Chapter 127: Is It Just Me, Or Does Someone Else Have It?

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Ruan Jinghong's attention has been quietly on Wen Jin's.

She picked up the mineral water on the case table, unscrewed the bottle cap, raised her head and drank the water in the bottle. Her slender and fair neck showed a graceful arc in the sun.

Her expression is natural, and she appears to be in a normal state. It doesn't seem like she hasn't finished shooting her scene, has she?

Ruan Jinghong was confused, turned herbhead, and then noticed Xiao Qingming who was still staying by her side.

"Sister Xiao, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Xiao Qingming pointed to her mobile phone on Ruan Jinghong's hand, smiling brightly.

"Do you just like listening to it that much? How about I pass on the demo of this song to you."

It was only then that Ruan Jinghong noticed that she had been holding the other person's mobile phone and hadn't returned it, so she hurriedly took off the earphones and returned them to the original owner.

"Then I'll trouble Sister Xiao."

Although it was because she was so mesmerized by her girlfriend that she forgot to take off her headphones,it would be rude to tell the truth.

At the beginning of joining the crew, Xiao Qingming and Ruan Jinghong exchanged WeChat contacts, making it convenient to share a demo at this moment.

It's just that there is no wifi on the set, and the signal is always intermittent when using data transmission.

Ruan Jinghong saw Xiao Qingming frowning and tossing around with her mobile phone for a long time, and thoughtfully said: "Sister Xiao, how about I share the hotspot with you? This is a new 5G network, and the speed is not bad."

Xiao Qingming accepted Ruan Jinghong's kindness and stood close to her, watching her fiddle with the phone.

To easily check the sharing progress in real-time, the screens of the two phones were placed together, and their heads unknowingly moved closer.

When Ruan Jinghong became aware of it, she instinctively tilted her head to the side and coincidentally met Wen Jin's gaze.

But it was just for half a second, and that gaze quickly shifted away.

The owner of that gaze started to picked up an orange and peel it off, and then put the orange petals into her mouth to chew one by one, with a somewhat jealous look on her face.

Ruan Jinghong: ?

Are those oranges hard to eat?

Ruan Jinghong realized there was another person beside her, so this time, she didn't get lost in thought for too long. She quickly shared her phone's hotspot.

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Xiao Qingming changed her network, and the transfer speed indeed improved significantly.

Ruan Jinghong opened the newly received demo, and a gentle prelude played with excellent sound quality.

Xiao Qingming put her phone in her pocket and waved goodbye, saying, "You take your time listening, I'll go ahead."

Ruan Jinghong watched Xiao Qingming leave and finally could focus her attention back on her girlfriend.

She had been quietly observing for a while, and she confirmed that Wen Jin was not out of character, but simply in a bad mood.

Every woman has a few days of feeling down each month, and Ruan Jinghong herself deeply understood this.

She silently calculated in her mind, and indeed, Wen Jin's little day is approaching in a few days. Could it be that it came early this time?

It was quite possible since life on the set was not always that regular.

Ruan Jinghong remembered that she had prepared some brown sugar in her room earlier, so she took advantage of the current less busy schedule and rushed to her room.

Watching Ruan Jinghong's figure sprinting away faster than a rabbit, Wen Jin couldn't help but feel annoyed, her cheeks even slightly sour from biting.

Right after getting off the stage, she saw her girlfriend openly flirting with that singer in the crew, they were even sharing one earphone and getting so close!

She used her eyes to warn for a long time, but her girlfriend turned a blind eye to it, and even left her at this moment, and ran away alone!

She's so angry, but she has to continue filming.

Just as it happened, the next few scenes were all about Shangguan Yue's brilliant performance in court. She held the Shangfang* sword bestowed upon her by the Empress and executed both royal relatives and treacherous officials.

*royal arsenal 

Her face depicted a resolute and upright character, full of determination to eradicate evil. The portrayal was so vivid that even Shen Qingzhi, who usually didn't get along well with Wen Jin couldn't help but give her a thumbs up in admiration.

After Wen Jin's two scenes, the surrounding actors and staff praised her one after another.

"Watching Queen Wen's acting from such a close distance is so shocking. I was really intimidated the moment she drew out the Shangfang sword."

"Even though I know it's just acting, I can't help but feel that Shangguan Yue was so angry and hateful when was beheading people."

"I've always known that Queen Wen is amazing, but now I'm lucky enough to see the live shoot, and I realize that she is even more powerful than I thought."

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"Worthy of being a national treasure-level actor, I was brought into the scene directly after one shot."



Surrounded by so much praise, Wen Jin was half happy.

She lifted her noble chin and looked around like a queen inspecting her subjects, causing everyone around her to stand straight and tense.

Very well, the little troublemaker is still not here.

Wen Jin gritted her teeth, remembering how her girlfriend used to stay by her side during every scene she filmed. But now, just because she listened to a song, the other person disappeared without a trace.

So, it's true that love really disappears?

These days, she has been feeling very aggrieved by that thing's "Three Rules," which has been putting pressure on her heart.

Now, with jealousy rising, her girlfriend disappeared right under her nose, making her feel even more aggrieved like a surging wave.

She sits on the chair, venting her frustration by peeling the orange petals one by one.

Xiao Yuan stood aside and watched her boss convulse, and took two steps back smartly, preparing to find the Madam to come to rescue her.

Before she took two steps, she saw a petite and slender figure approaching with a thermos in hand.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuan seemed to be pardoned, hurriedly greeted Ruan Jinghong, and whispered in her ear, "The boss doesn't seem very happy right now."

Ruan Jinghong nodded to express her understanding, it is normal for a woman during menstruation to be depressed.

Ruan Jinghong stepped forward, took the orange from Wen Jin's hand, put the remaining petals into her mouth, chewed and swallowed.

"Teacher Wen, this orange is a cold fruit, not suitable for you to eat now. Why don't you try this, I boiled it."

As Ruan Jinghong said, she took out the thermos bottle and unscrewed the cap like offering a treasure.

Wen Jin finally saw the person she wanted to see, and was happy, but still angry.

Her eyes lightly swept over the pink thermos, and she gently opened her thin lips.

"Is it just me, or does someone else have it?"

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Ruan Jinghong was very puzzled.

Who else? Are they also on their period?

"Only you have it. I made it for you specially."

When Wen Jin heard the word "specially," she finally relaxed her brow, happily taking the thermos.

The cap was opened, and a sweet aroma wafted into her nose, with a hint of warmth.

"Brown sugar water?"

"Yes, it warms the stomach. Teacher Wen, drink up, quickly."

Wen Jin was usually not particularly fond of sweet things, but the precious intention of her girlfriend made her immediately take the thermos and gulp down all of the brown sugar water.

Not to mention, it indeed warms the stomach, and after drinking it, my mood improved a bit. "You left just now to make this?"

"Mm, I think Teacher Wen is not feeling well, so is it effective?"

The love put into making the brown sugar water by her girlfriend is naturally effective but...

"Next time you leave, tell me."

Wen Jin thought of her wild thoughts just now, and still felt a little depressed.

Ruan Jinghong obediently nodded in agreement, but suddenly remembered something, "Then what if Teacher Wen is filming?"

"Then wait until my filming is over."

"Then what if I'm in a hurry while you're filming?"

"Then find someone to leave me a message, a note is also fine."

Wen Jin frowned lightly: Little rascal, why are there so many "what ifs"?

Ruan Jinghong seriously took note and then smiled, revealing her small white teeth, "Teacher Wen, in this information age, I can directly message you, you know."

"It turns out that you also know that you can send messages."

Wen Jin angrily pinched the soft flesh next to Ruan Jinghong's cheek with two fingers, leaving two red marks.

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Ruan Jinghong didn't resist, and let Wen Jin's fingers ravage her tender cheeks.

She puffed her imprisoned cheeks and said word by word.

"Actually, I just wanted to talk to Teacher Wen, but I just saw that Teacher Wen seemed to be in a bad mood, as if she didn't want to talk to me."

Wen Jin is silent: Why am I not in the right mood? Do you have no clue in your heart?

Ruan Jinghong saw that Wen Jin was silent again, and her small head was greatly puzzled: Silent Teacher Wen seemed particularly mysterious and moody.

Wen Jin saw her girlfriend's clueless face, and her blood pressure, which had just dropped, rose again.

She sighed resignedly: Forget it, I hope her wooden head can understand the hints, I am afraid that it will be faster to die of depression first.

She considered it in her heart and chose a compromise expression.

"Don't you think that you and Xiao Qingming are getting too close these days?

Ruan Jinghong tilted her head and said, "In this crew, the people I'm most familiar with are you and Director Shen, and then there's Sister Xiao whom I've briefly met abroad. She's playing my personal maid in the drama, so I am indeed closer to her than to other crew members."

After Ruan Jinghong finished speaking, she suddenly felt enlightened, and said with a dazed expression: "Teacher Wen, you're not jealous, are you?"

Her tone was so surprised that it caused the nearest staff members to look sideways.

Ruan Jinghong belatedly began to feel embarrassed, leaned closer to Wen Jin's ear, and repeated the interrogative sentence just now in a low voice.

Wen Jin: ...

Seeing Wen Jin raise her chin arrogantly, Ruan Jinghong remained silent, finally affirming the unexpected answer.

"But, I have never had any inappropriate behavior with Sister Xiao."

In a sullen tone, Wen Jin continued, "Whether you had any inappropriate behavior with her or not, and whether I would mind, these two things are completely unrelated."

Ruan Jinghong pinched her red ears: Teacher Wen's words are so profound, it feels like my brain cells can't keep up.

But in order to make her girlfriend happy, she still actively turned her little head.

"Then how about I try not to talk to her in front of you when I'm not filming in the future?"

What, so you still plan to talk to her behind my back?

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