Chapter 109: Still Badly Shaken

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After sending out this long message, she got up and went to the kitchen to check on the cooking. Keeping her skills and reputation hidden.

Ruan Jinhong woke up not long after Wen Jin left again.

She opened her eyes and looked at the empty bed, then suddenly remembered something and quietly picked up the phone from the bedside table.

She connected to the Wi-Fi and sure enough, she saw the guide that Huaijin Holds Yu had sent her. It was a long and detailed guide with illustrations.

Ruan Jinhong felt deeply moved in her heart, thinking that this online friend was truly worth getting to know!

However, as she secretly finished reading this long description, her face instantly turned red with excitement, comparable to finishing a piece of erotic literature.

But it has to be said that the content was written with true expertise. After reading it, Ruan Jinghong suddenly felt like she had become an experienced little gong.

She sincerely expressed her gratitude to Huaijin Holds Yu on Penguin and then pondered in her mind how to put this theoretical knowledge into practice.

She carefully considered and thought that with the support of this theoretical knowledge, she must have no problem in terms of technique.

The only remaining issue was those three exclamation marks at the end.

She has always had a weaker physical constitution than her peers. Even without the current limp leg, she still needed to improve her endurance, even during normal times when she had her full energy.

There were several occasions when she was responsible for lying down, and just as Wen Jin's interest was piqued, she would faint directly.

At that time, she thought it was because her girlfriend was too indulgent.

Looking back now, maybe she herself has such a little bit of responsibility.

For the harmonious life of the two of them in the future, Ruan Jinghong, who suddenly developed a sense of mission, made up her mind at this moment: I must strengthen my exercise and recover as soon as possible!

Today's exercise starts with practicing walking on my own.

Ruan Jinghong felt her way with the crutches as she got out of bed and used one leg for support to make her way to the bathroom for a simple wash-up.

Though the process was a bit challenging, luckily there were no accidents.

I'm actually quite capable. Teacher Wen was just overly concerned before.

Ruan Jinghong wiped the sweat off her forehead and leaned on the crutches as she looked for Wen Jin's figure outside the room. The open kitchen is connected to the living room, so it wasn't hard to find.

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When Wen Jin saw her neatly appearing in front of her, there was a slight surprise, but it wasn't too obvious.

"Come, sit down and have a meal."

This time, Wen Jin prepared high-protein food. Although there weren't many varieties, the portions were substantial.

She was still thinking about how to coax her to eat all these nutritionally balanced but mildly flavored food.

But the next second, she saw the little thing scooping up spoonfuls of the shrimp and egg soup and stuffing them into her mouth.

That expression... it seemed somewhat cynical.

In order for Ruan Jinghong to recover from her injury, Wen Jin cooked mostly light meals. After all, she had already accommodated her last night and let her eat spicy tofu pudding.

Though this may not be in line with her spicy taste, it is not so unpalatable.

After Ruan Jinghong finished eating the dried shrimp custard, she took the beef pancake and began to eat it, looking serious, as if she was completing a difficult task.

Wen Jin was a little worried that her girlfriend was so cooperative in eating.

"Ruanruan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ruan Jinghong swallowed the pancake, raised her head and wiped her mouth.

"Teacher Wen, I've made up my mind. I will properly supplement my nutrition so that I can recover early, have a strong body, and become an outstanding top…communist successor."

*she said gong then continued to gong chan zhu yi zhe which means communist

A gym is specially arranged in Junshan Villa, and all kinds of fitness equipment are readily available.

Ruan Jinghong wholeheartedly wanted to strengthen her physique, and after discovering this place, she immediately became very interested.

Her eyes fell on the most conspicuous luxury shock-absorbing treadmill in the middle of the room, eager to try it.

After a breakfast, Wen Jin understood Ruan Jinghong's careful thinking, presumably it was the "strategy" issued by her mask account that had an effect.

It's a good thing that little thing want to be active and exercise.

It's just that at this moment, she is dragging a leg that is still in plaster, rushing to the treadmill and being too impatient.

Wen Jin reached out and grabbed her arm to stop her overconfident action.

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"If you want to exercise now, you can practice your arms first. As for the leg works, let's wait until the plaster is removed."

As Wen Jin spoke, she picked up a dumbbell from the ground, shook it in her hand, and after thinking for a while, removed the dumbbell plate buckled on it that increased its weight, leaving only the most primitive trunk part, and handed it to Ruan Jinghong.

"Teacher Wen, you can actually add two more..."

While Ruan Jinghong was speaking, she reached out to grab the dumbbell, but suddenly felt her arm grow heavy. She almost bit her tongue on the last word.

Luckily, she reacted quickly, and her other hand swiftly grabbed onto the dumbbell, preventing her from being pulled down entirely.

She tightly gripped the small dumbbell, and the strain on her face became visibly evident.

What material is this made of?

Seeing Ruan Jinghong struggling to hold it, Wen Jin reached out and temporarily took the dumbbell, instructing her to sit down and practice.

This dumbbell was specially customized for Wen Jin to quickly build arm strength before filming action scenes that required weapon handling. It was indeed heavier than regular dumbbells.

But seeing her girlfriend struggling to lift this single-handed dumbbell even with both hands surprised Wen Jin.

She gently patted Ruan Jinghong's head and reassured her not to rush and to do what she could handle.

However, she secretly thought that she should quickly buy a lighter pair of dumbbells.

Her words were meant to encourage, but unexpectedly they ignited Ruan Jinghong's long-dormant competitive spirit.

Especially since just a second ago, she witnessed Wen Jin effortlessly picking up a dumbbell loaded with several weight plates. She never expected that when it came to her turn, even lifting the bare handle with both hands would be so challenging.

The gap was quite brutal.

In her mind, Ruan Jinghong muttered, As a promising seed of an excellent little top, I should at least have half of Teacher Wen's abilities... I guess.

With this lingering sense of refusing to lose, she became more determined and competitive in her workouts.

Wen Jin, seeing her girlfriend's focused and dedicated expression and confirming that she wouldn't injure herself, took out her laptop and sat nearby to do some work.

Although she didn't plan on going to the company these days and was squeezing out as much work from Wen Qing as possible, it didn't mean she had nothing to do herself.

In the gym, the two of them were busy with their respective activities, and time passed quickly.

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After Wen Jin sent the final email and looked up, it was already approaching noon. She turned to look at the little figure next to her, completely absorbed in battling with the dumbbells. Rain seemed to have fallen on that beautiful, clean face.

After a whole morning of practice, Ruan Jinghong had successfully evolved from gritting her teeth and lifting the dumbbell with both hands to a serious expression while lifting it with both hands.

The progress was visible to the naked eye.

Wen Jin approached and saw up close the numerous bite marks on Ruan Jinghong's beautiful lips, with traces of blood seeping out.

It seemed she had bitten down too hard earlier.

She was being too reckless.

Wen Jin reached out and took the dumbbell that Ruan Jinghong was struggling to hold, and in the other hand, she gently touched the bitten lip with a sympathetic tone. (Help, I bit my lip while lifting weights)*

T/N: Author's side comment

"Next time during practice, bite down on a towel instead. Don't bite yourself anymore."

Wen Jin's gentle touch on Ruan Jinghong's lips brought a slight twinge of pain, but it quickly faded due to the tender nature of the action.

Ruan Jinghong suddenly shivered.

She raised one arm to block between them, diverting the topic in a disguised manner.

"Teacher Wen, I'm sweaty all over now. I want to take a shower."

Wen Jin nodded. "After exercising, it's necessary to take a shower. Wait for me a moment."

A few minutes later, Wen Jin returned to the gym with a roll of plastic wrap.

She crouched down and wrapped the plastic wrap around the cast on Ruan Jinghong's leg.

"Your leg can't get wet for now. We'll have to make do with this."

Wen Jin handled the task gently and meticulously, ensuring that every part of the cast was covered without leaving any gaps, all while maintaining breathability.

Being cherished in this way, Ruan Jinghong didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort.

Wen Jin placed the unused plastic wrap on a nearby chair and skillfully hooked her fingers around the bend of Ruan Jinghong's leg and armpit.

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Suddenly, Ruan Jinghong's body was lifted off the ground, and she instinctively hooked her arms around Wen Jin's slender and graceful neck.

"Teacher Wen, I can actually walk on my own now."

Ruan Jinghong weakly spoke as she hung onto Wen Jin.

As an excellent little gong, she had to start with self-reliance.

Wen Jin's hand wrapped around Ruan Jinghong's shoulder for support, and with her other hand, she lightly tapped on the soft area in front of her with her fingers.


With just one word, the excellent little gong fell silent.

The bathroom was equipped with a luxurious jacuzzi, large enough to comfortably accommodate two people.

During the process of simply taking a bath, an unexpected incident occurred, which Jinjiang does not allow to exist.

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As a result, Ruan Jinghong let out a startled cry and splashed a large amount of water in the bathtub.


In that instant, her leg with the cast unintentionally plunged into the bathtub.

The wrapped wound was suddenly hit by the hot water, creating a tingling sensation.

Fortunately, Wen Jin reacted quickly. She held Ruan Jinghong with one hand and sat up in the bathtub. With her other hand, she turned on the faucet, draining the water from the tub.

She tried to minimize the impact of hot water on the injured area as quickly as possible.

Before long, the two of them sat in the empty bathtub, covered in foam that hadn't been rinsed off.

Their bodies pressed together, smooth, radiant, and red like cooked shrimps.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong's leg, wrapped in a cast, lay limply between the two of them.

One second, Wen Jin was overwhelmed by desire, and the next second, she was drenched in cold sweat. It was truly too exhilarating!


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