Chapter 125: Receive And Endure

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At this moment, it is the third day of the filming of "Romance..." In the drama, Princess Tiansheng and Shangguan Yue are still in the initial stage of push and pull. Despite having many thoughts of launching a rocket in her heart, Wen Jin can only suppress them for now.

In the drama, it was another day of the arrogant and willful little princess pressuring the reserved and gentle female official.

The current scene's premise is that Tiansheng passed by the Royal Garden and overheard palace maids discussing Shangguan Yue and the Crown Prince's talent and beauty, suggesting that a marriage between them might be achieved in the near future.

Hearing this, Tiansheng scolded the tongue-twisting palace servants angrily, and walked on the way to find Shangguan Yue, feeling depressed.

When she came to Shangguan Yue's small courtyard, she happened to witness the Crown Prince handing something to Shangguan Yue, and felt extremely aggrieved.

The young and arrogant Princess Her Royal Highness will never allow herself to compromise.

She walked up to her own brother and scolded him with a mix of sarcasm and anger until the Crown Prince left with a bewildered expression. Then, she began to confront Shangguan Yue.

Act 7, Scene 3

"Hand it over!" Tiansheng demanded as she turned to Shangguan Yue, who was quietly observing the situation, with a dominant and forceful demeanor.

"What?" Shangguan Yue asked knowingly.

"I saw it clearly just now! What did my seventh brother give you?" Tiansheng's face turned red, indicating she was clearly upset.

"As the princess has already witnessed, you should know that anything from the Crown Prince should not be casually handled by others," Shangguan Yue replied calmly.

Shangguan Yue gently held the string of beads in her hand. 

"The Crown Prince, being benevolent and filial, heard that the Empress has been suffering from headaches and insomnia lately, so he sought the guidance of a high-ranking monk in the temple to bless this string of Buddhist beads and entrusted me to deliver it to the Empress," Shangguan Yue explained calmly.

Seeing Tiansheng's current demeanor, Shangguan Yue understood that she had misunderstood the situation, but she had no intention of explaining further. She knew that even though it was a misunderstanding now, similar situations might arise in the future.

Knowing Tiansheng's personality, it might be better to let her misunderstand things early on.

Tiansheng noticed that Shangguan Yue was valuing the gift from the Crown Prince so much that she didn't even allow her to have a glimpse of it.

Thinking back to the gossip she heard in the Royal Garden earlier, Tiansheng felt extremely aggrieved and angry at the same time.

Feeling uneasy herself, she naturally refused to let others feel at ease either.

She took a few steps closer to Shangguan Yue, reaching out and firmly grabbing the hand that held the string beads. She spoke slowly and deliberately.

I always thought that Lord Shangguan's heart was made of iron and stone. But today, I realize that you don't lack a heart, you have big ambitions.

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"You want to marry into the royal family, but you made a mistake by choosing my seventh brother."

"Your grandfather was convicted of a grave crime, and my seventh brother is timid and filial. If my mother disagrees, do you think he would dare to defy her for you?"

"But I dare! If you desire power, I can fight for it. As long as you nod, you can become a princess consort or even the crown princess!"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yue's forehead was covered in fine sweat. She quickly bent down and bowed, saying, "Your Highness, please be cautious with your words!"

The little princess was indeed spoiled and a bit unruly, as she received favor and her knowledge was not inferior to her elder brother.

But there has never been a precedent in Tang for appointing an imperial consort. Her words just now could be considered as an offense against the imperial authority and could lead to severe consequences.

Compared to Shangguan Yue's cautiousness as if facing a formidable enemy, Tiansheng seemed oblivious to the astonishing words she had just uttered.

She lifted Shangguan Yue's slender chin with one hand, and her slender index finger traced over the tightly pursed lips, saying, "Scared?"

She lowered her head, getting closer, and their breaths intertwined between them.

Shangguan Yue raised her head, looking straight into Tiansheng's eyes, hiding a subtle and unnoticeable desire deep within her gaze.

In this moment, Tiansheng needed to take a step further, pressing on with her coercion. It was the first time they were being so direct with each other, and it marked the beginning of Tiansheng's ambition being revealed.

But Ruan Jinghong was stunned at this moment. The scene that was supposed to be Shangguan Yue forced into a corner by Tiansheng now seemed to have reversed.

Perhaps due to consecutive nights of cloud and rain*, the hint of restrained desire in Wen Jin's eyes now seemed magnified tenfold in Ruan Jinghong's perception.

*moments of intimacy/sex

In her mind, absurd scenes from the night flashed involuntarily. Her legs weakened reflexively, and her small face turned crimson, looking very pitiful.


Shen Qingzhi rushed forward, glaring at Ruan Jinghong with unabated anger.

"This scene requires her to blush, why are you blushing yourself? Tiansheng was very dominant in the earlier scenes, but now she's like a submissive little wife in your performance. A few days ago, I asked you to understand the character's emotions, but you interpreted it like this?"

Seeing Shen Qingzhi's angry expression, Ruan Jinghong knew that she had performed poorly just now and lowered her head to apologize.

Shen Qingzhi's temper came and went quickly. Seeing Ruan Jinghong's pitiful appearance, she couldn't bear to continue reprimanding her and redirected her cannonballs towards Wen Jin.

"And you! Can't you restrain your desires in your eyes? You were so obvious in the early stages, and in the later stages, are you planning to devour people?"

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"The apprentice I worked so hard for, and you ended up corrupting her!"

Wen Jin:?!

I've been really holding back.

For this groundless disaster, Wen Jin did not argue with Shen Qingzhi, only saying to take a break during the intermission and find her composure.

Shen Qingzhi waved at the two of them like a fly, and sat behind the monitor to watch the replay.

Realizing that she messed up the performance, Ruan Jinghong felt very guilty, so she sat on a small stool, hanging her head, and silently looked at the script.

Wen Jin came to Ruan Jinghong's side and squatted down, looked at the little face full of guilt from bottom to top, reached out and patted her closed legs lightly.

"It's okay, let your brain rest for a while, don't be nervous."

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin, her appearance was even more obedient than usual.

"I really tried to figure out Princess Tiansheng's emotions seriously, but I couldn't control myself as soon as I saw Teacher Wen's eyes. I...I'm too stupid."


"When Ruanruan first saw my eyes, what were you thinking?"

"I..." Ruan Jinghong blushed and looked around guiltily, feeling embarrassed to continue.

Wen Jin felt blessed and touched, realizing that she had influenced her girlfriend.


Shen Qingzhi had just scolded her for two sentences, and she didn't feel wronged.

Wen Jin has been acting for many years, and she is very talented. It is easy to separate personal emotions from character emotions.

But Ruan Jinghong's situation is different. She became a monk halfway*, and her current acting skill is all based on experience. Once the emotions of the actors are affected, the emotions of the characters will also be affected.

*someone who started a career without proper training

On the smooth road of acting, Wen Jin has always been unimpeded, but she overlooked this aspect before.

She picked the script, planned the  romance at the public's expense, and now she's the one causing difficulty for her girlfriend to get into character.

Wen Jin sighed in her heart: I didn't consider this wave when I chose the script, I was careless.

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Wen Jin lifted Ruan Jinghong's chin, making her look directly at herself. Her gaze was calm and tranquil, like still water flowing deeply

"If Ruanruan looks into my eyes now, do you still feel out of control."

At this time, Wen Jin's eyes are as open as the ocean, and there seem to be many stories hidden in them. At the same time, the imaginative desire is deeply hidden in her eyes, and the aggression is zero.

Such a gaze was very different from any time she had shown before. It wouldn't make people imagine those improper scenes.

Ruan Jinghong blinked, "This is much better, but…"

"Let's film it like this then."

Ten minutes later, Wen Jin led Ruan Jinghong to find Shen Qingzhi behind the monitor.

"Director Shen, I think the expression here can be slightly changed."

Shen Qingzhi nodded after listening to Wen Jin's narration and asked them to go ahead and perform the scene to see how it looks.

Tiansheng approached Shangguan Yue step by step, and their breathing intertwined.

Shangguan Yue raised her head at this moment, and looked straight into Tiansheng's eyes, neither retreating nor avoiding, her eyes were as deep as the sea, no one knew what she was thinking at this moment.

Only a pair of trembling hands betrayed the truest emotions in her heart.

Attracted by Shangguan Yue's eyes, Tiansheng supported the thin shoulders of the female official in front of her with both hands, and her movements were very strong, with the unique confidence of a proud woman of heaven.

"Every word I just said to you is from my heart. Yue'er, if you respond to me, I will go and fight!"

"I won't." Shangguan Yue silently removed the catkin that was resting on her shoulder, stood up straight, and at this moment, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, but her voice was as cold as the moon in the sky.


Shen Qingzhi stood up, and a smile finally appeared on her face. "Very good, this way it's improved. Shangguan Yue's earlier restrained and introverted character will be more convincing. Concealing desires in the heart and not revealing them in actions can create a sharp contrast with the later scenes."

She stepped forward and patted Ruan Jinghong on the shoulder, giving her affirmation, "You performed well this time, keep up the good work."

Ruan Jinghong felt guilty for receiving this praise. The reason why the scene just passed smoothly was thanks to Wen Jin's adaptability.

In terms of professional ability, she still has a lot of room for improvement.

But Shen Qingzhi is also an old man in the industry, so she can naturally see the problem of Ruan Jinghong.

After finishing the encouraging praise, she quietly pulled her aside and instructed.

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"You still have to practice your temper. Don't be discouraged every time Wen Jin shows a little bit of aggression.

"In the early stage of this play, Tiansheng is dominant, and after the mid-stage, both are strong. Now, Wen Jin is playing the early stage. What will you do in the middle stage?

"Didn't I teach you that before..."

Shen Qingzhi shut up halfway through her speech.

Forget it, let's not mention the fierce attacking secrets.

"Anyway, there's still one month left for the pre-scene. During this month, you have to hurry up and adjust your state."

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong came back alone with a small face silently, and asked concerned: "Director Shen scolded you again?"

Ruan Jinghong honestly replied, "Director Shen told me to find my feelings again and quickly become more assertive."

Wen Jin gently touched her girlfriend's innocent face.

"It's really difficult for you to become assertive all of a sudden. But don't worry, I'll help you figure out a way."

"Really?" Ruan Jinghong raised her head, the light in her eyes was as bright as a star.

"Actually, I have thought of a way, and I need Teacher Wen's help."

Wen Jin fell silent after listening to Ruan Jinghong's explanation of her solution.

In fact, Ruan Jinghong also realized that at this time, it is still difficult for her to perfectly distinguish the character's emotions from her private emotions, so she can only use the experiential method of performance.

As an actress, it is true that her professional ability needs to be improved.

However, as the lead actress of the drama, it is not possible for the entire cast and crew to wait for her to gradually improve.

The top priority now is to quickly excel in her own role and fulfill her professional responsibilities.

So Ruan Jinghong proposed the most efficient and safe method.

That is, in the subsequent filming process, even after the scene, Wen Jin can't continue to be like before, hungry for food every minute, affecting her state.

She needs to be subtle and restrained so that whenever she sees Wen Jin's face, she can instinctively think of Shangguan Yue, and her on-screen and off-screen states can be maintained stable.

In other words, she wants Wen Jin to behave the same way as Shangguan Yue's disguise in the earlier part of the drama, being submissive and enduring the mistreatment.

Wen Jin took a deep breath, met her girlfriend's expectant eyes, and agreed.

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