Chapter 121: Scold In Another Way

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The crew started filming early in the morning, and Ruan Jinghong was pulled up from the bed by Wen Jin. To save time, the two girls washed up together.

Now, Wen Jin stood in front of the dressing table's mirror, holding a toothbrush and rinsing her mouth. She looked lazy and relaxed, showing no trace of coldness from last night.

Since morning, Ruan Jinghong's back had been aching. She pressed the sore and painful areas that had been tossed about repeatedly, enduring it over and over again, but she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Teacher Wen, we can't do this on set anymore."

Although she willingly comforted the person yesterday, she didn't expect the cost to be so significant.

Wen Jin casually rinsed the foam in her mouth with water and then looked up at Ruan Jinghong through the dressing table's mirror, her eyes shimmering.

"What do you mean?"

Ruan Jinghong bit her lips angrily: Isn't this asking knowingly?

Wen Jin just bullied her because she was thin-skinned, embarrassed to speak up, and deliberately teased her.

Ruan Jinghong stared at the villain in front of her for a long time, although she lost her momentum, she was not willing to suffer like this, so she went all out and said.

"In the future, you can't mess around with my waist anymore on set. It's about to break, and it will affect the filming."

Upon hearing this, Wen Jin deliberately smiled and misinterpreted, saying, "Alright then, I won't bother Ruanruan's waist tonight. I'll find some other place to play around."

What? Tonight, there's still going to be some messing around?

Ruan Jinghong got angry, pushed her out of the bathroom, and closed the door with a "bang".

"We'll each stay in our own room tonight, I won't open the door for you."

Wen Jin wasn't annoyed at being locked out, so she went back to her own room next door and changed into her outfit for the scene.

Creating the ancient costume took some time. When the two of them finally appeared on the set in their respective character looks, it was already an hour and a half later.

As Wen Jin had said, the morning scene involved Ruan Jinghong lying on the bed for filming.

The filming sequence is not in the order of the scenes' broadcast but is arranged by the director based on various factors within the crew.


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The premise of this scene is that: the Tang Emperor is seriously ill, and the Empress is busy with state affairs, so she hasn't returned to the palace for a long time. Princess Tiansheng feels distant from the royal family and has pent-up emotions. She leaves the palace to relax but ends up getting attacked and injured, leaving her bedridden. Shangguan Yue visits the princess's chamber to check on her, only to encounter the angry princess, and the two of them engage in a confrontation.

In the princess bedroom.

Tiansheng was dressed in a delicate and revealing attire, leaning against the bed with her arm supporting her. Her beautiful and noble face appeared extremely pale due to the injury, but her furious demeanor remained undiminished.

"I've already said that I don't want to drink these medicines! All of you, get out!"

The palace maid was holding the medicine bowl, trembling and in a dilemma.

She neither dared to neglect Princess' precious body, nor dared to disobey the angry little tiger.

At this moment, a young girl dressed in a blue and white ruqun entered the room. It was none other than the most favored person by the Empress, Shangguan Yue.

Seeing the palace maid's eyes looking as if she was a savior, she said, "Let me do it." Then she extended her hand, took the medicine bowl, and walked to the front of the princess.

When Tiansheng saw someone coming, she didn't continue to make a fuss, but turned her head angrily, not wanting to talk to her.

Shangguan Yue sat in front of Tiansheng's couch for a while, only sighed silently, and said: "Your Highness, you should be sensible."

Tiansheng turned her head when she heard the words, and looked at the girl who was about the same age as her, this girl who was her childhood sweetheart, this girl who was appreciated by her mother, this girl who taught her "be sensible" with a straight face.

Her eyes were red from suffocation, and the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time were finally released at this moment.

Her eyes were so red from holding back, and the long-accumulated emotions finally released at this moment.

"Even you must think that I'm just a clueless burden, right? I was attacked, and the Empress doesn't care, and you don't like me either!"

The little princess was spoiled too much before, so once she was left out in the cold, there was such a huge gap in her heart.

Shangguan Yue held the medicine bowl in one hand and fiddled with the spoon with the other, her face was no longer as gentle as before.

"Your Majesty is seriously ill, and political affairs are piled up like a mountain. On the one hand, Heavenly Empress has to stabilize the court, and on the other hand, she has to deal with the impeachment of the ministers.

"As a child, you not only failed to share her worries, but blamed her for neglecting family affection.

"Behind the Heavenly Empress, she bears the entire Tang Empire on her back. She is not only His Majesty's wife, Your Highness' mother, she is also the Heavenly Empress of the thousands of people of the Tang Empire.

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"You left the palace willfully this time, and you were almost abducted by the right-wing forces in the court. If Commander Song hadn't appeared in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Your Highness, you have already come of age, why are you still acting like a child?"

This was the first time Shangguan Yue spoke such a long word with Tiansheng, and it was also the first time she spoke in such a serious tone.

She said "you"*, but every word and every word was a reproach, hating iron for not becoming steel.

*she used 您 'nin' the more formal and respectful 'you'

For this girl, who was born into the family of a criminal minister but was able to display her talents because of the Empress's appreciation, the Empress is her admiration, while the princess has been the warm light by her side since her childhood.

Now, she witnessed the estrangement between the mother and daughter of the royal family, saw her admiration being misunderstood, and saw the warm light being obscured. She genuinely felt sorrow and regret, to the extent that she momentarily forgot the propriety between subject and ruler.

Tiansheng had never been taught such a harsh lesson growing up.

Everyone pampered her and spoiled her, even her most stern Empress mother would simply issue punishment orders when she made a serious mistake, and would not spend so much time lecturing her.

If others dared to be so bold, the arrogant little princess would have ordered someone to drag them down to be beaten.

But facing the demure and elegant girl in front of her, the little princess just opened her mouth awkwardly after being accused, and finally said only one sentence.

"Give me the medicine."

Shangguan Yue handed over the medicine bowl, watched the princess drink the medicine obediently, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe off the medicine stains at the corners of her mouth, and her face returned to its usual gentleness and demureness.

She didn't continue to say more, the princess was spoiled since she was a child, but she has always been smart, and her reaction now showed that she has listened to the persuasion.

After the little princess drank the medicine, she raised her eyes to look at Shangguan Yue, looking a little pitiful.

"Actually, I understand all the reasons you said. I'm just afraid, afraid that I will be abandoned by the Empress mother just like my father the Emperor.

"I went to see my father the day before yesterday, he looked so pitiful lying on the bed.

"When I think that I may soon become a child without a father and a mother, I feel so pitiful alone."

Shangguan Yue hooked the little princess's black hair scattered on her forehead to her ears. She became a little more soft-hearted towards the little princess who was injured and showed weakness.

"The Heavenly Empress has never abandoned His Majesty, nor will she abandon the Princess.

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"Princess, there will be many people who love you by your side, and you will never be alone."

Tiansheng looked at Shangguan Yue when she heard the words, with tears in her eyes, rippling with anticipation, "What about you, you will stay with me too, right?"

Shangguan Yue was silent for two seconds, then nodded and said, "I will always be by the Empress' side.



After the first scene of the day was over, Shen Qingzhi called Ruan Jinghong over and asked her to watch her performance on the monitor.

"When Princess Tiansheng scolds the palace maid, you portrayed the anger and arrogance well, but the sense of grievance needs a bit more refinement. This part requires a connection with the previous context."

"Also, after being reprimanded by Shangguan Yue, you appeared a bit too stunned. At that moment, Princess Tiansheng should be taken aback but not just frozen. Her emotions are more complex, a mix of surprise, anger, grievance, and contemplation leading to a compromise."

"And in the end, when you look at Shangguan Yue and ask if 'you will stay with me, right?' Don't look to affectionate like looking at your girlfriend. Even if Tiansheng has feelings for Shangguan Yue, Shangguan Yue has always been indifferent to Tiansheng since she was an adult. Tiansheng is a little nervous when facing Shangguan."

When Ruan Jinghong acted, she still felt quite emotional, but she didn't expect to be pointed out so many shortcomings by Shen Qingzhi all at once.

She wrote down one by one and began to reorganize in her mind.

Seeing that she was nervous, Shen Qingzhi said with relief: "But it's great that you have reached this level in the first scene today. The overall state is in place, but you need to pay more attention to some small details. Take a break and do it again."

Although this scene is just a simple dialogue between two people, it is an important scene to carry on the whole plot.

This was the last time Tiansheng was willful and arrogant.

After that, the Tang Emperor passed away and the Empress ascended the throne. Tang Empire opened a new chapter, and the status of women rose rapidly during this period.

As the only daughter of the Empress, Tiansheng also began to get in touch with political affairs after she became an adult, and held real power in her hands.

The scene transitions to three years later.

When Princess Tiansheng, now almost nineteen years old, reappears on the screen, she truly appears to have become "more sensible," just as Shangguan had said.

Therefore, in this scene, Shen Qingzhi brought excellence to the fullest, every tiny detail had to be carefully picked out for a long time.

Shouting "Cut" repeatedly in a scene, Shen Qingzhi gradually became irritable.

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During the filming, the director had the final say, and this particular scene was shot repeatedly until noon before the director finally felt satisfied.

During lunchtime, Ruan Jinghong leaned against a resting chair, supporting her waist, and let out a long sigh. Filming scenes lying down is not easy either.

"Why is Ruanruan sighing? Did you get lectured by Director Shen?"

Wen Jin came to Ruan Jinghong's side with a box of lunch. She had seen Shen Qingzhi's serious appearance this morning.

But she didn't intervene, the old fairy, aside from anything else, her professional level of directing is not a problem.

Wen Jin dotes on her girlfriend herself, and is reluctant to speak harshly. But as long as there is Shen Qingzhi, there is no fear that Ruan Jinghong will not be able to be educated.

Seeing Wen Jin approaching, Ruan Jinghong sat up straight.

"Director Shen is striving for perfection, but I still have a lot of room for improvement. I have read the script repeatedly before, but the performance on the spot is still not satisfactory."

Wen Jin also pulled up a chair and sat aside, stretched out her fingers and pinched Ruan Jinghong's frustrated little face, smiling a little gloatingly.

"Don't worry about it. Director Shen was like this when she was filming. She's a bit distant from others. Do you think she is quite fierce now, and she is no longer a cute young Miss?"

Ruan Jinghong thought for a while, then raised her head and looked at her girlfriend who was teasing, who was still wearing Tang's gentle female official attire, but her demeanor was a bit playful.

"I feel like, when Teacher Wen scolds someone, she's even fiercer."

Wen Jin froze, "When did I scold someone?"

She thought to herself: Could it be that this little cutie saw me scolding a subordinate at the company? That can't be.

"Just now, Teacher Wen scolded me a total of five times. Every time I faced your serious expression, I felt my heart trembling."

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin, showing a lingering fear on her face.

"It was for filming. I have always had a good temper in real life. I have never scolded others, let alone my girlfriend." Wen Jin didn't expect this, and hurriedly defended herself.

Ruan Jinghong blinked her eyes when she heard the words, "But if I do something wrong, Teacher Wen can also discipline me."

Wen Jin suddenly approached with a meaningful smile.

"Ruanruan is right. If you do something wrong, I do need to scold you, but... I'll have to scold you in a different way."

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