Chapter 23: Teacher Wen's Focus Is So Strange

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this translation is originally posted on

https://love4baihe blogspot com

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


In the end, Wen Jin conceded defeat. She took out the map given by the program team from her pocket, unfolded it, and beckoned Ruan Jinghong to come forward to get it.

Seeing that Wen Jin didn't intend to hand over the map to her, Ruan Jinghong could only take two steps closer, hung the bag on her arm, and reached for it.

Wen Jin took advantage of Ruan Jinghong's hand to reach for the map, let go of the map, and took the bag hanging on her arm.

When Ruan Jinghong got the map, she felt a lightness in her arm, and when she looked up again, the old hen and the bag containing seasoned dried noodles were all in Wen Jin's hands.

"Teacher Wen, let me carry it." Ruan Jinghong knew how heavy those things were, and was really embarrassed to burden Wen Jin.

"Concentrate on reading the map, don't lead the road astray and delay the task."

Wen Jin turned a deaf ear to Ruan Jinghong's proposal, she put everything on one hand, and hooked Ruan Jinghong's arm with the other.

"It's heavy, hold me up."

Ruan Jinghong:?

Isn't it easier and more balanced to carry half of something so heavy?

Ruan Jinghong reached out to take the bag, but Wen Jin easily dodged it. In the pushing and pulling, the distance between the two became closer.

Because of the angle, Ruan Jinghong seemed to be burying her head in Wen Jin's neck at this time, but the actual situation was quite different.

It was that intoxicating fragrance again, overshadowing all the mixed atmospheres around.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly took a step back, ignoring that Wen Jin still had one hand on her arm at this time, forcing herself to concentrate on studying the map in her hand.

I have to go back to the yard quickly, and I can't let Teacher Wen carry things for too long.

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With this in mind, roadie Ruan Jinghong looked at the map very seriously.

But, why is this map so complex? It's clear, I hadn't walked for a long time before.

Ruan Jinghong's delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, and her pretty face looked very serious.

Wen Jin hooked a thin arm, and stood aside, admiring the little one's confused appearance. She was very calm and relaxed, neither prompting nor rushing.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the map for several minutes, and couldn't help but look up at Wen Jin, the look in her eyes was clearly asking for help.

Wen Jin just smiled and didn't speak, and raised her arm holding the bag slightly.

Seeing this, Ruan Jinghong bowed her head in shame: We agreed to cooperate in a group. Teacher Wen will be responsible for reading the map on the way, and she will be responsible for carrying things going back. Wouldn't it be useless if I couldn't even take half of the way?

Since you can't exert your strength, you should use your brain, um... let's go in this direction.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong finally take a step forward, Wen Jin smiled slightly.

The reason why she was so relaxed and didn't give any hints was because she had already understood the map when she came.

Although the terrain here is complicated and there are many fork roads, no matter which fork road you choose, you will end up in the same direction, with a difference of more than 20 minutes at most.

The little one wants to perform well, so naturally she has to be given a chance to perform, otherwise, with her personality, she will probably be frustrated because she feels that she is useless.

As Wen Jin expected, Ruan Jinghong stared at the map and walked back shakily.

Every time she encounters a fork road, she will close her eyes tightly, chanting like a spell, and then choose the direction to go.

Not to mention Wen Jin who was on the sidelines with that cautious and ready look, even the filming team behind couldn't help laughing.

Finally, after Ruan Jinghong prayed several times, the road in front of her gradually became familiar, and the site decorated like a courtyard appeared before her again.

For the first time in her life, she succeeded in finding her way by looking at a map. Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but her eyes shone with excitement.

"Teacher Wen, we are back!"

Ruan Jinghong was like a happy little squirrel, bouncing around in a circle, but still let Wen Jin hold onto her arm and wrap it around her waist.

This posture is really like throwing herself into a hug.

Sensing the sudden weight on her empty arm, Wen Jin widened it so that the little one in her arms could stay more comfortably.

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Ruan Jinghong had been focusing on looking at the map before, and failed to notice that the distance between the two became so close.

The warmth close at hand made her belatedly think of the camera on the side, so she took a few steps back to distance herself.

She tried her best to put on a calm and ordinary expression. If it wasn't for the crimson in her ear that betrayed her, the two of them would be nothing more than ordinary partners who went out to buy a dish together.

"Teacher Wen, let's go to the kitchen and start taking action."

After Ruan Jinghong finished speaking, she snatched the bag from Wen Jin's hand and ran into the yard in a hurry, forgetting the politeness that she usually cared about the most, leaving Wen Jin behind.

Wen Jin looked at the back of the girl who was running away in a panic, the warmth between her arm still lingers but the arc of the corner of her mouth turned only half hooked before being frozen.

Am I that scary?

When Wen Jin came to the kitchen, Ruan Jinghong was already boiling water to peel off the fat under the skin of the old hen.

The stall owner had already helped cut the chicken’s throat to remove the blood, but the next cleaning work had to be done by the guests themselves.

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong's proficient appearance of cooking the hen with a decisive and focused expression that was far from her usual cute appearance. She was a little impressed.

Ruan Jinghong, who had calmed down a little, noticed Wen Jin's arrival, and greeted: "Teacher Wen, I'll clean up this chicken first, can I trouble you to take out all the seasonings and open it?"

Wen Jin followed, took out all kinds of spices and herbs one by one from the bag, sorted them, and put them on plates.

"Don't be so polite, we are partners now."

Wen Jin kept moving her hands, but her eyes glanced at Ruan Jinghong from time to time.

The word "partner" gave Ruan Jinghong a pause: Yes, we are two people working in the same team now, even if we want to avoid suspicion, we can't act like strangers, it's too shameful.

Ruan Jinghong was reflecting on her mistakes in her heart, while skillfully putting the hen into a basin filled with boiling water to remove its feathers.

It's not the first time for her to cook noodle soup, and she has already been familiar with the whole process, but this time, as she is cooking the hen, she always feels a gaze 

Ruan Jinghong turned her head to look, and happened to meet Wen Jin's eyes, which made her a little embarrassed, since she was the one being peeked at.

"Teacher Wen, is there something on my face?"

"No, I just didn't expect you'll be decisive in doing that." Wen Jin didn't feel ashamed of being caught peeping, and told the truth.

After all, when she first saw Ruan Jinghong's face, a meme could not help but pop up in her mind. 'Rabbits are so cute, how can you eat a rabbit?'

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Ruan Jinghong didn't react when she heard the words.

Decisive? Does she mean disposing of the old hen? But if you don't deal with it well, how can you make noodle soup? The program team didn't allow outside help. Teacher Wen's focus is so strange.

After Ruan Jinghong cut the chicken into pieces and cleaned it, she put it into a casserole half filled with water and boiled it over high heat. On the other side, she washed the herbs and mushrooms separately with warm water.

Her movements are so skillful, but it makes Wen Jin on the side look a little idle.

Ruan Jinghong noticed this, took out the noodles she bought earlier, motioned to Wen Jin and said, "Teacher Wen, please take these noodles to that pot and cook them first."

In this small kitchen, she seemed to be the master chef.

It was rare for Wen Jin to see the little one look so calm and confident, but she was happy to cooperate. While setting up a pot to boil water, she expressed her doubts, "Don't you need to cook these noodles in chicken broth?"

"No, there's still a layer of oil on the chicken soup that needs to be filtered out later. It's better to boil the noodles in clean water first and let them cool down." Ruan Jinghong put the washed herbs into a bowl and prepared to pour the chicken soup later.

There was still a while before the water boiled, so Wen Jin was not in a hurry to put the noodles into the pot, but looked at the orderly little one and chatted.

"I see that you are very skilled in your movements. Did you often make noodle soup for yourself?"

"Not often. When I was young, my grandma did a lot of it. Later, I went to H City alone to study in university, and my grandma was not around, so I would occasionally do it by myself."

Wen Jin heard Ruan Jinghong mention something about her family for the first time, and couldn't help being curious. But thinking that she is still in front of the camera, it is not good to poach people too much, so she can only pick some superficial topics to ask.

"You and your grandma must have a good relationship, right?"

"Mm, grandma is my dearest person, and my greatest wish is to let grandma live a good life." Ruan Jinghong answered without hesitation while focusing on the chicken soup in the casserole.

Dearest person?

Wen Jin nodded and did not continue the topic, and chatted with Ruan Jinghong about her recent work.

To her relief, the little one who got busy no longer seemed to be as stiff as before, avoiding her everywhere.  She's actually pretty talkative as long as she doesn't cross her safe boundaries.

Due to the limited time, the chicken soup can't be simmered slowly as usual, but it has a special flavor when it is boiled over a high fire.

Ruan Jinghong chatted with Wen Jin for more than an hour, completely unaware of how much information she had been fooled out of, until she finally boiled the chicken soup and noodles into a pot and blended them together, and the work was considered to be over.

Ruan Jinghong took out a clean porcelain bowl, put a chopstick of noodles into the bowl, and covered it with a spoonful of chicken soup.

She handed the porcelain bowl to Wen Jin, "The ingredients are all freshly bought in the market. I don't know how it tastes. Teacher Wen, would you like to try it first?"

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Wen Jin tidied up the kitchen utensils on the table, indicating that she had no time on her hands.

Ruan Jinghong was a little disappointed, and was about to put the bowl aside, but saw Wen Jin's head come closer, with her mouth slightly opened.



Ruan Jinghong was stunned for a moment, and under Wen Jin's urging gaze, she picked up a noodle with chopsticks and brought it to Wen Jin's mouth with uncertainty.

Wen Jin inhaled the noodles in one gulp, brushed the tip of her tongue from her lips, chewed slowly, and smiled happily.

"It's very delicious."

Ruan Jinghong, who was praised, was also very happy, but Wen Jin's fox-like smile in front of her made her a little shy.

It's just a noodle, is it necessary to be so... seductive?

Ruan Jinghong was about to change her pair of chopsticks and taste the fruits of her labor, but an unexpected guest came to the kitchen.

"Wow, what are you cooking, why is it so fragrant?"

It's Jin Ziyi.

Ruan Jinghong looked curiously at the girl who almost became her partner a few hours ago, and asked in confusion, "Why are you here, don't you need to complete the task?"

"Our dishes are done."

Jin Ziyi ran up to Ruan Jinghong in a few steps, "I just heard the program team secretly say that for the first place in this competition, there will be a surprise reward tonight, a special kind of surprise. So let's observe the enemy's situation."

With the urgency of the program group, it would be nice not to embarrass others, and there are surprise rewards.

Ruan Jinghong didn't take it seriously, but Jin Ziyi couldn't help being excited.

"Look, I've shared such a big secret with you selflessly. Isn't it just appropriate to let me take a bite of this cooked food."

Come on, talk about dilly-dallying so refreshingly, to eat and drink.

Raw: jjwxc net/onebook.php?novelid=7288969

Translation: love4baihe blogspot com

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