Chapter 10: The Smell Of Smoke From The Kitchen And The Fragrance Of A Mature Woman

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The morning sunlight slipped in through the windows, filling the room. Ruan Jinghong woke up under such bright and warm light.


After resting with a good night's sleep, her cold and headache came and went in a hurry. At this time, except for a little weakness in her body, all other uncomfortable symptoms disappeared.


Ruan Jinghong closed her eyes, habitually rolled twice on the bed, reached out for the edge of the bed to support her in getting up.


Where is the edge of the bed? How did the bed suddenly become bigger?


Ruan Jinghong rubbed her sleepy eyes, turned her head to look at the completely unfamiliar environment around her, and fell into a moment of confusion.


How did I get here?


Ruan Jinghong worked hard to mobilize the brain cells that were not fully awake in the morning and recalled everything from last night.


She suddenly fell ill at the school celebration last night, and was taken home by Wen Jin. She not only slept in someone's house all night, but also buried herself into someone's chest.




Ruan Jinghong looked down at the pink cotton pajamas she was wearing. The shirt she was wearing had been washed and dried in the bathroom.


So she was sick and confused last night. How dare she treat Wen Jin's house as her own!


Ruan Jinghong buried her fluffy head in the pillow, pretending to be an ostrich.  However, the soft touch in front of her face and the fragrance of the sun caused some embarrassing scenes from last night to flash in her mind involuntarily.


This ostrich can't be undone, Ruan Jinghong resigned to her fate and got up, made the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. Fortunately, she didn't run into Wen Jin along the way, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing to be seen by the senior with such a slovenly appearance.


Cold water poured on her cheeks, and Ruan Jinghong finally became fully awake. Anyway, thanks to Wen Jin, her sudden illness yesterday has been taken care of. The two just met by chance, and it's really kind of her to be able to do this. Although it is a bit embarrassing, she should thank the host before leaving.


The villa has two floors. Ruan Jinghong didn't find Wen Jin on the second floor, so she went down the stairs. After walking a few steps, she was attracted by the aroma of food.


Ruan Jinghong looked for the smell, and saw that in the semi-open kitchen, Wen Jin was wearing casual clothes, with a white apron hanging in front of her, holding a spatula in her hand, turning over the dish in the pot.


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In order to avoid oily fumes, Wen Jin tied her long hair into a bun, revealing her slender and fair neck, which glowed like jade in the morning light.


Ruan Jinghong was bewitched by the beauty in front of her, and couldn't bear to disturb for a while.


And Wen Jin, who seems to be concentrating on cooking with her hands, has already noticed Ruan Jinghong's arrival. She kept moving her hands, and greeted, "You're awake, this will be done soon. Come and help me tie the apron string tighter. It is inconvenient with a spatula in my hand now."


The tone is natural and familiar, chatting like an old friend.


Ruan Jinghong was stunned for a moment: Is she talking to me?


"What are you doing there, come here." Wen Jin urged again.


There seemed to be no third person here, and Ruan Jinghong, who confirmed that Wen Jin was indeed talking to her, stepped forward obediently, came behind Wen Jin, and put her fingers on the string of the apron.


It's true that it's not tight enough, but it shouldn't be tied too tight too. Ruan Jinghong used her knitting skills to tie a bow and slipknot so that it won't loosen and is easy to untie.


Because of the apron, the distance between the two suddenly became very close again, which has crossed the safe distance between ordinary people.


Ruan Jinghong wrapped her fingers around the knot, and her breath smelled of smoke from the kitchen and the pleasant scent of a mature woman, which made her feel a little dazed for a moment: This scene is like how intimate people who have lived together for a long time, look. But I have only known her for a day.


Wen Jin lowered the heat, picked up the roasted ham slices in the pot with chopsticks, turned around and handed them to Ruan Jinghong's mouth, "Taste it for me, is it cooked?"


"Ah?" Ruan Jinghong opened her mouth in surprise, and the steaming ham slices entered her mouth. She was embarrassed to only bite half of it, so she could only inhale the whole piece into her mouth, it was so hot that tears flowed out for a while.


Seeing this, Wen Jin quickly removed her chopsticks, poured a cup of cold water into her mouth, and said angrily, "I just asked you to take a bite and taste it, who told you to eat the whole slice, it's too hot."


Ruan Jinghong stretched out her hand to hold the water glass, touched Wen Jin's fingertips, trembled slightly, and clasped the glass tightly, gulping down the cold water.


Wow, my tongue is about to fall off.


Wen Jin paused for two seconds on the water glass with her finger and then withdrew it. She took out a tissue and wiped away the tears from the corners of Ruan Jinghong's eyes, "Does it hurt? I have medicine for mouth pain here. I'll apply some for you later?"


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Ruan Jinghong didn't speak, just chewed the sliced ​​ham along with the cold water, her cheeks twitched slightly, like a little hamster.


Wen Jin quietly admired Ruan Jinghong's eating, and was not in a hurry for her reply.


Ruan Jinghong was a little embarrassed by the direct gaze, so she swallowed faster, drank two more sips of water, and spoke after confirming that her mouth was clean.


"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."


Wen Jin smiled, said no more, turned around and continued to turn the ham in the pot.


It was only then that Ruan Jinghong remembered Wen Jin's original intention of letting her taste the ham, and quickly patched it up: "It's already cooked, it's delicious."


Wen Jin would find time to cook breakfast for herself every month, and naturally she knew when the ham would be cooked.


She spooned the ham into the dinner plate at the side and handed it to Ruan Jinghong, "Put this on the dining table in the living room, and I'll be there right away."


Ruan Jinghong obeyed, and not long after, Wen Jin also came to the dining table with fried eggs in one hand and toast lettuce in the other.


Wen Jin put the plate on the table, took out a jar of salad dressing, opened the lid, motioned to Ruan Jinghong and said, "Sandwiches, help yourself."


Ruan Jinghong looked at the porcelain plate on the dining table: It seems that the fried egg and ham are for one person?


Wen Jin saw the doubt in Ruan Jinghong's eyes, "I usually eat bread and salad for breakfast, and these are for you."


So, was that ham just fried for me?


Ruan Jinghong suddenly felt a kind of panic of "what can I do", but looking at the high-calorie food on the table, she couldn't help but feel a little conflicted: You are not the only female artist who needs to keep in shape.


Under a huge sense of guilt, Ruan Jinghong made herself a sandwich and took a bite.


The ham is fresh but not greasy, the lettuce is crisp and fresh, and the fried egg is just half-cooked, and the yolk is the most delicious, really fragrant!


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But the calories are so high.


Forget it, it would be too impolite if the host's hospitality is not appreciated. I will finish them all just to be polite.


Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong's tangled and intoxicated appearance for a while, and thought it was very amusing. After a while, she seemed to mention it unintentionally: "By the way, I didn't add oil when I fried the eggs and ham, so the calories are not that high. Are you still used to the taste?"


Very used to it!


With food stuffed in her mouth, Ruan Jinghong could only answer with a nod like a mad woman.


Let me tell you, I have been guilty for a long time.


Teacher Wen is so good, not only good at acting, but also good at making breakfast. If she loses her job in the future, she will definitely be very popular to open a breakfast shop!


No, with her ability, how could she be unemployed? As for me, if I don't work hard, I'll lose my job.


Ruan Jinghong's thinking was at ease, nodding and shaking her head at once.


The morning sun is very warm, and the birds on the branches outside the house are actively chirping.


Wen Jin chewed the salad bread slowly, and eating with the ever-changing expression of the little fool in front of her, suddenly felt that the room that had been empty for a long time had a little more vitality.


Ruan Jinghong was lost in thoughts for a long time, and looked up to find Wen Jin, who was eating elegantly across the table. Only then did she realize her gaffe just now, and was very annoyed: She had obviously cured her bad habit of being in a daze in front of unfamiliar people. Why did she suddenly commit the same mistake again? 


Teacher Wen must be thinking that I am very rude at this moment, I have to do something.


"Teacher Wen, thank you for your breakfast. It's very delicious. I'll wash the dishes after breakfast."


Wen Jin swallowed the last piece of bread, and said unhurriedly: "There is a dishwasher."


"Then... shall I clear the table?"


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"Okay." Wen Jin took out a tissue and wiped her fingers, got up and left the table to sit on the sofa... and then flipped through the magazine.


It's the same one as yesterday. Is that magazine that good?


Ruan Jinghong focused her gaze on the dining table again. Just now, the two of them were very elegant when they ate, and almost didn't even drop a little bread crumbs on the table. At this time, there were three empty plates and a bottle of salad dressing on the table, which... really wasn't much to clean up.


Ruan Jinghong originally wanted to make herself appear more diligent, but these three plates could not be cleaned up for too long, so she simply stack up the plates together in one go, took out a wet towel to wipe the table and then carried the plates into the kitchen, the whole process took less than a minute.


When Ruan Jinghong came to the kitchen, she immediately saw the dishwasher next to the sink. It looked quite new, and she didn't know how many times it had been used by the owner.


Three dishes, no need for a dishwasher, right?


Ruan Jinghong finally found her place to use her skills. She turned on the faucet, and carefully washed the three porcelain dishes with her own hands, until finally, each dish was so translucent that it could be used as a mirror.


I'm still somewhat useful.


Ruan Jinghong nodded in satisfaction, turned around subconsciously and wanted to ask Wen Jin for praise, but thought it was so childish. So she pursed her lips to suppress the little joy in her heart, and secretly looked at Wen Jin on the sofa.


Wen Jin turned to the last page of the magazine, just looked up, and met Ruan Jinghong's eyes.


Getting caught by the host, Ruan Jinghong's face blushed: Didn't she just flip through half of the magazine just now? Could it be that the back is full of illustrations, so fast?


Wen Jin came to the kitchen, looked at the three plates neatly piled up in a stack, and nodded, "It's really clean, very good."


She was praised, happy!


After finishing the breakfast, Ruan Jinghong remembered the matter yesterday, and said: "Thank you, Teacher Wen, for taking care of me, for disturbing you all night, I..."


"Xiao Yuan is on vacation today."




"I have something to do and I'll go out later, so I can drive you home on the way." Wen Jin made a reasonable suggestion.

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