Chapter 124: This Isn't On The Script 

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The room is decorated in a simple and bright way, and the furnishings around it are clean and tidy enough to be used as a model room.

Wen Jin has been staying here for two days, spending most of her daytime on the set, and she went to Ruan Jinghong's room next door last night, so this room seems a bit too tidy.

For a moment, Ruan Jinghong felt a little hesitant to disrupt this tidiness. She had just been warmly yearning for Wen Jin in her own room, but now that she saw her in person, she began to act reserved.

She didn't go to sit on the sofa that could be used directly as product display in the shopping mall; instead, she stood in the center of the room, silently observing. Finally, when she saw the neatly arranged scripts on the coffee table, she found a topic.

"Was Teacher Wen reading the script?" 

Following Ruan Jinghong's gaze, Wen Jin looked at the script that she had neglected for a long time, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

No, I was just arguing with you about whose girlfriend is the best.

Of course, the truth cannot be said directly. Wen Jin agreed with Ruan Jinghong's words and made up something without drafting them.

"That's right, recently we'll be filming consecutive scenes where Princess Tiansheng and Shangguan Yue are in the pursuit and escape period. I just briefly sorted out the changes in their emotional states during this period."

Hearing this, Ruan Jinghong felt very ashamed: Teacher Wen is diligently preparing for the upcoming filming, while I couldn't stop my mind from wandering elsewhere. It turns out I am the only one with a love brain.

Seeing that her girlfriend didn't speak, Wen Jin knew what was on her mind, and deliberately proposed with a respectable appearance.

"So Ruanruan wants to rehearse with me?"


Ruan Jinghong nodded hastily, "That's right, that's right, I just want to ask Teacher Wen to rehearse in advance, so that tomorrow will be smoother."

Wen Jin flipped through the script casually, focusing on the passage that she had highlighted with a highlighter.

"Okay then, let's try this part."

Ruan Jinghong followed Wen Jin's slender and fair fingertips to see clearly the words printed on the A4 paper.

[Tiansheng pressed Shangguan Yue against the corner, using her uninjured hand to grab her wrist hanging at her side, but was counter-captured by Shangguan Yue's other hand.]

[Shangguan Yue looked up, her eyes locked onto Tiansheng's. The usual restraint and reservation on her face were gone, replaced by a prelude to an explosive outburst, pushed to the limit of endurance.]

[At this time, there was no one else in the ruined temple, Shangguan Yue stood up straight, taller than Tiansheng by half a head]

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[She grabbed the injured Tiansheng with one hand, and touched the thin belt around Tiansheng's waist with the other, with a desperate determination]

[Your Highness has always been pressing step by step, but do you really want it to be like this?]

The background of this scene is that Princess Tiansheng and Shangguan Yue are traveling south together to investigate a corruption case in Xuzhou. However, they are attacked by assassins on a boat and end up falling into the water.

They find a dilapidated temple to take shelter and start a fire. It is a dark and windy night, and both of them are alone and vulnerable. Despite being injured, Princess Tiansheng continues to provoke Shangguan Yue persistently.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts, but when they were adults, Shangguan Yue repeatedly forbeared and evaded Tiansheng's approach.

The more she avoids, the more Princess Tiansheng provokes. They were like a cat chasing a mouse, and they seem to enjoy it endlessly.

Now that there is no one else in the temple, Princess Tiansheng becomes even more reckless.

But in reality, Shangguan Yue has never been a mouse; despite her reserved and virtuous appearance, she has the heart of a fierce tiger.

In this scene, the two briefly put aside their identities as monarch and minister, and a wave of reversals occurred.

Ruan Jinghong has seen this scene before, and it can be said to be one of the most passionate scenes in the whole drama, and it is also a major turning point in the relationship between the two.

Biting her lip, she was a little embarrassed: Isn't it a bit difficult to do a heavy hitter as soon as I arrive? Isn't this a big jump?

Seeing Ruan Jinghong stunned, Wen Jin chuckled, "Is Ruanruan ready?"


In the next second, her expression changed. It was no longer the actress Wen Jin who doted on her girlfriend, but the forbearing and restrained female official Shangguan Yue.

The speed of entering the scene is so fast, even though she has seen it many times, Ruan Jinghong still can't help but admire it in her heart.

She likes and admires Wen Jin's professional appearance the most.

So she didn't dare to be negligent at the moment, and quickly recalled Tiansheng's usual state.

Although Ruan Jinghong is not very talented, she is willing to work hard to figure out the scene.

She closed her eyes for three seconds, and when she opened her eyes again, it was as if she was possessed by Princess Tiansheng.

She approached Wen Jin step by step, forcing her to retreat step by step until her back touched the wall.

The hand she stretched out to catch the person was caught instead, and she was easily restrained.

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The loose pajamas don't have the thin straps required for costumes, but it doesn't matter, it's just a rehearsal anyway.

However, at this moment, Wen Jin seems particularly serious while performing. When she finished saying, "Your Highness has always been pressing step by step, but do you really want it to be like this," her fingers had already slipped along Ruan Jīnghóng's pajama's hem.

What a clever improvisation!

The moment the skin touched, Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but tremble slightly, but she didn't dodge like usual.

In this scene, Tiansheng was surprised by Shangguan Yue's sudden change. Although there was a little fear in her heart, she was more excited.

At this moment, one of her hands was injured, and the other hand was still being held. Her whole body was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

But when looking at her childhood sweetheart who suddenly became strong in front of her, there should be a light of longing in her eyes.

Ruan Jinghong greeted Wen Jin with scorching eyes, silently inviting her to do everything next.

The corners of her pajamas were lifted, and the warm fingertips rubbed the soft, smooth and delicate skin without any gaps.

During the original filming of this scene, there were two layers of clothing separating them. But now, with the sudden change in plans, there are not such ideal conditions to be picky about.

Ruan Jinghong's body was originally extremely sensitive, and if it were under normal circumstances, she would probably have been unable to resist the urge to escape.

But when she saw Shangguan Yue's decisive gaze in Wen Jin's eyes, she was afraid that she would lose the chain and affect the performance of the actress, so she forcibly endured it.

However, her natural blushing appearance at this time fits perfectly with Tiansheng's original delicate and charming image.

Wen Jin lowered her head, looked for Ruan Jinghong's delicate lips, bit and licked them lightly.

At the same time, her hand on Ruan Jinghong's waist grabbed the fabric and pulled it downward.

Ruan Jinghong was startled. It was true that this scene was in the script, but right now, she was only wearing one layer of clothing!

Fortunately, what Wen Jin did this time was a fake move, and she didn't really tear off her clothes.

It was because of her action that the things that were originally carried in the pocket fell to the ground with a "clang".

Ruan Jinghong lowered her head in response, just in time to see the key that was said to have been forgotten, lying impartially on the floor of the bedroom.

The originally ambiguous atmosphere was suddenly interrupted. Ruan Jinghong squatted down to pick up the key, smiling awkwardly.

"It turns out that this key was in my pocket, and I thought I had forgotten it.

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"Then since I found the key now, Teacher Wen, can I go back to my room?"

When she said the last sentence, there was obvious reluctance in her tone.

Wen Jin snatched the key from Ruan Jinghong's hand and threw it on the coffee table beside her, with an imperceptible urgency in her voice.


Ruan Jinghong: Huh?

Wen Jin lifted Ruan Jinghong up, but the expression belonging to Shangguan Yue had not completely faded away.

"A little unexpected incident and the performance is ruined. This kind of unprofessionalism is unacceptable."

Ruan Jinghong was stunned: But usually in this kind of situation, wouldn't they yell "cut" and take another shot?

Seeing Wen Jin's serious appearance, she felt a little uncertain.

Always focus on the role and not be influenced by the outside world. Perhaps this is the gap between big shots and ordinary people.

Driven by Wen Jin, Ruan Jinghong also quickly regained the feeling of the role.

At this time, her uninjured hand had already been released, but she took the initiative to hook Wen Jin's neck and pull her towards her.

The two of them seemed to be competing with each other, while gnawing on each other, while pulling each other's clothes.

In the end, Wen Jin had the upper hand.

Watching Ruan Jinghong roll on the sofa beside her, she pressed her down hard.

The filming can end here, and there will be some imagery shots after that, all depending on the audience's imagination.

But Wen Jin seemed to have no intention of stopping at all. On the contrary, she became even more intense, and her hands roamed freely, knowing no boundaries.

Ah, this part was not in the script!

Ruan Jinghong finally realized that something was wrong, and finally found a chance to breathe after the long kiss, and said a word quickly, for fear that her mouth would be blocked again in the next second.

"Teacher Wen, this can't be broadcasted, right?"

Wen Jin was annoyed that she was still talking at this time, and bit her disobedient pink lips punishingly, her hands didn't stop for a moment.

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"It can't be broadcasted, but it can be played privately."

Which proper film crew would do this kind of scene privately!

If Ruan Jinghong still doesn't understand at this moment, then she is truly foolish.

Once again, she was deceived by her own girlfriend's virtuous and artistic face!

She tried to get up, supporting herself with both hands on the sofa cushion. Her little face was flushed, tears clouding her vision: "I want to call 'cut'."

"The scene isn't over, there's no option to call 'cut'."

Wen Jin leaned over, using all her skills, and soon made it impossible for her girlfriend lying on the sofa to call 'cut.'

Once again, Ruan Jinghong was in tears, feeling like a lamb walking into the tiger's mouth.

She thought she already understood her girlfriend well enough, but it turned out she still didn't know her well enough.

Why does every little thing I do end up with me being pinned down?!

Even if the process does feel really good, it doesn't have to be so sudden!

The night breeze entered the room, flipping open a few pages of the script on the coffee table.

Ruan Jinghong was restrained on the sofa, and her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the highlighted section in the script marked with a fluorescent pen. Suddenly, she had an epiphany.

The scene they had just acted out was supposed to be filmed in the later stages, and they weren't shooting tomorrow!

It was another warm and beautiful night, at least Wen Jin thought so.

Considering the physically demanding scenes for tomorrow, she believed she had acted with moderation this time and didn't go too far.

She also helped her girlfriend find the right character feeling. She is really a considerate girlfriend.

Trying this kind of role-playing for the first time was quite refreshing, and it didn't disappoint. The experience was as exciting as the discussions in Chaohua.

It feels like this scene lacks intensity; the emotions of ancient people were too restrained. How about shooting a modern drama next time?

Wen Jin looked at her little girlfriend who was lying on the sofa, too tired to move, and began to seriously consider the feasibility of filming a modern drama.


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