Chapter 12: I'm Just A Basic Wage Earner, I Don't Want To Fire Up The CP

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When Wen Duoduo heard the news from Wen Qing, she couldn't believe her ears, so she cautiously reconfirmed with her.


"Ruan Jinghong? Are you talking about the Ruan Jinghong from Xingxing Entertainment?"


"Yes, it's Ruan Jinghong from Xingxing Entertainment. My sister personally gave her name. Please be sure to invite her to participate in this variety show." Wen Qing repeated patiently.


Wen Duoduo finally believed it now, and agreed without hesitation, still feeling unbelievable in her heart.


As an entertainment worker who has been working in the entertainment industry for many years, Wen Duoduo is always on the front line of surfing the internet, and naturally knows about the scandal between Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong who reached the top of the list.


To be honest, when she was selecting the guests to invite these two days, she really thought about Ruan Jinghong.


Although the little actress is still a long way from being a celebrity, she is really pretty and has a scandal. If she joins Wen Jin in a variety show, then the official announcement of "Holiday Saturday" will have a natural topic to discuss.


Of course, this kind of thought is just a flash, Wen Jin is the Buddha she invited with great difficulty, and she dares not do the thing of plucking the beard from the tiger's mouth*.


*do something reckless and risky


But she never expected that Wen Jin would personally name that little girl to participate in the variety show and be her partner.


So, the rumors uploaded on the internet are actually true? The two of them are planning to use the program to fall in love at public expense?


Wen Duoduo pondered in her heart and decided to contact Ruan Jinghong's manager Shen Yun in person.


When Shen Yun first received the call, saying that she was going to invite Ruan Jinghong to participate in "Holiday Saturday", she thought that the other party was a liar, so she hung up the phone decisively and blocked her.


What a joke, how could a variety show with an S rating invite our Xiao Ruan as a resident guest.

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Before Wen Duoduo finished speaking, she heard a beep from the phone, and dialed again, but there was no response from the other side.


Did I get blocked?


In desperation, she could only look through her circle of friends, find an agent she and Shen Yun knew together, and ask the other party to pass the message as an intermediary.


After Shen Yun learned the ins and outs of the matter from her friend, she hurriedly unblock Wen Duoduo, and immediately called to apologize.


Wen Duoduo didn't mind this, but was just surprised: Even Ruan Jinghong's manager didn't know about her dating. It seems that the two of them are planning to have a secret relationship first, and the secret is deep enough. So that's how it is, I can see everything clearly.


Wen Duoduo praised her wit and made an appointment with Shen Yun to discuss the contract in detail.




The text message that Ruan Jinghong sent to Wen Jin during the day asking for the mailing address did not receive a reply until night.


Wen Jin: [Sorry, I just finished my work and found that your clothes were left on my car.]


Ruan Jinghong was moved: Teacher Wen unexpectedly took the initiative to mention that she was so busy that she didn't dispose of the extra things on her car at will.


Ruan Jinghong: [It's okay, Teacher Wen, I'm the one who caused you trouble, so can I trouble you again and send my clothes?]


Wen Jin: [You'll send my clothes to me and I'll send yours. That is really troublesome.]


Ruan Jinghong: Huh?


Wen Jin: [I happen to be going to Huaxin Street tomorrow to do some errands, which is not far from where you live, so it's best to meet up and exchange them. Are you free tomorrow?]

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Ruan Jinghong is currently on vacation, so she is naturally free. But…


Ruan Jinghong: [I'm free, but I haven't had time to wash your clothes, are you in a hurry?]


Wen Jin; [No need to wash, the clothes are made of special material and need special care, just bring them to me tomorrow.]


Now that Wen Jin said so, Ruan Jinghong naturally couldn't refuse, she was afraid of causing trouble to others, even though she thought that mailing would save time compared to face-to-face exchange, but Wen Jin did what was convenient for her.


Ruan Jinghong had just finished talking with Wen Jin when she heard a knock on the door.


Who is it, in the middle of the night?


Ruan Jinghong reached out and fiddled with her fluffy hair twice, reluctantly walked to the door, and looked out through the peephole.


It's Miss Yun.


Ruan Jinghong hurriedly opened the door, "Sister Yun, what's the matter, why are you here so late?"


"I have good news!" Shen Yun's face turned into a flowery smile, she closed the door and grabbed Ruan Jinghong's hand, "Do you know who I'm met today?"


"Met... your boyfriend?" Ruan Jinghong looked at Shen Yun's cheerful face, tilted her head and thought seriously.


"Bah, bah, what are you talking about? I went to see Director Wen during the day, the director Wen Duoduo who produced the popular variety show "Let's Fall in Love". Her latest new variety show "Holiday Saturday" invited you to be a resident cast. This is an S project. I know, except for you, the other guests are all first-tier, this is a great thing!" Shen Yun spoke without panting for a long time, beaming with joy.


"Since it's such a powerful variety show, why did they invite me? Sister Yun, you're not being cheated, are you?" Ruan Jinghong pondered seriously.


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"I thought so at first, but I just went to meet Director Wen during the day and signed the contract on the spot. Director Wen also looks the same as the photo in the online profile, and she looks young and promising."


"They looked the same, what if it was a disguise technique? I heard that some scammers are very powerful now." Ruan Jinghong thought she was being very vigilant.


As soon as Ruan Jinghong finished speaking, she was knocked on the head. She covered her head in pain, her eyes were full of tears, "Sister Yun, why did you hit me?"


"Because your head is weird. How many times have I told you that during your vacation, you should also improve your professional skills, don't just read novels. Disguise, what good thoughts you have." Shen Yun hated iron for not becoming steel*.


*to hate/be disappointed towards somebody who failed to meet expectations


Huh, I have worked hard to improve my skills.These days, the audience has praised me for playing Mu Qing, who makes people itch with hatred.


Also, I don't only read novels, I can also write novels.


Ruan Jinghong had tears in her eyes, but she dared not speak out.


Seeing Ruan Jinghong's tears in the corners of her eyes, and her pitiful look, Shen Yun also reflected on whether she had hit a little hard just now, and reached out to rub her forehead where she was beaten.


"Okay, don't look so pitiful. In short, just believe in sister, this time it's a variety show that Director Wen personally invited you to participate in, and I signed the contract, you see."


Ruan Jinghong took over the contract, and browsed through the above content with half-belief: "Holiday Saturday" Season 1, regular cast: Wen Jin...


Seeing the name that frequently appeared in her life these two days, Ruan Jinghong raised her head in surprise, "Teacher Wen will also participate?"


"That's right, it's Wen Jin, the nation's actress who will participate in the same variety show as you, so you can just tell me how lucky you are. Speaking of which, it's probably because of the scandal effect with the actress Wen Jin that you were able to receive this invitation. At first, when I saw the trending search, I was worried that you would be hacked and unable to turn over, but I didn't expect... it was a blessing in disguise."


Different from Shen Yun's excitement, the little idiot Ruan Jinghong was very smart this time, "Ah, if it's because of that, then the show just wants to fire up the CP*, right? I'm just a basic wage earner, I don't want to fire up CPs. Or...let's not go."

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*hype it up and use it as promotional noise


Shen Yun's face turned black when she heard it: "I have signed the contract, you want me to break the contract, let the company break the contract? This is now a deal arranged by the company for you. If you refuse, you will lose your basic wage."


Even the basic wage is gone, that is a bit serious.


Ruan Jinghong frowned delicately, and struggled for a few seconds seriously.


"Okay then, sister Yun, I'll just go and participate."


Shen Yun nodded in satisfaction, "That's good. You don't have to worry about those things either. If you really want to fire up the CP, you have to ask Queen Wen to agree, it seems that you are at a disadvantage."


As she spoke, she took out another pamphlet, "Here are some introductions about this variety show. You should take a good look at it in the next two days, and be prepared to fight. Our Xiao Ruan will definitely be very popular in the future."


Ruan Jinghong took the pamphlet and nodded obediently, and thought: It is indeed going to be very popular, every time you hit my forehead, it will become very popular.


Shen Yun instructed Ruan Jinghong for a while, and finally left with peace of mind.


Ruan Jinghong held the information booklet in her hand and did not look through it in a hurry. Instead, she turned her little brain, which was not very bright, and thought very seriously.


This program group must be trying to ride Teacher Wen's popularity, deliberately stir up scandal CP marketing, and even use me as a tool, it's really disgusting.


Teacher Wen is usually so immersed in acting and arts that it's rare for her to encounter such a frustrating situation in a variety show.


A person as high-spirited and upright as Teacher Wen never imagined the complexity of the entertainment industry and how easy it is to be taken advantage of.


No, I'm on the variety show this time, so I must avoid suspicion and refute rumors in all aspects. I can't discredit Teacher Wen because of me.

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