Chapter 104: Nothing Is More Important Than You

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The scorching heat on her back was so intense that Ruan Jinghong's eyes turned red from the sensation.

This was the second time she had witnessed Wen Jin in such a fragile state, the first being on that stormy night.

On both occasions, she could feel Wen Jin's genuine fear from the depths of her heart, the fear of being abandoned.

As a couple who had narrowly escaped a great danger, words seemed inadequate to express their emotions. At this moment, Ruan Jinghong could only surrender herself to Wen Jin's embrace, seeking solace in each other's presence.

They held each other tightly, reluctant to part, until a nurse approached with a tray.

"Um... the patient needs to have her bandages changed."

In reality, the bandages on Ruan Jinghong's body had been applied just two hours ago and didn't require such frequent changing. However, when Wen Jin carried her to the hospital, her demeanor seemed as if the world was about to crumble, alarming the doctors into thinking it was an urgent situation.

After a thorough examination, it was revealed that she had minor abrasions and slight fractures...

The doctor had initially intended to prescribe some medication and advise her to rest at home.

However, seeing their own boss in such a nervous state, repeating phrases like "cleanse the wound," "avoid bacterial contamination," "prevent infection," and "prevent scarring" over and over again.

With just a few simple sentences, she went on and on.

The doctor had worked at this hospital for over a decade, but it was the first time she had seen Wen Jin in such an abnormal state. She was tempted to say: Should I prescribe some medication for you too?

But she held back because, after all, the woman before her was in charge of paying her salary.

So, she simply wrapped Ruan Jinghong's entire body in bandages and assigned the most attentive nurse in the hospital to provide personalized care, changing the bandages every two hours to ensure cleanliness and dryness of the wound. It couldn't hurt to keep the wound clean and dry, right?

Consider these bandages and antiseptics as a remedy for her boss's anxiety.

When the nurse entered, Wen Jin reluctantly but cooperatively released her embrace.

She watched attentively as the nurse carefully removed the bandages from Ruan Jinghong's arm, layer by layer, revealing her fair and delicate skin, with visible red marks that were distressing to see.

Nervously, Wen Jin asked, "Nurse, is my girlfriend's wound healing well? Are there any complications? If there are, please notify the doctor immediately..."

"Teacher Wen." Ruan Jinghong said softly, interrupting her girlfriend's nervous chatter.

The nurse had been by the doctor's side while examining Ruan Jinghong, so she had developed some immunity to her boss's ongoing convulsions.

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She lifted the arm where the bandage had been removed and carefully examined it, nodding under Wen Jin's intense gaze.

"It's recovering well. The patient was brought to the hospital just in time."

The nurse maintained a friendly smile, trying to display professionalism, but in her mind, she thought: If you had come any later, even superficial wounds would have healed on their own.

For Wen Jin, those words held a different meaning: It was a narrow escape, thank Buddha for the blessings.

At that moment, she, who had been a materialist for thirty years, suddenly turned into an idealist.

After the nurse finished changing Ruan Jinghong's bandages, she left.

Due to the shock she had experienced, Ruan Jinghong was mentally weakened and soon fell asleep, leaning against the head of the bed.

Wen Jin carefully supported her back and gently laid her securely wrapped body down, tucking her in with care.

She stared at that precious little face that she loved so much, feeling a twinge of heartache. After confirming that Ruan Jinghong wouldn't wake up anytime soon, she sat on the nearby hospital bed and opened the notebook she had brought with her.

She would never let go of this matter easily. Everyone who had harmed her beloved would have to pay a heavy price.

In the few hours since Ruan Jinghong had been admitted to the hospital, Wen Jin had already instructed Wen Qing to quickly gather information about all the individuals involved in this incident.

The assistant director who tricked Ruan Jinghong had previously borrowed a large sum of money at a high interest rate due to gambling. He had been chased by debt collectors and sought refuge in the filming crew to hide for a few days.

Lin Mu promised him a significant amount of money and told him that if he brought Ruan Jinghong to the designated location, he could repay his debt and go wherever he pleased.

When Wen Qing and her team found him, he was about to go to the bank to cash the check.

Dealing with a gambler like him didn't require much effort from Wen Jin. She instructed Wen Qing to take the check from him, and later return it to the Lin family.

Then, she revealed the assistant director's current location to the loan sharks who had been searching for him.

As for the five thugs hired by Lin Mu, they were members of the notorious Qinglong Gang that had been causing headaches for the local police.

These individuals had a long history of misdeeds, and it was not uncommon for them to end up in the police station.

However, due to their cunning nature and the limited manpower of the police station, there had always been a lack of strong evidence, resulting in their release after a period of time.

Wen Jin directly called her elder cousin, who was the director of the Public Security Bureau in H City, asking him to dispatch personnel to fully support the H City Police Department in searching for evidence of the Qinglong Gang's crimes.

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If there weren't enough personnel, Wen Family's top private detective team could also assist free of charge. It was crucial to uproot the Qinglong Gang and ensure severe punishment for the involved members in the shortest possible time!

Although her cousin didn't understand why his younger cousin was so invested in this, he couldn't refuse her request, especially when she rarely asked for help. It was within his responsibility as her cousin.

Lastly, there was Lin Mu, the mastermind behind this incident.

At the thought of her beloved little one suffering because of him, Wen Jin couldn't help but wish she could stab him ten or eight times with a knife.

But that was not possible. They live in a society governed by the rule of law.

Wen Jin knew that with only the kidnapping case she reported, even with her testimony, he would likely be released after just a few days of detention.

There was no evidence of extortion, and the amount of harm caused was not sufficient for a conviction. He also had the powerful Lin family backing him.

However, Wen Jin had known Lin Mu for many years and knew that he was not as clean as he appeared on the surface.

The dirty deeds he conducted behind the scenes were only kept under control because those he had victimized couldn't stand up against the Lin family, allowing him to live undisturbed until now.

The relationship between the Wen and Lin families primarily stemmed from their grandfathers, and now that both elderly men had passed away, Lin Mu's uncle, Lin Su, held power in the Lin family.

Over the years, the Wen and Lin families had grown apart and no longer conspired together, maintaining only superficial cordiality within the same social circle.

If it weren't for this incident, the two families might have continued their superficial friendship for a long time.

Dealing with Lin Mu's problem would be more challenging and require more time.

Despite her anger, Wen Jin had to calm down and strategize.

She busied herself in front of the computer for over an hour and only realized it was late at night when she looked up.

She briefly cleaned herself in the private bathroom of the hospital room and then took a damp towel to gently wipe the areas of Ruan Jinghong's body that were not covered by bandages.

The little thing lay peacefully on the hospital bed, occasionally smacking her lips as if dreaming of something delicious.

Seeing her beloved little thing in such a tranquil state, Wen Jin felt as if she had also experienced a rebirth.

The single bed in the VIP ward was spacious enough for two people to lie down.

Wen Jin took off her coat and slipped into the nearby blanket.

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Ruan Jinghong felt the sudden coolness and tossed around for a bit before quickly finding a warm embrace. Instinctively, she snuggled her entire body into it.

Wen Jin gently held the petite body in her arms as if cradling a priceless treasure, fearing that the slightest force would shatter her.

She placed one hand on Ruan Jinghong's bent thigh, feeling the edge of the bandage, which was a bit rough but still warm enough.

At two o'clock in the morning, the night was quiet, occasionally interrupted by the low chirping of birds outside the window, making the night even more serene.

A night of sweet dreams.




This translation is originally posted on

In the early morning, Ruan Jinghong woke up on the hospital bed, and Wen Jin personally took care of her as if tending to a critically ill patient. She poured out the mouthwash, pinched the wet cloth so that only a small piece of fabric was exposed at the fingertips, and gently wiped Ruan Jinghong's face as if cleaning an antique, meticulously dabbing every inch.

Wrapped up like a mummy, Ruan Jinghong wanted to say that she only had some cuts on her skin, not paralysis.

But when she looked into Wen Jin's eyes, still slightly red, her heart softened. 

Ai, I really made Teacher Wen worry and feel sad this time.

Fortunately, there is no one else in the ward at the moment, so even if Teacher Wen took care of me like a toddler who couldn't take care of herself, no one would see and make fun of us.

As Ruan Jinghong was celebrating her self-consolation in her mind, the iron door of the ward was pushed open.

It was the same nurse from yesterday.

Ruan Jinghong turned her head in response, and when she met the nurse's gaze, she felt a subtle sense of awkwardness.

The nurse, being a professionally trained healthcare worker, maintained a professional smile on her face even when she saw the two adults playing a pretend game in the ward.

"The patient needs to have the bandages changed."

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According to the doctor's instructions, the nurse had to come to the room every two hours to change Ruan Jinghong's bandages while she was awake.

Meanwhile, Wen Jin had already packed up her laptop and belongings, appearing as though she would be staying in the ward for a long time.

What did this mean? It meant that the subtle awkwardness they experienced just now might happen every two hours.

Before, Ruan Jinghong had tried to persuade Wen Jin several times, saying that her injuries were minor and would heal quickly, and that Wen Jin could go back to the company to handle more important matters.

At that time, Wen Jin held her hands, with an unprecedented serious expression.

"Nothing is more important than you."

Oh no, she was suddenly being flirted with!

Ruan Jinghong remembered her confident and determined appearance when she advised Wen Jin not to fall in love.

But what is happening now? Two love brains in love with each other.

Since she couldn't persuade Wen Jin to leave, if she wanted to reduce the frequency of awkward encounters, she could only try to make the nurse come less often.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the nurse who was carefully removing her old bandages and praised her.

"You're so skilled, Miss. You must have studied for a long time to have such professional technique."

No one dislikes being praised, especially by such a beautiful young lady, and the nurse was no exception.

She chuckled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. It's just basic knowledge for healthcare professionals. With practice, you can become fast after just a couple of tries."

Ruan Jinghong widened her round cat-like eyes, looking surprised and sincere. "You learned it after just a couple of tries? Miss, you must have extraordinary talent!"

Wen Jin furrowed her brows as she observed the two of them chatting and laughing, realizing that there was more to the situation.

Just as the nurse was enthusiastically explaining the details of removing the bandages to Ruan Jinghong, Wen Jin stepped forward and interrupted their conversation.

"Is it really easy to learn?"


The nurse stammered, surprised that even the big boss of the hospital was interested in such basic care. She hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Then, could you teach me now so that I don't have to bother you to come over every time?"

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