Chapter 126: Teacher Wen, You Broke The Rules

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In order to put this plan into practice, Ruan Jinghong immediately made a contract with Wen Jin with three key points.

Although the rules were drafted hastily, they looked very serious.

Party A: Ruan Jinghong_Party B: Wen Jin

1. Party B shall not take the initiative to get close to Party A during filming;

2. Even if Party A takes the initiative to find Party B, Party B should not be overly enthusiastic;

3. Strictly adhere to the first two.

Every time Party B violates the rules, Party A has the right to cut-off communication from Party B for one night during non-working hours.

What a humiliating and unequal treaty!

Wen Jin held the thin sheet of paper in her hand, her pretty brows were furrowed together, and just as she was about to refute, she saw Ruan Jinghong staring at her anxiously with blinking cat eyes.

"Teacher Wen, what you said earlier, does it count?"

"It counts." Wen Jin pinched her cheeks hard with two fingers, feeling a little sour.

With the successful strategy, Ruan Jinghong turned her face and pretended to take a sip of water, revealing a half-smile with her small white teeth.

While proposing this method was primarily for the sake of the filming, there was also another reason. These consecutive nights had taken a toll on her slender waist, which was beginning to feel a bit strained.

At this moment, with the assurance from Wen Jin, Ruan Jinghong felt more emboldened.

During the lunch break, she saw Wen Jin sitting alone and feeling down, so she took the initiative to provoke her.

On a small table next to the chair, there was a plate of cherries, which Xiao Yuan had bought as a snack to pass the time. 

The cherries were in season, fresh, vibrant, and enticing, making one's mouth water.

Ruan Jinghong carefully wiped her fingers with a wet tissue, and with her delicate fingertips, she picked up a red-orange cherry and offered it to Wen Jin's lips.

"Teacher Wen, would you like to have a cherry? They are sweet."

Wen Jin silently glanced at Ruan Jinghong, with a somewhat resentful expression.

During the whole morning, every break time, she was forbidden from initiating any intimate behavior with her girlfriend. Love at public's expense suddenly turned into monk at public's expense 

At this moment, she was feeling frustrated when that troublemaker actually took the initiative to approach her.

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Seeing that Wen Jin was unmoved, Ruan Jinghong put the cherry that had touched Wen Jin's thin lips into her own mouth, and the tip of her tongue brushed past her lips, seemingly enjoying it.

"If Teacher Wen doesn't like this one, about another one?"

She spoke and then selected another cherry from the plate, tempting her.

In her daily life, Ruan Jinghong was shy and reserved, rarely taking the initiative to flirt. She was already more charming than a flower, and if she intentionally tried to tease and tempt someone, no one could resist it.

With a thought, Wen Jin looked at the pale fingertips and took the cherry in one bite.

Ruan Jinghong's heart trembled, and she quickly withdrew her finger, wearing a serious expression on her small face. "Teacher Wen, you violated the rules."

Even if Party A takes the initiative to find Party B, Party B should not be overly enthusiastic.

Wen Jin was stunned, "You invited me to eat just now, and I just accepted your kindness."

"But I didn't ask you to do anything else."

Ruan Jinghong said seriously, "Considering it's your first offense, I won't punish you this time. Teacher Wen, you have to do better next time, keep going!"

Wen Jin gritted her teeth silently, thinking: Alright, I'll remember this.

After filming in the evening, Wen Jin knocked on Ruan Jinghong's room.

She endured for a whole day without violating the rules, in exchange for sharing a good night with her girlfriend at this time.

Ruan Jinghong opened the door and saw her beloved girlfriend leaning against the door in a comfortable silk pajamas, still carrying the fragrance of just having taken a bath.

The top two buttons of the pajama were undone, revealing her delicate and beautiful collarbone.

Ruan Jinghong blushed, lowered her head and forgot to speak for a moment.

It was Wen Jin who spoke first, "I forgot my keys when I went out to take out the trash."

Ruan Jinghong: Pfft!

Why do I have a feeling that I'm being copied.

Ruan Jinghong welcomed Wen Jin into her room.

She's not sure  if it's an illusion, but tonight's Wen Jin seems especially alluring, exuding a feminine charm from head to toe.

As she passed by Ruan Jinghong, it made someone involuntarily rub her slightly itchy nose.

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Wen Jin casually sat on the sofa, not bothering to conceal the exposed charm at the neckline. She raised her hand and picked up the script from the coffee table, flipping through a couple of pages absentmindedly.

"Is Ruanruan studying the script now? That's impressive! Have you gained any insights?" As soon as the script was mentioned, Ruan Jinghong became spirited.

She sat on a cushion beside Wen Jin and elaborated on all her thoughts and ideas.

"I noticed that in the early stages, Tiansheng appears very forceful and imposing when confronting Shangguan Yue. However, whenever she's alone, she seems rather desolate and pitiful, showing a hint of timidity."

"It seems like deep down, she lacks self-confidence when facing Shangguan Yue."

"Her upbringing and experiences indeed should have instilled confidence in her. Did I understand it wrong?"

Wen Jin intended to tease but didn't expect her girlfriend to genuinely discuss the script, so she held back and responded calmly.

"In fact, I often lack confidence in front of Ruanruan."

Ruan Jinghong couldn't believe it, "Teacher Wen, are you joking?

Wen Jin shook her head, unable to hide her disappointment.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm always worried that my girlfriend will dislike me for being too old and unattractive..."

"How is it possible!" Ruan Jinghong hastily interrupted Wen Jin's self-pity, emphasizing it very sincerely.

"Teacher Wen is the most beautiful, outstanding and charming person I have ever seen. If you lack self-confidence, how can others live?"

Wen Jin still looked disappointed, and sighed again.

"Ruanruan is just comforting me with your mouth. I came all the way to see you, but you don't even react when you see me."

Ruan Jinghong's eyes inadvertently glanced at the revealing part of Wen Jin's neckline, her face blushing, and she whispered.

"It's not that I didn't... didn't react, it's... Teacher Wen is so beautiful, I always feel like I shouldn't dirty you in my heart."

As she spoke, she wrapped her hands around Wen Jin's neck, pulled her whole body towards her, and planted a superficial kiss on the thin red lips.

"If one day I dirty you, would you be angry, Teacher Wen?"

Wen Jin didn't respond and deepened the kiss, embracing Ruan Jinghong.

Ruan Jinghong was encouraged, less cautious and more diligent in exploring. (simple kiss)

In fact, the moment Wen Jin knocked on her door, she had already been seduced, but her nature was more tolerant.

So, is it her patience that caused her beloved girlfriend to misunderstand?

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So, does Tiansheng's lack of confidence in front of Shangguan Yue also stem from not receiving enough positive feedback from the person she cares about?

>>Super Tiny Bits Here<< Note that this is a linkvertise 

With the beautiful scenery outside the window, it seems inappropriate to think about other things at the moment.


These days, Ruan Jinghong has practiced her enhanced version of the fierce attacking secrets by relying on the three key points of the contract.

Recently, she has been in good spirits, her waist has been preserved, and her acting status has improved. She doesn't know Wen Jin has secretly written down accounts to settle.

At this moment, it's Wen Jin's solo scene, and since Ren Jing Hong doesn't have any scenes to shoot for now, she pulled up a chair and sat beside, watching with great attentiveness.

Ruan Jinghong secretly felt that it was really cool to have a relationship at public expense several times.

For example, now, being able to see and kiss her girlfriend all the time, and taking the opportunity to learn is really killing two birds with one stone.

This scene is about the Empress's first accession to the throne, and a large wave of loyalists in the court are loudly denouncing the hen announcing the dawn in place of the rooster*, demanding the return of the throne to the orthodox line.

*women seizing husband's power

Shangguan Yue, as the number one female official by the Empress' side, stood up to support the Empress at this time and fought against the Confucian scholars.

At a young age, she has no stage fright in front of the old and stubborn, citing classics, well-founded, and forceful.

The young female official's usually gentle face now shone with unprecedented determination and confidence.

In the scene, the sudden turn of events left the old ministers in the scene stunned and speechless for a while. Even offstage, watching the scene, Ruan Jinghong was also shocked and couldn't believe her eyes.

Teacher Wen really shines when she's serious.

Ruan Jinghong was looking at her girlfriend with fascination when Xiao Qingming appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you watching Queen Wen's filming again?"

These days, as the filming focused on the early emergence of Shangguan Yue's sharpness, Wen Jin's scenes were quite concentrated. Ruan Jinghong often stood by silently and observed, so the word "again" was used accurately.

When Ruan Jinghong heard the voice, she turned her head and revealed a modest smile. "Teacher Wen is an outstanding senior in the entertainment industry. It is my privilege to have the opportunity to learn from her."

The intimacy between her and Wen Jin, although evident to anyone with eyes in the crew, had not been officially announced yet. They had to maintain some face in public for the time being.

Xiao Qingming chuckled, but did not expose her. She took out an earphone, "Shangguan Yue's exclusive episode demo, which is freshly released, do you want to listen to it?"

She played a guest role as a court lady in the crew, and she had very few scenes. But as the person in charge of OST, she frequently appears in the site these days.

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Ruan Jinghong  was very interested when she heard that there was a solo song for the character Shangguan Yue. She was even more excited than when the demo for Princess Tiansheng's solo song was released earlier.

She immediately took the earphones and put them on, thanking her while immersing herself in the soothing tune.

After more than ten seconds of prelude, Xiao Qingming's slow and story-filled voice sounded in the earphones.

Shangguan Yue has a rough life experience, but she is full of talent.

She has ambitions and desires, but she is used to forbearance in the early stage, and when the time is right, she shows a shocking reversal.

So the tone of this demo is very low in the early stage, but it is soothing and pleasant. After the first part, the tone rises abruptly, which is not only not abrupt, but also stirs up people's entire emotions, and the connection is very clever.

After Ruan Jinghong finished listening to the song, she praised it without hesitation, "It's so good, after listening to it, my whole body became inspired. Sister Xiao is indeed a talented singer."

As soon as she finished speaking, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Wen Jin who was still wearing a costume, who had finished filming at some point and was walking towards her.

Ruan Jinghong saw Wen Jin and was about to go up to meet her.

However, Wen Jin seemed to have not seen her, and walked past her, and sat on the armchair resting beside her.

Ruan Jinghong: ?

Maybe Teacher Wen is not done with her scene yet, I shouldn't bother her.

Ruan Jinghong sat on her chair sensiblely, not too far away from Wen Jin.

At this time, she still had the earphone Xiao Qingming gave her plugged into one ear, and the set single loop and demo were temporarily used as the background sound.

Xiao Qingming stood beside her, smiling without making a sound.

Ruan Jinghong's attention has been quietly on Wen Jin's.

She picked up the mineral water on the case table, unscrewed the bottle cap, raised her head and drank the water in the bottle. Her slender and fair neck showed a graceful arc in the sun.

Her expression is natural, and she appears to be in a normal state. It doesn't seem like she hasn't finished shooting her scene, has she?

Ruan Jinghong was confused, turned her head, and then noticed Xiao Qingming who was still staying by her side.

"Sister Xiao, do you have something to talk to me about?"


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