Chapter 120: How Many Good Sisters Do You Have?

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Reuniting with an old acquaintance is naturally a joyful occasion. After a brief moment of surprise, Ruan Jinghong felt both happy and curious.

"Sister Xiao, our last farewell was rushed. I didn't expect to meet you here. So, you are also an actress."

Xiao Qingming smiled and tapped Ruan Jinghong's forehead, completely unaffected by Wen Jin's intense gaze that seemed to want to see through people, and explained, "You must not have paid attention to the crew list for this drama. In fact, I am in charge of most of the OST for this drama. Playing the palace maid is just a casual cameo."

Ruan Jinghong suddenly realized, "No wonder! I was wondering how a talented singer like Sister Xiao suddenly switched careers. So, Sister Xiao is also interested in acting."

"I'm not interested in acting."

Facing the light, Xiao Qingming's smile was bright and radiant. "I told you before that we would meet soon after returning to the country, and here we are, just as I said."

She lifted the ointment in her hand again and said: "When I used to play musical instruments before, I often hurt my hands. This ointment is quite effective. You can give it a try."

Ruan Jinghong was about to thank her, but Wen Jin stopped their hands that were about to touch each other.

"Sorry, break is over. We need to go and shoot some close-up shots now."

Wen Jin turned her head to look at Shen Qingzhi, who was still leaning against the back of the chair and rubbing her waist, in order to add credibility to her statement.

"Director Shen, how about finishing the scene first and then taking a rest?"

Shen Qingzhi got up after hearing the words, and began to direct the staff to take their positions, but she couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Isn't it still two minutes away, am I the director or are you the director?

Well, you are the golden daddy*.


Xiao Qingming looked at the two leading actors standing in front of the camera, even though she was deliberately left out, the smile on the corners of her mouth remained unchanged.

From abroad to returning home, it's still the same.

The filming went smoothly that day, and the production crew closed work in the evening.

Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong are the only two heroines in this play, so their room is logically arranged next door to each other.

This day was filled with the opening ceremony, styling sessions, and repeated scenes, making it a very fulfilling day.

After returning to her room, Ruan Jinghong took a quick shower and then collapsed on the sofa. She still held the script in her hand but had no motivation to move.

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During the shooting of the first scene, she didn't think much of it, but Director Shen was a perfectionist. She insisted on shooting multiple takes from different angles to ensure the best possible outcome for each shot.

This caused her to shoot the same scene many times even if she didn't NG*.

*make a mistake, No Good

The nuts alone smashed the door no less than ten times.

This action seems simple, but it requires the emotional momentum and graceful posture. The nut must be smashed firmly on the door to make a sound.

Ruan Jinghong rubbed her swollen wrist, it really hurt.

She took out an ointment from her jacket pocket, which was stuffed by Xiao Qingming at the end of filming.

She was about to squeeze out some to smear, but was interrupted by a few knocks on the door with a familiar rhythm.

Three knocks, one pause and two knocks, is Wen Jin's unique rhythm every time she knocks on the door.

Ruan Jinghong stood up and opened the door, and sure enough, she saw a familiar figure.

It's not surprising that Wen Jin would visit the room next door where the two of them live now.

Ruan Jinghong turned sideways, welcomed Wen Jin in, and followed behind her like a little tail.

"Teacher Wen, did you come over for something?"

Wen Jin stopped, and glanced at the ointment in Ruan Jinghong's hand, her expression darkened.

"Why, can't I come and find you for no reason?"

I didn't say that!

Ruan Jinghong followed Wen Jin to the coffee table and stopped, reached out to pick up an apple, and said obediently.

"Teacher Wen can come over even if you have nothing to do. Do you want an apple?"

Ruan Jinghong held up the glowing red apple in her hand, and the swollen bruise on her wrist was also glowing red against the background.

Wen Jin grabbed Ruan Jinghong's arm but didn't touch the red and swollen area, her tone was very distressed.

"It's only the first scene, and your wrist is swollen, you don't know how to cherish yourself."

Ruan Jinghong obediently sat on the sofa with Wen Jin, showing the ointment in the other hand.

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"I'm just about to apply the medicine. It should be fine tomorrow. Sister Xiao said that the medicine is very effective."

"Sister Xiao?" Wen Jin lowered her head to observe the injury on Ruan Jinghong's hand, making it hard to see the expression on her face.

Ruan Jinghong thought that Wen Jin was forgetful, so she explained.

"It's the elder sister who played my court lady today. We heard her sing at the San Peirro Theater before."

The corners of Wen Jin's mouth curled up, but the smile couldn't reach her eyes: Of course I know who she is, maybe I know more than you.

She reached out and took away the ointment from Ruan Jinghong's hand, and took out another one from her pocket.


"Hers doesn't work, use mine."

Ruan Jinghong watched in a daze as Wen Jin squeezed out the transparent ointment and applied it to her wrist, and couldn't help but whisper in her heart.

It's never been used. How do you know that it doesn't work?

However, Ruan Jinghong never likes to argue with others on these trivial matters. Since Wen Jin said her ointment is better, then hers is better.

The temperature of the ointment was very low. When it was first applied, Ruan Jinghong was shocked by the cold.

She subconsciously withdrew her hand, but Wen Jin grabbed her even tighter.

Usually, even if Ruan Jinghong showed any slight discomfort, Wen Jin would hold her in her arms and coax her "kiss baby", and then take the opportunity to ask for some benefits for herself.

But now she didn't say a word, she just spread and rubbed the ointment with her fingertips silently.

At this time, Wen Jin exuded a powerful aura from all over her body, and her movements with only her hands were still so gentle and delicate.

Ruan Jinghong soon felt the coldness on her wrist turn into warmth, it was numb, and it didn't hurt much.

She shook her wrist covered with ointment, and said happily, "It really doesn't hurt anymore, Teacher Wen is amazing!"

"Mm." Wen Jin responded lightly, and put away the ointment.

Although Ruan Jinghong was very nervous, she also noticed that Wen Jin's mood was very strange at this time.

In fact, Wen Jin has been acting a little weird since she first entered the door. At that time, she only thought that she was tired from filming all day, so she wanted to follow her girlfriend as much as possible.

But now it seems that things are not that simple.

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Ruan Jinghong approached with a small head, and said cautiously: "Teacher Wen, are you unhappy today?"


Her answer was still a simple syllable.

Ruan Jinghong playfully tugged the edge of Wen Jin's clothes and blinked her bright, round eyes, looking like a kitten waiting for its owner's affection.

"Then what should I do to make Teacher Wen happy?"

Wen Jin looked down at Ruan Jinghong's eyes, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't understand, she could only use Wen Jin's favorite method of coaxing.

She took the initiative to reach out and hook Wen Jin's neck, looked up to find the serious red lips, and moistened them.

Wen Jin still had a sullen face at the beginning, but she had no resistance at all to her little girlfriend's cute and well-behaved appearance.

Ruan Jinghong playfully stuck out her tongue and lightly tapped it on Wen Jin's lips once or twice. Wen Jin's expression changed, and she took control of the situation, pulling her into her arms.

Seeing that Wen Jin's displeasure seemed to subside a little, Ruan Jinghong hooked her neck and let her kiss her.

It's just that she didn't expect that this person would go further and further and become more and more wanton.

After exchanging several breaths, Ruan Jinghong felt that her lips were about to be chewed off.

She stretched out her hand to block this domineering attack that made her almost breathless, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Wen Jin held her lips and refused to let go, wrapped her hands around the softness, and led her to the bed beside her.

The quilt on the bed has been specially prepared in advance, it is soft, smooth and fluffy.

The two fell down together, as if they were buried in the soft warm snow.

Ruan Jinghong was pinned down with one hand, and Wen Jin was holding the other, so she couldn't use her strength.

The pajamas on her body are loose and home style, which can be easily peeled off.

She was pressed and invaded for a while, and finally found a gap to take a breath of fresh air, and hurriedly called out.

"Teacher Wen~"

The words she used to plead were coupled with such a delicate tone, but it seemed that the words were not effective.

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Wen Jin didn't give Ruan Jinghong another chance to speak, and the next wave of invasion came soon.

During the period, Ruan Jinghong rescued half of her body several times, trying to stop her.

But in exchange, Wen Jin became even more stubborn.

Ruan Jinghong felt that her lips seemed to have become some kind of interesting plaything, which made the person on her enjoy teasing so much.

It wasn't until the woman finally shifted her position a little that she finally had the time to speak out.

"'s not appropriate."

Wen Jin did not continue to block her this time, but picked other weak spots to tease her, and what she said seemed to be comforting.

"I came here after taking a shower."

That's not what I meant…

Ruan Jinghong was stimulated, so she could only raise the back of one hand to cover her mouth. This hotel was arranged by the crew, and she doesn't know if the sound insulation effect is good.

"My hands have also been carefully washed."

That's not it...

Ruan Jinghong's eyelashes trembled violently, and her eyelids were wet with physiological tears.

"Ruanruan will shoot the scene of being unconscious in bed tomorrow morning, so you don't have to get up to shoot while lying down."

That's not what I meant!

Ruan Jinghong really didn't know what to say, after several ups and downs, only chaos remained in her mind.

After working hard all day, she could only fall into a drowsy sleep in the end, not remembering anything.

After the routine cleaning, Wen Jin put her sleeping girlfriend under the quilt, lay on her side and looked at her.

At this time, the delicate and fair little face is still glowing with a seductive blush, attracting her to pick it up; her eyelashes are long and curly, like the wings of a butterfly soaked in rain and dew;

This appearance is really cute and hateful!

Wen Jin poked the dimple on the soft cheek with her finger, and said angrily, "At one time it was sister Xiao Yuan, at another time you called Director Shen Sister Miss, and now there is Sister Xiao, how many good sisters do you have?"

However, Ruan Jinghong, who was in a coma at this time, couldn't answer Wen Jin's question.

With her miraculous brain circuit, it would be difficult to figure out even if she racked her brains. Today's trouble was all because she had a habit of addressing older women as "sisters."

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