Chapter 11: 'Holiday Saturday', Sixth Guest

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Junshan Villa is located outside the city. There is a long winding road from here to the city. In order to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the residence, taxis are not allowed to enter. So if there is no car to see her off at this moment, Ruan Jinghong can only walk back with her pair of legs.


Although she felt very sorry, Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin came to the underground garage together, and watched Wen Jin open the door of a blue Lamborghini.


Is this the same car as yesterday?


"Xiao Yuan took the car yesterday, so she wouldn't walk back." Wen Jin explained as if she could read minds.


But didn't you say last night that the other cars were taken for maintenance, so there's only one left?


Ruan Jinghong's rare memory came online, she looked at Wen Jin's natural expression, and thought for a while: Oh, yes, how can a busy person like Teacher Wen always remember when the car should be serviced? She must have forgotten this little thing.


Wen Jin watched Ruan Jinghong's expression change from doubt to approval, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief: This was a wave of carelessness, but fortunately, the little fool didn't think there was anything wrong.


Ruan Jinghong was not too shy this time, and took the initiative to sit in the passenger seat. Although she felt a little cautious to be so close to Wen Jin, whom she had only been in touch with for a day, she couldn't sit in the back seat and use the top actress as her driver.


The corners of Wen Jin's lips curled up in a satisfied arc, and she drove on the road.


The road before going out is a private area, and the traffic is very smooth.  The green plants on both sides are lush and full of spring.


Ruan Jinghong looked at the rapidly receding green shadow outside the car window, holding the oral ointment that Wen Jin stuffed her before leaving the door, still feeling unreal.


Wen Jin's driving skills are very stable, and it didn't take long for her to park the car in the complex where Ruan Jinghong lives.


The unit here is the employee apartment rented by Xingxing Entertainment for Ruan Jinghong. Although Ruan Jinghong is only a third-rate actress in the entertainment industry, she can be regarded as the top sister in this 18th-tier* company, so she enjoys the company's best treatment.




Most of the people who live in the same building as Ruan Jinghong are white-collar tenants, and there are still property management and security guards here. Of course, the security level cannot be compared with the place where Wen Jin lives.


Fortunately, all the social animals have gone to work at this point, so the complex is very clean.


Wen Jin parked the car next to the flower bed of the complex, watching the little fool on the side clumsily handling the seat belt buttons.

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Strange, it was fine when I put it on.


Ruan Jinghong bit her lip, her slender fingers were marked with white marks by the buttons.


I can't even unbuckle a seat belt, Teacher Wen must think I'm stupid.


Ruan Jinghong was frustrated, and she pulled the seatbelt a little impatiently.


"Don't worry, press here." Wen Jin leaned forward, lightly pressed her finger on the side of the seat belt, and the belt buckle was unlocked.


Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin who suddenly approached, and for the first time, she caught a glimpse of that cold and stunning face at such close range.


That should be a proud work that combines the painstaking efforts of Nu Wa. Her eyes are like stars, her face is like a silver moon, especially the mole on her eyebrow, which seems to be bleeding at this moment.


There is also such a pleasant fragrance, so close, the intoxicating fragrance seems to seep into the air, weaving into a fine net.


Ruan Jinghong shrugged her nose and blushed.


Fortunately, Wen Jin moved very quickly this time, and only stayed for two or three seconds, then got up and sat back in her seat.


The wind passed without a trace.


After a brief episode, Ruan Jinghong got out of the car wearing a mask. The smog in City H is a bit heavy, and it's not a big deal for her to wear a mask.


After all, Wen Jin's face is too popular, and she is sitting in the car through the one-way mirror of the car window.


Ruan Jinghong looked at the brown-gray car window and knew that Wen Jin could see her in the car at this time, so she waved her hand vigorously, "Teacher Wen, I'll go back first, please excuse me."


Wen Jin glanced at the passenger seat, noticing a vacuum bag left on it, which contained a white puff-sleeve shirt and cropped jeans that were not completely dry.


"Okay, pay attention to safety, goodbye." Wen Jin said in a cold voice, stepped on the accelerator and left.


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When Ruan Jinghong returned home, the first thing she did was to take off the whole set of clothes she borrowed from Wen Jin.


She washed her clothes in a daze last night, and couldn't go out in wet clothes in the morning, so she had to borrow a set of clothes from Wen Jin.


The style of this piece of clothing is very simple, without even a logo on it, but Ruan Jinghong understands that the clothes that appear in Wen Jin's wardrobe are naturally not ordinary.


She didn't dare to neglect, and carefully folded the set of clothes into the storage bag, and planned to take it to a special laundry shop for cleaning later.


The next step is to take out her set of clothes that she washed last night and dry them.


Oh no, what about the clothes she put in the storage bag when she went out in the morning?


Ruan Jinghong searched the room for a long time, but found nothing. After recalling for a long time, she suddenly slapped herself on the forehead.


Hey, it must have been mistakenly left in Teacher Wen's car.


Ruan Jinghong took out her phone and found the newly added Wen Jin in her contacts. She typed a text message: Teacher Wen, I will take your clothes and wash them before sending them to you. Do I send them to Junshan Villa or somewhere else?


She didn't mention the clothes she had left behind. Those were just ordinary shirt and denims, and they were not worth much, so she didn't dare to cause trouble for the actress. It's just that after wearing it for a long time, she still feels somewhat reluctant to part with it.


Ruan Jinghong sent a text message, but did not expect Wen Jin to reply immediately, and started to tidy up the house.


How should she put it? The experience of this day and night was a bit magical, and she needed to sort out her thoughts through labor.


After all the busy work, it was almost noon.  Although she didn't sort out any thoughts, after working, her mind became empty and comfortable.


Ruan Jinghong went to the kitchen to cook a bowl of water noodles for herself, and the blisters on the tip of her tongue were still aching. She decided to try the ointment that Wen Jin stuffed into her after lunch.


While sucking on the noodles, Ruan Jinghong turned on the computer that had been out of favor all day. She was not in the mood to write today and just wanted to chat with someone.


Without hesitation, Ruan Jinghong clicked on the penguin icon on the desktop, and saw the carved white jade head portrait at the top of the friend list.


She is online now.

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Speaking of it, Ruan Jinghong and Huaijin have been friends for only two days, but she is always willing to talk to her.


Perhaps it was because they had a harmonious exchange in Lujiang this year, or maybe it was because Huaijin holds Yu gave her a rare sense of sympathy.  Although she knew that the other party was probably only a student at school and should be several years younger than her, she just felt that the other party had an inexplicable aura that she could trust.


Ruan Jinghong clicked on Huaijin's chat pop-up window, and tapped the keyboard nimbly.


Ruanruan: Friend, do you know how weird things happened after I escaped from the banquet last night according to the way you said?


Ruanruan: !  !  !


Huaijin holds Yu: What happened, tell me quickly.  curious.jpg


The response to the message was very timely and good, this effect of live chat is what she needed.


Ruan Ruan: I escaped to the rooftop last night, and met senior Bingshan. It turned out she is quite gentle sometimes, and she is not that Bingshan. At that time, I suddenly fell ill, and went to her house in a daze, and stayed overnight! In the morning, I ate the breakfast she made and took her car home! It felt..very magical, you know? There is a feeling that she is starting to be OOC*.


*out of character- actions contradicting the persona she portrays


Ruan Jinghong's words were rambling, but she felt that Huai Jin Holds Yu has a good understanding with her, so she would definitely understand what she wanted to express.


The other party naturally understands.


Huai Jin holds Yu: Then what kind of personality do you think your senior should have?


She deliberately omitted the word "Bingshan".


Ruan Ruan: If I were to describe her, I think she should be that kind of divine existence, a flower of the high mountain, an iceberg beauty, and no strangers should come near. In short, she is completely different from ordinary people like me.


Huaijin holds Yu: So you put these persona on her, but they may not be her real appearance.


What does she really look like?


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Ruan Jinghong was a little dazed: Wen Jin who won the grand slam of awards, Wen Jin who was serious, Wen Jin who kindly took her in, Wen Jin who was sometimes cold and sometimes gentle...Which one is her real appearance?


Such a question was really embarrassing for Ruan Jinghong's brain capacity, so she shook her head and decided to let it go.


What she really looks like has nothing to do with me.


Ruan Ruan: The truth is, I wasn't the one who put her on these personas, she always had these images in the eyes of many people.


Huai Jin holds Yu: You follow what others say, and only look at appearances, you are biased!


Ruan Jinghong was stunned: Ah, why am I biased?


Ruan Ruan: Why are you a little strange today, you seem to care about my opinion of that senior.


Huai Jin holds Yu: Because I have a child I like very much, and I want to get closer to her. But she seems to be prejudiced against me, and she is very unfamiliar with me. So I was a little carried away just now. You won't be angry with me, will you? cute dog.jpg


Ruan Jinghong thought to herself: Aren't you a child yourself, the world of adults is different from that of you children.


Ruan Ruan: How can I get angry so easily? In fact, your question is quite simple. It’s best to coax the child. You can buy her some candy and toys. She will cling to you 24 hours a day. If these are not enough, then take her to the playground!  Cat rushing.jpg


Huai Jin holds Yu: I have learned, I have learned, you are worthy of being a big boss, you have a lot of ideas.


After Wen Jin finished chatting with Ruan Jinghong, she began to clear up her unread messages. Wen Qing sent her a series of documents one after another.


Wen Qing left a message: Sister, these are the materials of the sixth guest to be invited to "Holiday Saturday" that I screened out with Director Wen, and they all meet the "quietness" you asked for. Take a look, which one you think is the most pleasing to your eyes.


Wen Jin randomly clicked on a file, it was the personal file of a popular floret in the entertainment circle. This girl has a pure girl image and usually cherished words like gold in publicity interviews, and always responded with a smile when encountering any embarrassing questions.


She's quiet enough, but a little boring.


Wen Jin thought for a while, and directly dialed Wen Qing's number.


"I saw the message you sent, the sixth guest of "Holiday Saturday", I thought of a candidate."

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