Chapter 119: Started Dating At Public's Expense

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This section requires a one-take shot.

At this moment, Wen Jin has changed into a white and purple cheongsam, dressed in the attire of a young girl from Tang, waiting in the female official's chamber set up by the crew.

At this time, Shangguan Yue, relying on her exceptional talent, has become the most favored female official by the Empress. Her attire has more unique decorations compared to ordinary palace attendants.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The urgent knocking sound rang out, and the person inside the room set aside the scroll in her hand and stood up to open the door. When she saw the familiar face, she did not show any surprise.

The girl with a gentle face spoke slowly, her voice neither humble nor overbearing, like a clear spring in the mountains.

"Your Highness, at this moment, you should be in the palace receiving the congratulations of the adults, not coming alone to the minister's room."

The young princess heard this, and her eye sockets turned even redder, looking as if she was about to cry, but her words were harsh.

"You are just glad to not see me, right? My presence bothers Lord Shangguan!"

This little princess seemed like an abandoned cub of a fierce beast, only able to "roar" to conceal her own vulnerability.

Shangguan Yue let out a sigh and stepped aside, making room for the princess. "Come in, Your Highness, let's talk."

The young princess entered the room with a huff and sat directly in the spot where Shangguan Yue had been reading.

She reached out and grabbed a handful of nuts from the plate, stuffing them into her mouth without any reservation, chewing loudly.

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Shangguan Yue stood silently on the side, watching with a trace of indulgence in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared beneath her calm expression.

"If Your Highness likes these, I will have the Royal Kitchen prepare some for your room tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, the young princess angrily threw the unfinished nuts back into the plate.

"Does it hurt you to let me eat just a few snacks? You still want to chase me away so quickly. No, I want to eat yours!"

Shangguan Yue stepped forward, wanting to pat the princess's head to comfort her, but she quickly restrained the impulse and stood respectfully on the side.

"I did not mean that. Your Highness, if you like it, you can eat as much as you want."

This statement had a certain calming effect, but not much.

Shangguan Yue saw that the young princess was still sulking, and she knew that if she didn't appease her today, she would not give up.

She reached into her pocket and fumbled for a moment. "Today is Your Highness's birthday, and I have nothing valuable to offer, so I made a little trinket as a celebration."

The young princess took the red-string knot from Shangguan Yue's hand, and her expression brightened. "A love knot?"

"It's just an ordinary flower knot," Shangguan Yue corrected.

"I don't care, to me, it's a love knot."

The young princess happily tied the red knot to her clothes and looked up to show off, "Is it beautiful?"

Shangguan Yue's eyes sparkled with admiration, then she lowered her head, "Your Highness, no matter how it is, you are beautiful."

The young princess was delighted by her response, but she quickly remembered that she came here to seek an explanation from someone. She tightly held onto the love knot and asked persistently, "If you have prepared a gift, why didn't you come to the palace to give it to me? Do you know..."

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This translation is originally posted on


"Do you know that I waited for you in the palace all day?"

Shangguan Yue hesitated for a moment, then reached out and rescued the love knot from the princess's delicate palm.

"Your birthday celebration, Your Highness, must be lively and extraordinary. I... do not enjoy such extravagance. These small gifts are the same no matter when they are given."

Upon hearing this, the young princess became so angry that she threw the nuts in her hand at the door.

"It's not the same! On my birthday, you should have given the gift today. A day later, an hour later, or even a minute later, they are all different!"

Shangguan Yue watched the princess vent her frustration and remained calm until she stopped angrily.

"Your Highness, have you calmed down?"

Of course, calming down wasn't so easy, but when the princess saw the young woman in front of her with a submissive demeanor, she felt as if she had bullied her.

The young princess didn't really want to bully her, but she was unwilling to just go back like this.

She lay on the table like a boneless creature, looking at Shangguan Yue with pleading eyes and a hint of coquetry in her tone. "My wrist hurts, can you massage it for me?"

Shangguan Yue looked at the princess's charming appearance but didn't move.

"This minister is a female official of the Empress, not Your Highness's servant."


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"Okay, cut!"

Shen Qingzhi's voice rang out, and the first scene finally came to an end.

She stepped forward and patted Ruan Jinghong's shoulder, affirming, "You've improved very quickly. You've grasped the early stage portrayal of Princess Tian Sheng perfectly. I didn't expect to get the whole scene in one take. We'll just need to shoot some close-up shots later."

Ruan Jinghong felt happy receiving praise from the director.

At this moment, she was still in the princess's makeup and attire, but her face returned to its usual docile expression.

"It's all thanks to Director Shen's and Teacher Wen's careful coaching."

"Enough of the mutual compliments. Take a fifteen-minute break first, and get ready to shoot the additional scenes later."

After Shen Qingzhi finished speaking, she found a chair to sit down; her back was really sore.

She had carefully studied the secret techniques, and that little girl used them perfectly, but she herself made mistakes. It seemed like teaching a disciple would eventually starve the master.

Wen Jin's appearance was very gentle, and it had been a long time since she played such an introverted character.

After the scene, Wen Jin's state was completely different from her character in the drama. She took Ruan Jinghong's fair wrist and blew on it.

"Ruanruan smashed so many things just now, your wrist must have hurt, I'll massage it for you."

Regardless of the fact that there are still a bunch of staff waiting next to them.

The staff on the scene are all excellent people. Seeing the eager appearance of the leading actress and the biggest investor, they all pretended to be busy with their own work, but their aunt's smile was already hanging in their hearts.

Ruan Jinghong is not used to showing affection in front of so many people, after all, the relationship between them has not been announced to the public yet.

She gave Wen Jin a slight push, and looked around.

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Wen Jin understood her little girlfriend's shyness, but she pretended not to know, and massaged her wrist for her.

She has restrained herself very much, if she hadn't considered that there are many people around, she would have hugged her girlfriend in her arms and bullied her fiercely.

God knows how amazing she was when she saw her little girlfriend put on palace makeup for the first time. Coupled with her delicate and beautiful appearance, she was simply mesmerizing.

But she had to play cold and restrained in the drama, and she suddenly felt that this role was really a huge test for her acting career.

Ruan Jinghong blushed and let Wen Jin do whatever she wanted there, while paying careful attention to the movement around them, and told herself: Everyone is busy now, so they won't notice.

However, suddenly a clear and hoarse female voice broke her self-deception.

"Excuse me, if your wrist hurts, you can try this medicine."

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Ruan Jinghong raised her head and saw that the person who came was the person who played the role of the court lady Qinghe.

"Sister Xiao: ?!"

The opening ceremony was rushed, and when filming the first scene, Ruan Jinghong was nervous and didn't have time to carefully observe the palace maids' appearances. Now, she recognized the familiar voice.

Isn't this the Chinese singer she met at the San Peiro Grand Theater during the variety show recording, Xiao Qingming!

"Lovely young lady, we meet again."

Xiao Qingming had a cynical smile on her face, which was incompatible with the court lady's attire on her body.

Don't read the second half of this chapter.

T/N: Since previous chapter got locked again, Author had to make adjustments and messed up the next chapter.

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