Chapter 110: You Are Bullying Me

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Next to the big bed in the master bedroom of Junshan Villa, Wen Jin was half squatting on the ground, carefully inspecting Ruan Jinghong's soaked plaster leg.


Fortunately, she used plastic wrap to wrap the plaster tightly enough, and the soaking time was not too long, so it doesn't look serious at the moment.


But just to be on the safe side, she drove her to the hospital for another plaster cast.


Once again, after coming and going, the two of them returned to Junshan Villa, and it was another evening.


During the whole process, the two young couples who were passionately in love were unusually quiet. After all, the experience in the bathroom not long ago was too embarrassing and exciting.


This made the driver driving in front think that the Boss and her wife were having a cold war.


He didn't dare to talk too much, he just sent people to the destination quietly.


Right now, Wen Jin is preparing dinner in the kitchen, while Ruan Jinghong holds her phone, absentmindedly browsing the internet, feeling inexplicably guilty.


She stares at the phone screen, lost in her thoughts for half an hour, until Wen Jin finishes cooking and comes over to her.


"What are you looking at so intently?"


Wen Jin's voice remains gentle as always, but Ruan Jinghong feels guilty as soon as she hears her speak.

She hurriedly turns off the phone screen and stammers in response.


"Reading... reading a novel."


"Ah." Wen Jin nods along with her words. "During the recovery period, it's indeed better to rest and relax. If reading e-books strains your eyes, I have many physical books in my study."


Wen Jin emphasizes the words "rest and relax," and now she regrets pushing her girlfriend, who has a limp leg, to exercise so anxiously.


If it weren't for the exercise, there wouldn't be sweat all over her body;


If it weren't for the sweat, there wouldn't be a need to go to the bathroom to shower;


If it weren't for the shower, the two of them wouldn't have...


In short, it's all because of exercising!


Ruan Jinghong could also sense the underlying message in Wen Jin's words at this moment, and knowing she was in the wrong, she lowered her head and nodded, not daring to raise any objections.


In the days that followed, during the recovery period, it was always Wen Jin working on her computer while Ruan Jinghong either dubbed for the cat servant or quietly read novels.

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Wen Jin still cared about her injuries, took care of her three meals a day, and showed great consideration.


The two of them lived their lives like a couple who had been married for decades, leading a simple and warm life, but it was difficult to ignite even a trace of passion.


Ruan Jinghong used to find Wen Jin's occasional indulgence and constant intimacy irresistible.


But now, Wen Jin seemed to have entered a sage mode, apart from the necessary care, there was no hint of intimate contact, let alone the passionate kisses and hugs they used to share.


There were a few times when she mustered up the courage to initiate a kiss when Wen Jin approached, but she always evaded it calmly.


This significant change made Ruan Jinghong feel uncomfortable and somewhat aggrieved.


On this day, after finishing a phone call, Wen Jin changed into a coat and prepared to go out.


"Tonight, I might come back late. Stay at home and behave yourself. Dinner will be delivered to you."


Ruan Jinghong watched with longing as Wen Jin left, the door closed, and silence filled the room.


Unable to resist any longer, she took out her phone and began searching: 'What to do when your girlfriend suddenly becomes cold?'


This time, Wen Jin went out because Wen Qing had discovered evidence of collusion between the Lin family's Wanlong Pharmaceutical and illegal elements involved in smuggling illicit goods.


Wanlong Pharmaceutical was under Lin Mu's direct management, and there had been rumors in the industry for a long time that something was not quite clean there.


At that time, Wen Jin had heard about it but thought it was only a matter of substandard raw materials and the sale of unqualified drugs for profit.


To her surprise, the investigation revealed involvement in illicit activities, making the situation even more serious.


Wen Jin sat in the meeting room, watching as the private detective presented the latest evidence they had obtained.


Transaction records, customs certificates, survivor testimonies—these are enough to prove the close collusion between Lin Mu and a large-scale drug trafficking group in Country Y.


Lin Mu had been developing in Country Y for the past two years, and recently returned to China to expand the market for these illicit goods.


This matter is not trivial and cannot be handled by ordinary means.


With the evidence in hand, Wen Jin immediately reported it to the police.


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Coincidentally, her cousin, who used to be the director of the bureau, had sent people to investigate the Qinglong Gang in H City. They could provide temporary support to the H City police for the arrest operation.


Just as Lin Mu was leaving the bureau, he noticed something unusual around him.


When the police found him, he was frantically clutching a valuable package, preparing to board a flight at Hengtian Airport.


His counter-surveillance skills were not bad. When the plainclothes officers were ten meters away from him, he decisively dropped the package and started running.

But he was shot in the leg by the special police and immediately taken to a special prison.


When he was being detained, he caught a glimpse of Wen Jin standing nearby, watching coldly. He still deludedly hoped that she would save him out of their past relationship.


A cold smile played at the corner of Wen Jin's mouth. "We never had a relationship, only hatred."


She consulted her cousin, the former director, specifically about the situation like Lin Mu's and how they would be sentenced.


"If they cooperate actively after entering and make meritorious contributions, there is a chance for a sentence reduction to life xx."


Those were her cousin's exact words.


After sentence reduction, it would still be a life xx, and she felt relieved.


The Lin family was thoroughly investigated by Wen Jin's private detective, and all kinds of distressing matters were exposed, leaving no stone unturned.


The Lin children, who were already preoccupied, didn't have the idle time to care about Lin Mu anymore.


The once prestigious and influential family in H City had now fallen apart like a scattered troop.


Seeing the mastermind who had harmed her beloved finally getting what he deserved, it was the only thing in the past few days that made Wen Jin feel happy.



When she returned to Junshan Villa, it was already late at night.


The path she walked was very quiet, with only occasional chirping of cicadas outside the window adding a touch of melody to the night.


After a simple tidy-up, Wen Jin entered the bedroom and immediately spotted the petite figure curled up alone on the three-meter-wide bed.


Perhaps tired from the day, the person on the bed was sleeping soundly, with delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed, appearing particularly innocent and young.


Wen Jin leaned over, utilizing her night vision ability to find that delicate and fair face.


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She silently gazed at it for a long time, but didn't take a step further.


The scene in the bathroom earlier was too stimulating for her, and even now, she still has lingering fear whenever she thinks about it. Being suddenly startled at the height of passion has left a lasting impact on her.


This resulted in her feeling as if she has been enchanted whenever she sees those bright innocent cat eyes. It's as if she has been cleansed of worldly desires in an instant.


It's as if an alarm has been installed in her body. Whenever she gets too close to her beloved, it triggers an SOS alarm.


So she decided to maintain some distance between them.


These past few days, they still slept on the same bed, but there was enough space in the middle for another person. Another dreamless night passed.


On the twelfth day of Ruan Jinghong's recovery, Wen Jin took her to the hospital to have the cast removed.


With the removal of the cumbersome burden, her beautiful and slender leg finally saw the light of day again, smooth and without a trace. Even the doctor couldn't help but praise the excellent care.


It was good news.


Ruan Jinghong took a few steps back and forth on the ground, feeling a bit uncomfortable at first, but there was no longer any pain.


The recovery meant that her medical leave would also come to an end.


"Teacher Wen, I have to return to the film set the day after tomorrow," Ruan Jinghong said, her expression a mix of happiness and melancholy.


"Mm, I'll have Xiao Yuan continue to accompany you. Take care of your health on the set."


Standing by her side, Wen Jin gave detailed instructions and even made a phone call to Xiao Yuan, discussing various matters to be mindful of in front of Ruan Jinghong.


Such meticulousness showed her care and concern for her girlfriend.


However, she continued to maintain a distance from Ruan Jinghong, not even casually patting her head like before.


Ruan Jinghong intentionally walked up to Wen Jin, lowered her head, and exposed the top of her head that she used to love touching so much.


But Wen Jin seemed not to notice and took a couple of steps to the side, engaging in a conversation with the doctor as an excuse.


A hint of sadness reflected in Ruan Jinghong's beautiful round eyes.


She felt like a neglected little kitten, having plenty of cat food and toys but no one willing to hold her or pet her.


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Returning to Junshan Villa from the hospital, Wen Jin, as usual, tied an apron around her and went into the kitchen.


Now that Ruan Jinghong's legs and feet are convenient, she wants to go to help.


But Wen Jin gently "persuaded" her to go back to the sofa.


Naturally, there was concern behind it, but Ruan Jinghong could also see that Wen Jin still didn't want to be too close to her.


I'm returning to the film set the day after tomorrow!


Ruan Jinghong picked up a book from the coffee table, using it to hide her tearful face, filled with grievances.


The aroma of the food wafting from the kitchen only intensified the tears in her eyes.


"Ruanruan, come and eat."


Wen Jin placed the dish on the table and stopped at a distance of one meter from Ruan Jinghong.


"Put the book down for now, and you can read it after we finish eating."


Ruan Jinghong, hiding behind the book, quietly sobbed, while Wen Jin stood at a not-too-far, not-too-close distance, neither approaching nor leaving.


Ruan Jinghong wanted to grab a tissue to wipe her face but found that the tissues were placed on the dining table, out of her reach.


She could only put the book down, sniffle her red little nose, and pretend as if nothing was wrong as she walked towards the dining table.


Seeing her girlfriend crying so sadly, Wen Jin couldn't help but feel heartache.


She discreetly placed tissues and wet wipes within Ruan Jinghong's reach.


"Baby, why are you crying?"


Of course, it's because you're bullying me that I'm crying!


Ruan Jinghong bit her lip, "The novel I read just now, the plot is too touchingI couldn't help crying.”


Wen Jin followed Ruan Jinghong's words and looked towards the sofa, where the light blue book cover displayed five big characters: Romance* Does Not Know Me


*风月 (fēng yuè) literally translates to gentle breeze and moon, can also mean Romance, beautiful scenery or petty talk.

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