Chapter 118: Useless Knowledge Increases

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Wen Jin had a free lunch at Gu Jinrong's place and drove Ruan Jinghong back to Junshan Villa.

Ruan Jinghong nestled on the sofa, holding the script given by Shen Qingzhi when she left, reading it seriously, making notes with a pen as she read.

Seeing her girlfriend working hard, Wen Jin also took a notebook and sat nearby.

Two hours later, Ruan Jinghong asked Wen Jin to review the notes she made, with a humble expression.

Wen Jin took the script and carefully flipped through it, giving affirmation.

"Not bad, understanding to this extent on the first day, very insightful."

"However, you should not only linger in what is written. Consider how to find the emotions of the characters."

Ruan Jingham nodded on the side, "Mm, I know. Director Shen said the same thing before."

Upon hearing this, Wen Jin put down the script, her expression unchanged. "Ruanruan seem to listen to Director Shen's words very much?"

Ruan Jinghong responded following Wen Jin's words.

"Um, Because Director Shen is very powerful, Good acting skills and good brains.

"Initially, I found the script quite complicated when I first read it, but after her analysis, I suddenly felt everything became clear and enlightened."

"Oh?" Wen Jin's mouth curled up, There was no smile on her face.

"I noticed Director Shen not only discussed the script with you but also shared many whispered conversations afterward. What did she talk about? Ruanruan, can you tell me?"

Ruan Jinghong bit her lip upon hearing this, thinking about how to speak.

Director Shen's whispered conversations were her exclusive and fierce secrets, and she repeatedly emphasized that they must not be leaked.

The first formula of fierce attack secrets: The enemy should be in the dark, attack them unprepared.

What we want is the effect of this poor information.

Ruan Jinghong thinks it is true: Teacher Wen is already fierce enough, I should keep these secrets hidden.

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Seeing Ruan Jinghong's evasive appearance, Wen Jin gritted her teeth in frustration.

It hasn't been long since we left, and my girlfriend is already hiding little secrets from me right in front of my eyes. Blame that old fairy Shen Qingzhi!

Ruan Jinghong felt uneasy under Wen Jin's intense gaze and quickly changed the subject, picking up an orange from the table.

"Teacher Wen, shall I peel an orange for you?"

Wen Jin remained silent, and Ruan Jinghong took her silence as consent.

"She took a wet wipe from the table and wiped her hands. Her slender fingers peeled the orange, plucking a crystal-clear orange petal from it.

The pith was carefully removed from the petal, and then it was held by beautiful and fair fingers, handed over to Wen Jin's lips.

Wen Jin lifted her eyes and noticed Ruan Jinghong's submissive expression on her cute face, accompanied by an obvious sense of guilt.

She took the orange petal from her lips and swallowed it along with the fingertip that held it

The moist and tender tongue brushed against the fingertips, and Ruan Jinghong felt as if she had been electrocuted for a moment, causing her scalp to tingle.

She instinctively wanted to avoid it, but suddenly remembered Shen Qingzhi's earlier instructions.

The second formula of fierce attack secrets: Remain immovable like a mountain, respond to all changes with no changes.

Shen Qingzhi's original words were, "Never show any signs of weakness or nervousness. As a fierce gong, you need to exude a composed and calm demeanor. The more steady you appear, the more the other side will feel unsure about your thoughts. This way, you can gain an advantage in terms of momentum."

Wen Jin stirred her tongue for a while and saw Ruan Jinghong standing still. Her eyelids blinked a few times, but she remained motionless, like a little silly cat.

She was too lazy to continue bending around and took the remaining oranges from Ruan Jinghong's hand and placed them on the table. She directly picked up the little silly cat and placed it on the sofa next to her.

Ruan Jinghong, who was standing still just now, suddenly felt her world spinning.

In the next second, Wen Jin trapped her on the sofa.

She looked up at Wen Jin who was approaching, and said as calmly as possible, "Teacher Wen, I can't get up if you're like this."

She was a little overwhelmed for a while, so she could only remind herself repeatedly in her heart to "be calm and calm".

"Then don't get up."

Wen Jin wiped her hands with a wet towel, leaned over and trapped Ruan Jinghong in the cramped space of the sofa.

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"Why don't you just take advantage of this time and unlock a new location."

Why are you so obsessed with unlocking new location?

Ruan Jinghong wanted to refuse, but recalled the knowledge points she had just memorized in her mind.

The third formula of fierce attack secrets: Don't say "no", and focus on the customer.

Shen Qingzhi said sonorously and forcefully at the time, "Only a little shou will always like to say no. The real big gong is to take the initiative."

So she stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around Wen Jin's neck actively, and put her lips on her. (above the neck)

She wasn't ready for the absurdity of being crushed on the couch, so she decided to let herself take the initiative first.

Ruan Jinghong's cooperation was just as Wen Jin wanted, and the two got very close.

Ruan Jinghong was immature after all, her little face blushed to the point of bleeding, but she never forgot to turn herself up.

Seeing that her girlfriend was so obsessed with position, Wen Jin simply hugged her and turned around 180 degrees.

Half an hour later.

Wen Jin wrapped her little girlfriend in her arms and said maliciously on purpose.

"Did Director Shen secretly teach you something today?"

"Listen to my advice, except for acting, don't learn from her."

"Hmph, I'm not telling."

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong's heart was full of tears.

I won't say it, but I don't want to learn anymore either.

If it weren't for the fierce attacking secrets, the new location wouldn't be unlocked so quickly.

Afterward, Ruan Jinghong couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, so she sent a message to Shen Qingzhi on WeChat.

[Ruan Jinghong: Director Shen, about the fierce attacking secrets you told me last time, have you successfully applied them?]

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Shen Qingzhi's reply came quickly.

[Shen Qingzhi: Oh, you mean that? It's my latest exclusive research on secrets, and I haven't had a chance to try it yet. But you're the first person I told about it, how did it work for you?]

Ruan Jinghong: ...

Thank you so much. You've been really kind to me!

[The effect is very good, I recommend you try it.]

After sending the message, Ruan Jinghong locked her phone screen, choosing to keep a low profile and not draw attention to herself.

Wen Jin sat on the nearby sofa, holding the script in her hands, silently counting the minutes that had passed. One minute had already gone by.

"Which friend is Ruanruan chatting with so happily?"

Ruan Jinghong: ?

Which of your eyes can see that I am happy?

"Mm, I just asked Director Shen some questions about the script, and I'm done asking about it now." Ruan Jinghong blinked guiltily.

In any case, it is impossible for her to reveal the fierce attack secret.

If there's anything Ruanruan doesn't understand about the script, you can let me tell you about it." Wen Jin held the script in her hand, her smile was gentle and elegant.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong standing aside, she patted the sofa cushion beside her, "Come and sit."

Ruan Jinghong glanced at the dark blue sofa cushion; although it was newly replaced, the memories of what happened not long ago still gave her lingering fear.

She turned around to fetch a chair and place it next to the sofa, but Wen Jin quickly pulled her onto her lap.

"Since Ruanruan doesn't like sitting on the sofa, then you can sit here instead."

Ruan Jinghong, caught off guard, fell into Wen Jin's lap with embarrassment and protested with a flushed face.

"Teacher Wen, weren't you supposed to explain the script to me?"

Wen Jin flipped through the script with one hand, and lingered on Ruan Jinghong's waist with the other, smiling innocently.

"Sure, let's start with the first encounter between Shangguan Yue and Princess Tiansheng..."

In the days that followed, the two spent their time discussing the script while loving each other.

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It's rare for two people to sneak away, and every day is very precious.

Perhaps considering that things might not be as convenient after joining the crew, these days Wen Jin always took advantage of any opportunity under the guise of discussing the script.

Not only the sofa has been redeveloped, but even the floor-to-ceiling windows have been unlocked.

Ruan Jinghong felt that she could no longer look directly at Junshan Villa.

She wanted to keep a distance from Wen Jin several times, but at this time Wen Jin was able to restore her serious appearance in time, and talked to her about the script seriously.

Wen Jin's serious look is still very charming.

Ruan Jinghong was deceived time and time again by her girlfriend's face of virtue and skill, falling into the same pit again and again.

Alas, she was eaten to death like this.

Finally, came the day when "Romance Doesn't Know Me" was launched.

After a simple opening ceremony was held in the morning, Director Shen immediately asked the lead actors to put on makeup and start the first scene.

The first scene to be filmed was the Princess Tiansheng's coming-of-age ceremony. The childhood part of the plot would be filmed later with young actors and then interwoven in the form of memories.

As the most honored little princess in Tang, Princess Tiansheng's coming-of-age ceremony was grand and extraordinary. All the civil and military officials came to congratulate her, and even the Emperor and Empress personally bestowed generous gifts.

However, the birthday star herself was very unhappy because she couldn't see the person she most wanted to see on the most important day.

At this time, she was angrily rushing to the female officer's room, wanting to find Shangguan Yue for an explanation.

Ruan Jinghong's first shot was moderately difficult, mainly to present the image of an arrogant and noble little princess, expressing the angry and wronged emotions in place.

After receiving guidance from both Shen Qingzhi and Wen Jin in the past few days, she was now able to portray Princess Tiansheng's early emotions with great accuracy.

At this time, she changed into a vermilion gauze dress with a golden phoenix on the skirt, which is the most noble symbol of a woman. Originally, only queens could have this honor, but she deservedly enjoyed this special privilege.

Ruan Jinghong's face was painted with the flower tint makeup that was popular in that era, which concealed a bit of the original softness and cuteness, and added a bit of luxury and beauty.

The fifteen-year-old little princess Tiansheng has already shown her national beauty.

The little princess lifted the corner of her skirt and hurriedly walked in the corridor, her face was three points angry and seven points wronged.

The palace maid Qinghe followed closely behind with a lantern, chasing and persuading, "Princess, there are still many princes and grandchildren waiting in the palace at this moment to congratulate you on your birthday. Let's go back first."

"Don't bother me!"

The little princess walked faster, with flushed eyes and a menacing look, she went straight to Shangguan Yue's house and knocked on the door bitterly.

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