Chapter 103: Teacher Wen, Are You Crying?

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According to the address sent by Lin Mu, Fu Ziyan drove all the way to a dilapidated small building.

However, there was no one around in the vicinity. If it weren't for her recognizing the familiar gray Volkswagen parked there, she would have almost thought she had come to the wrong place.

There were two more cars parked beside the Volkswagen, similarly unoccupied.

This area was old and lacked designated parking spaces, so the cars were haphazardly parked in the open space in the center of the building. The sandy ground bore numerous footprints of varying depths, indicating a significant number of people.

Fu Ziyan stared at the footprints, her expression grave.

After involving so many people, Lin Mu must have gone mad.

It was at this moment that she realized her impulsiveness in rushing here alone. Even if she appeared in front of that group of people now, she would just become another victim.

Call the police!

Fu Ziyan took out her phone and dialed 110, reporting that her colleague had been kidnapped and providing the current address accurately.

Fearful of being discovered by the group of people, she parked her car at a nearby alley entrance and waited.

However, instead of a police car, she saw a white Porsche and two black Bentleys approaching.

After receiving a call from Wen Qing, Wen Jin quickly connected Ruan Jinghong's disappearance with Lin Mu. She investigated Lin Mu's recent activities while summoning six bodyguards to accompany her.

Perhaps Lin Mu didn't expect someone to investigate him so quickly. He had carried out this abduction boldly and confidently.

Wen Jin easily narrowed down the area and swiftly arrived with her bodyguards in a speeding car.

The Volkswagen parked before them matched exactly the one shown in the surveillance video that Wen Qing had just sent. They were in the right place.

However, one thing troubled her. There were several old buildings in this area. Which one would they be in?

Searching one building after another would undoubtedly consume a significant amount of time.

She couldn't afford to delay.

At that moment, a young woman emerged from the alley entrance, and Wen Jin immediately recognized her as Fu Ziyan, who was part of the same production crew as her girlfriend.

"Are you also here to find Ruan Jinghong?"

Fu Ziyan directed her question to Xiao Yuan, who was standing beside Wen Jin.

Xiao Yuan had been closely following Ruan Jinghong these past few days, so it wasn't difficult to guess their intentions for being there.

"As well?" Wen Jin looked at Fu Ziyan, her gaze filled with suspicion.

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"I know which building she's in. If you want to save her, come with me," Fu Ziyan said.

Although Lin Mu had previously sent Fu Ziyan the detailed address, she was no longer on the same side as him and didn't dare to go alone.

Now, seeing the six robust bodyguards accompanying Wen Jin, Fu Ziyan finally gained some confidence.

Fu Ziyan's sudden appearance seemed odd to Wen Jin, who was hesitant to trust her easily.

From what she knew, there didn't seem to be a harmonious relationship between this person and her girlfriend on the set.

Fu Ziyan grew anxious when Wen Jin continued to doubt her. "Just trust me this once. If I deceive you, you can deal with me as you please."

Seeing that Fu Ziyan was alone and unlikely to play any tricks, and with no better options at the moment, Wen Jin agreed to let her lead the way.

Outside the storage room on the seventh floor, several burly men were forcefully banging on a small wooden door, creating a mini earthquake-like tremor.



This translation is originally posted on

Fortunately, the boxes that Ruan Jinghong had piled up to block the door were heavy enough to withstand the impact, keeping the flimsy door from collapsing.

Ruan Jinghong leaned her slender back against the cardboard boxes, trembling from the impact. She carefully held up the box above her head, trying to prevent the metal pieces inside from flying out and injuring her.

The earthquake-like shaking lasted for a while but suddenly stopped.

Just as Ruan Jinghong was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Lin Mu's furious roar from outside the door.

"You useless trash, step aside! I've found the key!"

In the next moment, she heard the sound of the key being inserted into the lock.

Ruan Jinghong's heart sank: It's over!

Without the barrier of the locked door, the several men quickly broke in.

The cardboard boxes used for resistance were overturned, and metal and plastic products scattered all over the floor.

Lin Mu was the first to rush into the room. "Where did she go?"

At that moment, he looked up and saw the open window with a piece of fabric from clothing caught in the window frame.

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Lin Mu grabbed the fabric and examined it, feeling uncertain. "Did she jump?"

Before he could think it through, he received a powerful kick to his back.


He cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, finding it difficult to even turn over. In the next second, he was yanked up by the collar.

He looked at the face before him, a face that had haunted his dreams, but now it appeared terrifying.

Wen Jin held onto Lin Mu, her normally clear eyes now bloodshot, devoid of the usual composure and etiquette.

Despite her beautiful face, it instilled a sense of fear as if seeing Hell Shura*

*hell demon

Her lips parted, and each word she spoke was as cold as ice. "Where is she?"

Lin Mu was trembling in fear. He tried to call for help, but he saw that the thugs he had hired were already subdued by several well-dressed bodyguards.

He could only pretend to be clueless and smiled foolishly. "Wh...who?"

Wen Jin seemed to have run out of patience, and her slender hand went from gripping Lin Mu's collar to squeezing his neck.

"I'll ask you one last time, where is my girlfriend?"

With each word she spoke, the pressure in her hand increased.

Even Fu Ziyan, who was watching from the side, broke out in a cold sweat. She thought to herself: Isn't Queen Wen afraid of taking a life with her actions? Fortunately, I've never offended her.

Lin Mu couldn't utter a word as he was being choked by Wen Jin. He held onto the piece of fabric he had just picked up, tremblingly pointing towards the open window nearby.

Wen Jin, with red eyes, forcefully snatched the fabric and, upon recognizing its pattern, her expression turned mournful.

She ruthlessly slammed Lin Mu's head onto the ground, causing a muffled 'thud', and he immediately lost consciousness.

In less than half a minute, he suffered a series of brutal blows, nearly losing his life.

Wen Jin stood by the window, looking down at the ground below. It was a considerable height.

With one hand tightly clutching the fabric and the other gripping the window sill, her slender fingers turned pale from the force.

The security guards each held a person, waiting respectfully for their boss's command.

At that moment, the air became so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

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As everyone maintained their silent agreement of "we are all wooden puppets, no speaking, no moving," a very faint voice came from behind the shelves in the room.

"Teacher Wen."

Wen Jin seemed to be taken back to reality, hastily running to the side of the shelves, moving aside various items, until she finally saw the person she held dear in her heart.

She half-knelt on the scattered items, as if finding a lost treasure, carefully embracing Ruan Jinghong in her arms, her voice trembling.

"Ruanruan, I'm sorry. I let you suffer."

Ruan Jinghong reached out a hand, wanting to pat Wen Jin's trembling shoulder to offer comfort.

But as her hand brushed against her wounds, she couldn't help but let out a hiss of pain.

Wen Jin released the embrace, only then noticing the bloodstains of various sizes on Ruan Jinghong's arms and legs. She had been sitting half-slung against the wall the whole time.

Seeing Wen Jin's increasingly distressed expression, Ruan Jinghong smiled and joked: "I didn't expect there to be a mechanism behind the shelves that could trip people. Teacher Wen, do you think I'm too stupid?"

Wen Jin glanced at the "mechanism" on the floor that had tripped her girlfriend, and with one kick, sent it flying far away.

She embraced Ruan Jinghong's back with one hand and hooked her knee with the other, carefully lifting her up and returning to the center of the well-lit room.

Ruan Jinghong saw more than ten people standing in the room—Xiao Yuan, Fu Ziyan, and over ten unfamiliar men, all tall and sturdy. Meanwhile, the main culprit who caused her to suffer like this was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Being held by Wen Jin like a child, surrounded by so many people, Ruan Jinghong felt a sense of embarrassment once the crisis was over, but she couldn't even manage to stand on her own, let alone say something like "I can walk by myself." So, she buried her head in Wen Jin's embrace, as if not seeing would make it disappear.

At that moment, the sound of police sirens could be heard, getting louder as they approached from downstairs.

Fu Ziyan, who had been eating melons and watching the movie, timidly raised her hand and said, "Um... I called 110 earlier."

"Perfect timing, saves me the trouble of sending them one by one."

The six bodyguards escorted the five thugs, and one of them took care of the already unconscious Lin Mu.

The group arrived downstairs and encountered the police officers who had come to handle the case.

"Officer, I made the report."

Fu Ziyan pointed to the apprehended thugs and explained: "These individuals were involved in the kidnapping of that young lady, and the unconscious gentleman over there is the mastermind. We have already subdued them."

With a single breath, she clarified the complex relationships between the people involved.

"This…" The lean police officer, facing such a situation for the first time, was surprised: The criminals were already subdued upon our arrival?

He looked at Ruan Jinghong, who had suffered the most severe injuries, and asked, "Is what she said true?"

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"It's true," Ruan Jinghong weakly nodded.

"Then how do you explain this unconscious person?" 

"Acting in self-defense," Wen Jin answered succinctly.

The police officer's gaze shifted to the thugs being held nearby. Seeing their bruised and swollen faces, he dared not question the testimonies of the others.

That's a joke, they had just witnessed Wen Jin's fierce beating and knew they had gotten themselves into trouble. At this moment, they didn't dare to utter a word.

The young police officer, having seen everyone's consistent testimonies, nodded and said, "Take them away and have their statements recorded at the station."

Wen Jin, who had just witnessed the annoying flies being taken away in the police car, started walking towards her own car with Ruan Jinghong in her arms. However, she was stopped by the young police officer.

"Wait, you also need to come to the station to give your statements."

"I need to take my girlfriend to the hospital," Wen Jin replied without stopping her footsteps.

Fu Ziyan timely stepped forward and said, "Officer, I'm with them. I will go to give my statement."

In the private hospital of the Wen's Group, Ruan Jinghong lay in a VIP ward, her leg in a cast and her arms and legs wrapped in multiple layers of bandages.

Ruan Jinghong lifted her arm, which was wrapped like a mummy, with a helpless yet amused expression.

"Teacher Wen, I've already said that these wounds may look scary, but they're just superficial. At most, my lower leg has a slight fracture. There's no need to wrap them so tightly..."

Wen Jin gently rubbed Ruan Jinghong's fluffy little head, her voice tender yet firm.

"Don't make trouble. The doctor said these wounds need to be treated with caution. One small mistake and there could be an infection. You need to rest here and follow the doctor's instructions."

Ruan Jinghong, enjoying the privileges of a critically ill patient:...

This is definitely not what the doctor said. Don't think I didn't hear you talking to the doctor in the corridor.

Ruan Jinghong was about to discuss it with Wen Jin, but the next moment, she found herself enveloped in a warm and tender embrace. 

She obediently rested her chin on Wen Jin's shoulder, their hearts suddenly beating in sync, their rhythmic pulses audible.

Her hands wrapped around Wen Jin's waist, savoring the intoxicating warmth of her beloved.

However, in the next moment, she felt a warm droplet on her back, seeping through the cotton fabric of her hospital gown and onto her skin.

Teacher Wen, are you crying?

"Ruanruan, just now I thought, for a moment, that I would never see you again."

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