Chapter 9: What A Little Fool

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this translation is originally posted on

https://love4baihe blogspot com

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


After Xiao Yuan left, only Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin were left in the large living room.

Wen Jin took a magazine casually, sat on the sofa and flipped through it, without leaving or making a sound.

Ruan Jinghong took the medicine and sat for a while, feeling that she had regained some strength, so she mustered up the courage to speak.

"Teacher Wen, I'm much better now."

 So I can go back by myself.

Wen Jin looked up at the sound of her voice, her gaze swept over Ruan Jinghong's face, and calmly said: "Since you're already better, it's okay to take a shower by yourself, right?

No problem. Oh what?

Just as Ruan Jinghong was about to answer, she raised her head to meet Wen Jin's noble and indifferent face. The other party's expression was natural, as if she was talking about an ordinary proposal.

"Teacher Wen, I will only cause you trouble here." Ruan Jinghong said carefully.

"If you leave me like this now, if something happens, you will really cause me trouble. Or do you want me to send you back, or call Xiao Yuan back?"

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Ruan Jinghong: ...

Taking advantage of Ruan Jinghong's daze, Wen Jin got up to get a set of pajamas and underwear and handed them to her, not giving her a chance to say anything that didn't please her, and said to herself: "This set is new. It has been disinfected. The bathroom is the first one on the left on the second floor, you don’t need my hand to help you take a shower, right?”

"No, no, no!" Ruan Jinghong shook her head like a rattle, hurriedly took over the pajamas and ran towards the second floor, heaving a sigh of relief when she left the area covered by Wen Jin's breath.

Until Ruan Jinghong soaked herself in the bathtub and poked the floating bubbles, there was still a sense of disbelief: How did things develop like this?

Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong running away in a panic, and chuckled inwardly: What a little fool.

Wen Jin also went to another bathroom to take a shower, because it was a shower, it was much faster.

After Ruan Jinghong took a shower and tidied up the bathroom, she suddenly remembered: Teacher Wen didn't seem to say where to stay next.

With some apprehension, Ruan Jinghong walked to the living room step by step.

Perhaps it was too bright, so the large chandelier on top of the living room was turned off, leaving only a daisy lamp next to the sofa glowing lazily.

Under the daisy light, Wen Jin leisurely flipped through a magazine. Her slender fingers seem to be glazed with a layer of white light, scribing across the colorful pages, as if an artist is showing the most exquisite craftsmanship, which makes people not dare to disturb.

Wen Jin's long hair was tied up, and the ends were still damp, and the silver-gray silk pajamas wrapped tightly around her white skin, all of which showed the fact that she had just finished taking a bath.

So, is she waiting for me here?

Ruan Jinghong was so warmed by her own guess, she walked lightly to Wen Jin's side, and softly called: "Teacher Wen."

Wen Jin actually noticed Ruan Jinghong's existence the moment she came downstairs. She knew that this girl is reserved, so she deliberately pretended to concentrate on reading and listened to her approaching her carefully step by step.

"Oh, finished washing?" Wen Jin raised her head and closed the page, as if she had just withdrawn from the book world, and blinked slightly when she saw the girl in front of her clearly.

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Ruan Jinghong is wearing a set of light pink cotton pajamas. It was a gift from a brand and Wen Jin thought it was too girly for her taste. She didn't expect the person in front of her to wear it, and it suited her.

Wen Jin is a few centimeters taller than Ruan Jinghong, so the set of pajamas customized according to Wen Jin's size looks a bit long when Ruan Jinghong wears them. So she rolled up the sleeves revealing her wrists as white as jade.

The girl is still young after all, even without careful maintenance, her thin and tender skin is still white and translucent, and even the thin blood vessels on her wrists can be vaguely seen.

If such a thin wrist is held by someone, it may be easily broken.

The girl has removed the makeup on her face now. Her appearance without makeup is not as delicate as in the daytime, but she looks younger. She really looks like a kitten who has just opened its eyes ignorantly. A very beautiful kitten.

Wen Jin is used to seeing exquisite and beautiful stars in the entertainment industry. They are glamorous in front of the camera, but they look like different people after removing their makeup.

But the girl in front of her is different. Whether she wears makeup or not, her facial features are just right and pleasing to the eye as always.

If there is any difference, it may be that without the cover of makeup, the owner of this beautiful face looks a little more ignorant and naive.

It was only at this moment that Wen Jin deeply understood why, despite having so many beauties in the entertainment circle, even if there was never a shortage of people around her, netizens were so keen on matching her with the girl in front of her.

It was the first time that Wen Jin's gaze stayed on someone else for a long time, which made Ruan Jinghong a little embarrassed, and said softly, "Teacher Wen, which room do I stay in tonight?"

"Oh, come with me." Wen Jin looked away, put the magazine on the coffee table, and walked towards the stairs in her slippers.

Ruan Jinghong hurriedly followed, she lowered her head slightly and looked at the floor without squinting, but the corner of her eyes just happened to glance over Wen Jin's jade-like ankles following the movements of her senior stepping on the slippers.

Ruan Jinghong was amazed at the beauty of this creation, which can be called Nuwa's creation, and felt that her gaze was really impolite, so she turned her head to look at the wall beside her.

Wen Jin appears to be a minimalist. There were no luxurious decorations or famous calligraphy and paintings in this sky-high market value villa. The very wide wall is clean, and the pattern on the wallpaper is also very simple and elegant brocade.

Perhaps Ruan Jinghong was too focused on the wall, and didn't notice when Wen Jin had stopped. She tilted her head, bumping into a piece of warmth through the smooth and soft silk material.

The girl behind her was too quiet, which forced Wen Jin to turn around and check up on her.  What she saw was a little fool who had her head tilted, as if her mind was wandering.

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Wen Jin stood where she was, wanting to see when the little fool would find her, but unexpectedly, she bumped into her arms firmly.

Wen Jin gasped, enduring the sudden painful shock in front of her, and reached out to grab the culprit's little head in her arms. Although this head looks small, its weight is not light.

Ruan Jinghong's cheeks were buried in softness, and when she realized what was in front of her, her whole body was petrified. If there was a hole in the ground at this time, she would definitely get into it without hesitation.

Under the double effect of the huge sense of shame and the shortness of breath caused by the soft obstacles in front of her, her mind went on a holiday for a short time. At this moment, she just wanted to be an ostrich*, so she didn't have to see and hear the scene of her social death.

*play stupid

So even though Wen Jin fiddled with her hands for a long time, Ruan Ostrich Jinghong froze with her neck stuck and remained motionless.

"I said, how long are you going to bury like this?" Wen Jin said after working in vain for a long time, and finally her patience was almost exhausted.

"I..." Ruan Jinghong spoke weakly, and her warm breath sprayed on Wen Jin's exposed snowy skin above the neckline, and the softness produced a slight friction through the fabric.

The sudden stimulation made Wen Jin tremble, from her spine to the back of her head. She threw the politeness away and directly supported Ruan Jinghong's shoulders and took two steps back, finally opening the distance between them.

Ruan Jinghong, who had regained the free air, had a burning cloud on her face, and raised her nose to absorb oxygen.

Wen Jin was obviously in a bad state this time. She pointed to the third room on the second floor and turned left, and said in a blunt tone: "The door of the guest room is unlocked, go in by yourself." This time, she left even faster than Ruan Jinghong

Ruan Jinghong was left alone in the empty corridor of the villa, and walked to the guest room in the direction where Wen Jin pointed in a daze.

The layout of the room is very simple, with only the most basic furniture such as bed and sofa, but it is very neat, and it seems that it is often cleaned. The windows are half open and the ventilation is good.

Ruan Jinghong put away the bedspread on the bed to keep out the dust, and underneath was the soft quilt.

She was actually exhausted after a whole day of tossing and turning, and this time the medicine took effect. It didn't matter, even with the unfamiliar bed.

She fell on the bed with a dizzy head, and was soon dragged into sleep. She vaguely felt that she was forgetting something, but she was unable to think about it.

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The sky is big and the earth is big, but sleep is the biggest, and the other things will be discussed tomorrow.

But Wen Jin in the next room was not so lucky.  Obviously it was a familiar room and a familiar bed, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Wen Jin walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the bright stars in the sky.

The dark night sky is so quiet, but the twinkling stars in the sky seem to want to destroy this tranquility mischievously.

The reckless little head from before has been moved away by Wen Jin, but the slight ticklishness on her chest still lingers.

Wen Jin has lived for nearly 30 years, and sometimes she has close contact with the opposite actors or props when filming. As a professional actress, she doesn't feel uncomfortable because of those touches that don't cross the line.

The accidental touch just now didn't take too long, and there was a layer of cloth in between. Logically speaking, this is nothing compared to what she's experienced.

But such a fleeting impact seemed to plant a seed in her heart, which took root and sprouted silently, and the new sprout pokes its head out from time to time to tease her heart.

This feeling is very new, but not annoying.

From the very beginning, that girl is her eye-catcher, that's why she noticed her at a glance during the live broadcast of Manfeng Festival amidst so many people.

She is also in tune with her temperament, that's why she unknowingly became her loyal reader in the vast sea of ​​online novels on the Internet.

Wen Jin is a smart and introspective person, she soon realized that she sees Ruan Jinghong differently, so she readily accepted this difference.

The weak fear changes, the strong fear nothing.

Life is not always the same, and sometimes there will be some small surprises.


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