Chapter 111: What Should I Do If My Girlfriend Suddenly Becomes Cold?

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T\N: Revised Version again


This book happens to be the original novel of the TV series that Wen Jin is preparing to film, which is why it became one of the few novels in her study.

She had previously found time to read this original novel, and indeed, the writing style was quite good and touching.

Since the little thing can empathize with the plot in the novel, it should make it much easier for her to understand the script in the future.

With these thoughts in mind, Wen Jin nodded contentedly.

Ruan Jinghong made an effort to suppress her tears. She didn't want to appear too sentimental in front of her girlfriend.

It's just a lack of kissing and hugging, just a lack of patting on the head. We're all grown-ups now, what's there to cry about?

As she wiped her tears away, she quietly looked up to see Wen Jin's reaction.

She thought that her girlfriend might feel distressed, puzzled, or unhappy.

But she never expected that the other party was smiling happily at this time.

Wow, I want to cry even more!

Ruan Jinghong managed to hold back her tears. In the last two days before their separation, she had to find a way to create some happy memories.

Upon careful consideration, Wen Jin's attitude towards her had changed since the incident in the bathroom.

She once discreetly sought the advice of her online friend, Huaijin Holds Yu: 'What should I do if my girlfriend suddenly becomes cold?'

Of course, she skillfully concealed some details when asking, such as the fact that she had her cast halfway done and it fell into the water. That was definitely not something to mention.

At that time, Huaijin Holds Yu gave her a particularly sincere answer.

[People have different personalities. Some are naturally outgoing, while others are more introverted. Based on your previous description, your girlfriend seems to be more of a reserved type, so her reactions are within the normal range for someone like her.]

Ruan Jinghong looked at the chat box with a big question mark floating above her head.

My girlfriend is the reserved type?

She recalled the early days when they had just started their relationship, and how Wen Jin seemed eager to explore every inch of her body.

How is that reserved?

Forget it, you don't understand my girlfriend at all.

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Undeterred by her unsuccessful attempt to seek advice from Huaijin Holds Yu, Ruan Jinghong turned to various online forums for help.

What should I do if my girlfriend suddenly becomes cold?

How to make your girlfriend happy?

What do girls like?


The internet is full of fishes and dragons, and anyone can freely express their opinions here, so the answers can be quite diverse.

[Girls just like a little romance, candlelit dinners, confessions]

[Only kids confess, adults directly seduce]

[My girlfriend likes cute things. Whenever she gets angry, I use our cat as a mediator]

[Why bother so much? Every time my wife gets mad at me, we just have sex and everything is fine]

[Cry, cry a lot. Every time my girlfriend gets angry, I cry harder than her, and she stops being angry]

It seems like some strange things have been mixed in...

Everyone has their own set of arguments. Ruan Jinghong carefully takes notes and analyzes the feasibility of each suggestion based on her own situation. Then she goes through the final selection process.

At the moment, the two of them have finished lunch and are sitting in the living room to digest.

Although Wen Jin doesn't have much work to do today, she still opens her laptop, pretending to be diligently working.

The beloved girlfriend is sitting not far away, wanting to get close in her heart, yet also afraid of getting close.

With the thought of the two of them parting the day after tomorrow, amidst her reluctance, she unexpectedly felt a bit relieved.

What's wrong with me?

Wen Jin let out a long sigh as she looked at her laptop.

The cheerful sound of a phone ringing nearby, Ruan Jinghong hurriedly answered, it was a call from the courier.

"Teacher Wen, I'm going out to pick up a package."

"Do you need my help?"

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"No, it's light. I'll be back in a moment."

In the past, when they were together, Wen Jin wished to be glued to her side for 24 hours.

Now, there was a touch of politeness between them, which made it convenient for Ruan Jinghong's actions.

Not long after, Ruan Jinghong returned to Junshan Villa with a package in her arms.

Wen Jin was still focused on her laptop. When Ruan Jinghong passed by her, she quietly glanced at her screen, which was the same scene as when she went out.

She decided not to expose it for the time being and carefully carried her precious package to the bedroom to unwrap it.

Wen Jin sat alone in the living room, staring blankly at her laptop. Suddenly, the lights in the living room dimmed, leaving only a beam of orange light from a pendant lamp.

The stereo system had been turned on at some point, and the passionate and romantic melody infused the air with a sense of ambiguity.

Ruan Jinghong appeared in an adorable and sexy cat maid costume.

She wore a black and white short fur vest and skirt, just enough to cover the essential parts.

Her hands and feet were adorned with white-based pink paw mittens, and she wore a pair of furry pointed ears on her head. A long, fluffy white tail was wrapped around her waist.

With a cat-like stride, she approached Wen Jin, her beautiful cat eyes sparkling. "Teacher Wen, I want to show you a dance."

Seeing Wen Jin's lack of objection, Ruan Jinghong silently encouraged herself in her heart.

Having graduated from a dance major, this was her first time performing this cat-themed otaku dance, and it posed no difficulty for her in terms of technique.

If it were in the past, she might have felt somewhat embarrassed. But considering that her girlfriend had been neglecting her for so many days, what could be scarier than that?

Each elegant step of the catwalk landed perfectly on the beat, as well as on Wen Jin's heart.

The cat tail was motorized, swaying along with the movements of the dance.

The music was enticing, and the dance was alluring.

Wen Jin watched her adorable and enticing catgirl girlfriend, momentarily forgetting the psychological shadow that had troubled her for days, and couldn't help but want to embrace her.

Ruan Jinghong secretly delighted in seeing this but knew that it couldn't end so soon.

She placed the fluffy cat tail in Wen Jin's hand but intentionally kept her distance.

She was like a kite in Wen Jin's hand, twirling and dancing around.

The delicate and fair skin around the waist of the cat maid enticed someone to touch it under the ambiguous orange light.

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Wen Jin reached out several times to touch it, but Ruan Jinghong deftly dodged her.

She deliberately seduces like this, and successfully stirs up the long-extinguished fire in Wen Jin's heart.

After finally waiting until the end of the song, Ruan Jinghong finally stopped dancing.

She was pulled into Wen Jin's arms, and the pleasant scent of a mature woman wafted over, accompanied by a slightly husky mature voice.

"Is Ruanruan intentionally trying to seduce me?"

Ruan Jinghong blinked her beautiful cat eyes, appearing innocent yet enticing.

>>>>The Truth Lies Here <<<< (Deleted Scenes) (Note that this is a linkvertise) 

T\N: Reasons why I separate deleted scenes, aside from squeezing out cents from your views . 1. Because the revised version is the official version. 2. This maybe a petty effort but at least I have an edge over the aggregator sites (unless they manually copy and steal it too), and anyone who's reading there will get curious and visit here, so I hope you understand 


"Then, Teacher Wen, have I successfully seduced you?"

Wen Jin didn't answer her question, but directly carried her by the waist.

Today's Ruan Jinghong is backed by a comfortable bed, with soft kisses falling like rain on her brows and lips.

She hadn't forgotten her ultimate goal.

For the source of all evil, the incident in the bathroom, one must pick themselves up from where they fell.

Taking advantage of Wen Jin's focused kiss, she extended her arms and hooked around the slender and bright neck, pulling firmly.

In that moment, she cast aside all shyness and boldly offered her fragrant lips, wanting to regain control. (Pure kisses)

However, she underestimated Wen Jin's strength. With a momentary slip-up, the cat maid's small vest was on the verge of falling off.

This cannot continue!

She managed to free her hands and put a stop to someone's mischief.

Then, she lowered her head and kissed Wen Jin's chin, speaking adorably and pleadingly, "Teacher Wen, I want to kiss you more."

Wen Jin naturally understood the underlying meaning of her words, but considering the unpleasant experiences they had before, she hesitated.

Seeing Wen Jin's silence, Ruan Jinghong mustered up her courage and pounced, cupping Wen Jin's exquisite face, planting several kisses with a loud "smack."

The little thing's gaze was sincere and eager. Unable to bear disappointing her, Wen Jin simply laid down flat, pretending to be a salted fish.

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Ruan Jinghong saw the opportunity and was delighted, ready to follow the same pattern.

Perhaps Ruan Jinghong's presence was the source of Wen Jin's happiness.

Every small action she took could easily amplify Wen Jin's joy multiple times over.

At first, Wen Jin had planned to simply lie down and go along with Ruan Jinghong's desires, but unconsciously, her own desires arose.

The beauty before her, with every frown and smile, was tempting, undoubtedly giving Ruan Jinghong great encouragement. 

At this time, she was happy and nervous at the same time, and said in her heart: If I go all out, I will lose my strength and then I will be exhausted. This time, I must not lose the chain.

The more earnest she became, the more nervous she felt. At a critical moment, her brain suddenly malfunctioned, and she couldn't remember a single word from the "guidebook" she had diligently memorized before.

In her desperation, she randomly picked up a piece of fabric from the bed and covered Wen Jin's face with it. 

Then, she took out her phone and opened the "guidebook" she had saved earlier, desperately seeking last-minute guidance.

Wen Jin's breath carried the familiar scent of a young girl. With anticipation, she waited for two minutes, but there was no movement from the person beside her.

Growing somewhat impatient, she extended her leg to trip someone.

Ruan Jinghong had only memorized half of the "strategy" when she unexpectedly fell down. At that moment, she couldn't care less about any strategies.

Both of them were sweaty after the activity, and Ruan Jinghong nestled in Wen Jin's embrace.

She indulged in the tenderness and didn't want to move a muscle.

Wen Jin held her girlfriend, who had collapsed in her arms, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Ruan Jinghong, like a little cat, nuzzled against Wen Jin's neck, a hint of subtle pride mixed with caution.

"Teacher Wen, did I perform well just now? No problem, right?"

Wen Jin gently caressed the furry little head on her body and chuckled.

"Mm, no problem."

Although Wen Jin's words sounded affirmative, her tone suggested otherwise.

The excellent little gong decided to make persistent efforts but she was flipped over.

The little cat girl looks innocent and delicious, with a long and fluffy cat tail under her body.

"Ruanruan is better lying down."

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