?" Qin Xiaoyun sighed and said patiently, "the man named Lu qiongtian did make trouble in my restaurant, but it did not cause any great harm."

"That..." Mo Yu suddenly smacked his tongue. He seemed to find that Qin Xiaoyun was really in some wrong mood, so he immediately told the story.

"Madam, you must be afraid that the boss is worried, don't you, but in fact, the boss has known about it for a long time. After the lady told the boss, the boss immediately rushed over and checked the monitoring."

"Did you watch the surveillance?"

"Well, ink rain, you go down first."

Lu Liangcheng, who had been silent beside him, finally opened his mouth. He stood up and walked to Qin Xiaoyun's side.

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"I asked Mo Yu to do it. You know, he only listened to me."

"Then why do you want to do this? Clearly, Lu qiongtian didn't embarrass me much. He really doesn't reason and make trouble, but it's not so serious. I can understand if you ask someone to teach me a lesson, but I really can't understand if I cut his tendon. It's a lifetime thing. Lu Liangcheng, were you so cruel before?"

Qin Xiaoyun vomited out a large string of words, heard Lu Liangcheng's face instantly white.

He looked at the woman standing in front of him and didn't know what was going on.

Why is she so angry? Didn't he do all this for her.

Lu Liangcheng had a lot of puzzles and even some angry emotions. However, facing Qin Xiaoyun and the woman he loved to his heart, he couldn't really release his emotions. After taking a deep breath, he still chose to gently hold her hand,


"I said, I now change my name, not Qin Sangyu, called Qin Xiaoyun."

Lu Liangcheng hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'd better call your wife. Anyway, you are my wife."

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"Whatever you want!"

"Wife, what's the matter with you? Why are you so angry? Isn't it because of you that I do this?"

Lu Liangcheng reaches out and holds Qin Xiaoyun in his arms. He is always cold and serious outside. In front of Qin Xiaoyun, he appears gentle and patient.

Qin Xiaoyun can also feel naturally, so slightly received some temper.

She took a heavy breath, and then patiently explained, "I'm not blaming you. Naturally, I know that you do all this for you. Lu Liangcheng, since I came back to you, I know that you are good to me. I am a human being and a sentimental animal. I have a heart. I am not blind to your kindness.

You fight against injustice for me and vent my anger for me. I'm not unhappy, just I just feel that your revenge seems to be heavier and more cruel

There was a faint pain in her eyes, and she didn't know why. When she said these words to Lu Liangcheng, she thought of Lu Meimei unconsciously.

Thinking of what Lu Meimei said to her, thinking of her saying that Lu Liangcheng was holding drugs that had not passed clinical trials, her mind began to emerge with all kinds of terrorist possibilities.

She finally understood. She was afraid.

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Afraid that Lu Liangcheng is a bad person in her mind, so she can't accept each other's cruelty.

But at the moment, Lu Liangcheng doesn't feel wrong about Lu qiongtian.

"Wife, you can't understand Lu qiongtian."

Lu Liangcheng holds Qin Xiaoyun and sits down on the sofa again. Really, I'm afraid Qin Xiaoyun is the only person in the world who can make Luliang City so patient.

"I actually met him once."

"Do you know him?"

The doubts in Qin Xiaoyun's mind suddenly became bigger. Lu Liangcheng shook his head at the sight of the situation, and then said, "I don't know who Lu Liangcheng is. How can I know such a person? I know his sister."

Sister Lu Meimei?

Her brain automatically reacts to Lu Meimei. Qin Xiaoyun suddenly becomes a little nervous, but she has a voice repeatedly speaking in her heart, that is: I hope he is not a cruel person.

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"What are you thinking? ·"

seeing that Qin Xiaoyun was in a trance again, Lu Liangcheng could only continue to ask. He looked at Qin Xiaoyun with some concern and always felt that she was very strange today.

"Wife, I don't know why you are so angry today. If it's really about Lu qiongtian, I hope you can listen to my explanation.

First of all, you are my wife. I am your wife. I have an obligation to protect you. This obligation is not on the lips. No matter what happens, I will stand in front of you without hesitation. In the restaurant, you were bullied by Lu qiongtian. I was not there and couldn't stop it. But I learned later that I must teach him a lesson. ""I know what you said. I know and understand that if someone bullies the person I care about, I will also vent evil spirit for him. Therefore, Lu Liangcheng, I did not accuse you of looking for Lu qiongtian, but I think it would be good to give a warning. Why do you want to beat him like this? You have to pick out all the tendons. How can you let him live in the future?"

"How to live in the future?"

This sentence of Qin Xiaoyun makes Lu Liangcheng feel a little inconceivable. He looks at Qin Xiaoyun, and there are thousands of emotions floating in his beautiful eyes.

But no matter what kind of mood drift, the last emotion can only be left, that is to continue to pet her.

"Wife, please calm down. I think you may not know something. Lu qiongtian, who bullied you in the restaurant, is a famous dandy in G city. I told you before that his sister Lu Meimei is one of my closest partners. The beautification group belongs to their family. But now the acting chairman of the beautification group is not Lu qiongtian, but Lu Meimei. You can think about how bad the legitimate eldest son of such a large family enterprise is, so that the girls in the family can take over such a large company.

Of course, no matter how bad he is, it has nothing to do with me. Lu qiongtian has his own family to wipe his ass, but if he bullies you, I can't let it go. But my wife, I'm not that kind of cruel person. I didn't want to warn him or give him a little lesson. But when Mo Yu took people to Lu qiongtian, the boy not only confessed to his mistake, but also nearly stabbed him with a knife My people. "

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