Chapter 123: Girlfriend Competition

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"I hope that the people who like me can also like the person I like."

Ruan Jinghong returned to the room, Wen Jin's voice was still in her ears.

It's only been half an hour since the two of them said goodbye, but the jade-like beauty seemed to have taken root in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of her no matter what.

Ruan Jinghong used to worry that her girlfriend was too in love, but she didn't know when it started, and she herself became so in love too.

She came out of the bathroom after showering, sat on the sofa, and flipped through the script in her hand over and over again. Until she was thoroughly familiar with the lines for tomorrow's filming, she checked the time and realized that only an hour and a half had passed.

But why does it feel like a long time has passed?

Ruan Jinghong looked up and stared at the tightly closed door of the room, muttering to herself in her heart: I promised not to open the door for Teacher Wen today.

She buried her head back into the script, thinking to herself: Maybe I should contemplate the character's emotions again.

She has already marked the key content of the script with a highlighter, making it very convenient to review it now.

There are many inner descriptions of the characters. It is not necessary to speak out the lines, but the emotions need to be expressed.

[At this moment, Tiansheng was tossing and turning, feeling extremely conflicted: What did A'Yue mean by those words this morning? What does she know? Normally, she would come to Huaqingting* on the fifteenth of every month, but why is she not here today?]

*magnificent residence

[Tiansheng paced back and forth in the palace, picking up and putting down the freshly brewed tea on the table several times, which had already lost its original warmth.]

Ruan Jinghong had initially intended to distract herself by immersing in the script, hoping to ease her longing for her girlfriend. However, at this moment, her thoughts about her girlfriend only intensified.

This time, there was no need for a teacher to guide her, and she suddenly found herself able to empathize with Princess Tiansheng's feelings at that moment.

The script was now unreadable, and Ruan Jinghong helplessly picked up her phone, scrolling through Wen Jin's WeChat Moments and Sina Weibo. Surprisingly, there had been no updates for a long time.

Is this person's WeChat and Weibo just decorations?

Ruan Jinghong sighed, and was about to put down her phone when she received a message from Penguin, so she clicked into the chat box next to the familiar carved white jade head.

Wen Jin went back to her room this time, logged into the Weibo account, and browsed Wen Xiang Ruan Yu's CP Chaohua.

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In the evening, she checked everything on Ruan Jinghong's mobile phone, but she had to take a closer look at the attitude of most netizens.

In the past, she rarely cared about online comments, and was once teased by Wen Qing that "Buddha can enter a nunnery".

But maybe all people in love will secretly want to show their affection, even Wen Jin, who is regarded as a high mountain flower, can't escape it.

She specially arranged this fan visit and intentionally led her girlfriend to show off in front of the fans. While lavishly spreading dog food, she also hoped to receive positive feedback.

Unsurprisingly, there was joyful singing and dancing in the CP Chaohua. Wen Jin stayed there for a long time and clicked a row of likes. Until she reached the restricted limit but still felt that it was not enough.

She turned around and went to the real-time plaza of #Romance Does Not Know Me Location Visit#.

Unlike CP Chaohua, which is full of fans, there are all kinds of people in this square, and their voices are more diverse.

There are those who hate the CP, some who look forward to the show, and some who throw cold water disturbing the balance.

[Is Yaoshi about to die, and now trying to survive on this drama? This drama has just started filming and they're already working so hard, the two leading actress seem to be inseparable at first glance, but they are distant, just forcing themselves on pretending to have a good relationship]

Wen Jin: ?!

If you just spread rumors about Yaoshi going under, then I don't have to argue with you. But which eye of yours can see that my girlfriend and I seem to be distant?

I can't stand this!

Wen Jin didn't reply to the comments under that Weibo post. The more you engage with these internet trolls, the more they thrive on it.


She took a look at her trumpet with empty dynamics, and decided to share interesting stories between the leading actors as an insider of the crew.

She recorded everything about the close relationship between the two of them in the filming site. Intending to use the facts to slap those who say "seemingly distant" in the face.

In order not to reveal her identity, she deliberately narrated it in the third person, wrote thousands of words eloquently, detailed the details of the relationship between the two, and then sent it with satisfaction.

However, after waiting for a long time, besides a few scattered CP fans giving her likes, there were no comments and very few shares. This long Weibo post was quickly overwhelmed by a sea of other topics.

The main reason is that her newly registered account is too new and obscure, while there are already too many "pick up phone literature"* and "set literature"** fan creations for Wen Xiang and Ruan Yu.

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*forged anecdotes or chat history claiming they personally witnessed or talked to the celeb or discovered info about the celeb 

**stories about celebs witnessed by someone claiming to be part of the film crew

Wen Jin, who seldom posts on Weibo, doesn't even understand what topics should be included in Weibo and Chaohua.

Therefore, when she sent out this long paragraph, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any waves.

Wen Jin stared at the empty comment area under the latest Weibo and fell into deep thought.

It's really embarrassing.

Right now, she wanted to go to her girlfriend for comfort, but the girlfriend said she wouldn't open the door for her this night.

She quit the irritating Weibo, and when she saw the familiar penguin icon on her desktop, she had an idea: I almost forgot about it.

Huaijin Holds olds Yu: My girlfriend is ignoring me, what should I do? sad.jpg

Ruan Jinghong was taken aback when she saw the message. She knew that J has a girlfriend before, but this was the first time she heard her take the initiative to talk about it.

J gave her a lot of advice before, and now that her good friend J is in trouble, she will do her best to help her out.

Ruanruan: What did you do to make her ignore you?

Huaijin Holds Yu: Actually, I didn't do anything, maybe I was too enthusiastic. She thinks I'm too clingy. cry.jpg

Ruanruan: Even if you are a couple, you need to have a private space between each other, why don't you go find her later?

Huaijin Holds Yu: I gave her a private space, but I haven't heard from her until now. I want to see her. Wronged.jpg

Ruanruan: Then you go to her and stalk her. If she really likes you, she won't be able to ignore you.

Huaijin Holds Yu: Is it really okay to stalk, won't it be annoying?

Ruanruan: Well... I don't think so. Actually, I don't know much about your girlfriend, so my opinion is just a suggestion. I don't have much experience with this kind of situation either, because my girlfriend is the best in the world. She has never ignored me. Akimbo proudly.jpg

Huaijin Holds Yu: My girlfriend is the best in the world. Although she is a little awkward sometimes, she is sincere and cute, sunny and kind. Being with her feels like a spring breeze. dog shake head.jpg

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Ruan Jinghong was still seriously advising J, but when she saw her suddenly show off her girlfriend, her competitiveness was aroused.

There is no one better than my girlfriend in this world!

Ruanruan: My girlfriend would be better. She is beautiful and gentle, excellent and low-key, and there is no flaw in her whole body.

Huaijin Holds Yu: My girlfriend is very talented, and her writing is particularly wonderful.

Ruanruan: My girlfriend is more talented, and everyone who has seen her movies say they are good.

Huaijin Holds Yu: My girlfriend is very beautiful, anyone who looks at her will have pink bubbles all over their body!

Ruanruan: My girlfriend is even more beautiful, 360-degree flawless on the big screen! Perfect goddess face!

Huaijin Holds Yu: My girlfriend is lovable and cute. She takes the initiative to coax me when I'm not talking.

Ruanruan: My girlfriend is tolerant and considerate. Every time I get into trouble with her, she never blames me.

Huaijin Holds Yu: My girlfriend is loved by everyone, and there is no one who has ever been with her who doesn't like her.

Ruanruan: My girlfriend is in full bloom. Everyone who has met her has nothing but praise for her.

The two of them were like elementary school chickens, arguing dozens of times on the topic of "whose girlfriend is better".

In the end, Ruan Jinghong was the first to realize the absurdity, and took the initiative to stop the topic.

Ruanruan: Isn't it a bit naive for us to argue like this?

Huaijin Holds Yu: It's quite naive, but on matters of principle, I can't give in. My girlfriend is the best.

Ruanruan: Well, let's do this then. Both of our girlfriends are great. I won't argue with you anymore. I miss my girlfriend now. Bye bye.jpg

Ruan Jinghong withdrew from Penguin, and every second that passed, she felt that she missed Wen Jin more and more in her heart.

The wave of arguments with J just now brought her longing to the extreme.

She looked up at the door for the nth time, thinking seriously in her heart: I said during the day that I would not open the door for Teacher Wen tonight, but if I went to find her and asked her to open the door for me, it would not be a breach of principle.

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Ruan Jinghong persuaded herself in her heart, and finally stopped struggling.

She left the room with her phone and knocked on the door of Wen Jin's room next door.

Wen Jin saw the avatar of the little white cat on the penguin dimmed, and she had a premonition in her heart.

She straightened her long hair that was just blow-dried like splashed ink, leaned on the sofa and put on a very elegant pose, silently counting the seconds in her heart.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... fifty-seven seconds, fifty-eight seconds.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the door came as promised.

Only then did Wen Jin realize that she was so excited just now that she forgot to unlock the door ahead of time.

She now has to go and open the door. Wouldn't that be a waste of time for her carefully styled pose?

Wen Jin opened the bedroom door and she was not surprised to see the petite and lovely figure standing at the door.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the long-lost face of her girlfriend in the room, and her heart is finally at peace.

She held her phone in her hand, bit her lip, and looked up to meet Wen Jin's smiling eyes.

"Teacher Wen, I just went out to take out the trash. I accidentally locked the door and didn't bring the key."

Wen Jin saw her little girlfriend's guilty look, and deliberately teased her.

"It turns out that Ruanruan is used to holding a mobile phone when she throws out trash."

Seeing that the clumsy lie was about to be exposed, Ruan Jinghong said firmly.

"Just when I was going out to take out the trash, I suddenly received a call, so I went out with my phone. It's all because of the call that I accidentally locked the door. Yes, that's how it is."

Wen Jin saw that her little girlfriend was blushing and trying to be brave, so she clicked on it and didn't continue to tease her.

If she really pissed off this thin-skinned little thing, the pitiful person will end up being her.

She took advantage of the situation and said, "I see. Then Ruanruan can stay in my room for the night, and tomorrow we'll ask the crew for a spare key."

Ruan Jinghong, who was finally able to carry out her plan, finally breathed a sigh of relief and happily entered this private space filled with Wen Jin's atmosphere.

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