Chapter 24: Hot Spring Villa Big Bed Room

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this translation is originally posted on

https://love4baihe blogspot com

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


Ruan Jinghong prepared enough chicken noodle soup. Considering that Jin Ziyi would also be a partner in the future variety show shooting, she didn't refuse her request to have a bite.

Ruan Jinghong lifted the lid of the casserole, took out a porcelain bowl, scooped out half a bowl of chicken soup for Jin Ziyi, and put it on top.

Jin Ziyi saw the contents of the pot, and her eyes sparkled, she didn't know what politeness meant, "It's chicken noodle soup, I like it, that, can you get me two more pieces of meat?"

Ruan Jinghong picked up some meat for her as she said, and handed the bowl to her, "Here, have a bite"

"Thank you, little sister!" Jin Ziyi, who left early in the morning and only ate some passenger meals on the plane, was so hungry now that she took the bowl and ate it like a wolf.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but feel a little proud when she saw that her craftsmanship is so popular. It's just...Jin Ziyi's way of eating, looks quite unbecoming of a female star.

"Umm..." Ruan Jinghong cleared her throat twice, and when Jin Ziyi raised her head, she stretched out her finger and pointed to her lips as a reminder.

"What?" Jin Ziyi didn't realize it for a moment, "Your lips are uncomfortable? I have lip balm over there, I'll get it for you after I finish eating the noodles first."

How can there be such a slow person?

Helpless, Ruan Jinghong took out a tissue from her pocket and handed it to Jin Ziyi, "Your mouth is covered with oil."

Only then did Jin Ziyi belatedly realize that there were still two cameras nearby, quickly took a tissue to wipe her mouth, and smiled, "It's all because your noodles are so delicious that people can't stop."

Ruan Jinghong naturally knew that her craftsmanship was not bad, but it was the first time she met someone who supported her so well, so she couldn't help but curve the corners of her eyes, "Then do you want more, I cooked quite a lot."

I can have another bowl?

Jin Ziyi looked up excitedly, and was about to agree, but suddenly felt a chill on the back of her neck.

She turned her head in confusion and saw Wen Jin standing in front of the stove. She wondered how long she had been silently staring at her side.

Oh no, as soon as I came in, I only focused on chatting and eating with my little sister, but I ignored my senior. This is really inappropriate.

Jin Ziyi realized it later, came to Wen Jin, and raised a smiling face that she thought was cute.

"Teacher Wen, you and sister Ruan Jinghong cooked this chicken noodle soup together, you are really amazing!"

"Thank you." Wen Jin responded indifferently, glanced over Jin Ziyi's face, and added, "Don't call me Teacher Wen."

Jin Ziyi:?

Don't call her Teacher Wen, what will I call her then? The entertainment industry values seniority the most, and it would be impolite to call them by their first name.

Jin Ziyi raised a big question and cautiously said, "Then... Senior Wen?

"Mm." Wen Jin simply responded without a single extra word.

This means that she can be called "senior"?

No matter how slow Jin Ziyi was, she still felt that Wen Jin didn't like her very much.

Thinking that she is a beautiful girl who is like a well-loved flower by everyone who sees them, and now she is not welcomed by her senior on the first day of the show, she couldn't help but feel sad.

At this time, she urgently needs to talk to a little sister about her distress, but her little sister is not around. By the way, isn't there a ready-made one next to her? Although there are cameras all around, but...

"Ouch!" Jin Ziyi suddenly clutched her stomach and moaned, "I just ate too fast, I want to go to the bathroom."

The staff on the side stood up and pointed her to the location of the bathroom.

"The terrain is so complicated that you have to go with me. Little sister Ruan Jinghong."

After Jin Ziyi finished speaking, regardless of Ruan Jinghong's reaction, she dragged her to run outside.

After running for more than ten steps, she turned her head cautiously and warned, "It's time for the beautiful girl to go to the bathroom, don't follow her."

Follower: ...

Although we are a reality show, it is not necessary to film in the bathroom.

And Ruan Jinghong, who was suddenly dragged away for a long distance, was also puzzled: When did our relationship get so good that we could go to the bathroom together?

Jin Ziyi dragged Ruan Jinghong to a corner next to the bathroom. After making sure that no camera followed,, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Being stared by the framed lens all day long, I finally got rid of it temporarily."

"Why did you bring me here?" Ruan Jinghong was puzzled.

"It's okay, I just want to chat with you, and I don't want to be caught by the camera." Jin Ziyi reached out and patted Ruan Jinghong's shoulder.

Ruan Jinghong:?

You make it sound like we have some shady relationship, which cannot be captured by the camera yet.

Ruan Jinghong's impression of this well-known female star is actually not bad, so she cooperated and said, "Then tell me."

Jin Ziyi considered her words in her heart, and said, "You are in the same group as Senior Wen, what do you think about her? Why do I always feel that she doesn't like me very much?"

"No, although Teacher Wen usually looks aloof, she is a very nice person, and she won't dislike anyone easily." Ruan Jinghong subconsciously defended Wen Jin.

"When I first met Teacher Wen, I was quite afraid of her. After getting in touch with her, I realized that she is not as unapproachable as she seems on the surface. She is actually very warm-hearted. After getting to know her more, you will feel her warmth."  

Is that so? Jin Ziyi touched the back of her neck, the chilly feeling seemed to be still there.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's serious expression, she began to reflect on whether she was being overly concerned.

After all, she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and the rumors she heard about Wen Jin, apart from being said to be cold, have never had negative content such as "playing big names" and "not getting along well".

She remembered the gossip she saw on hot searches before, and the only person she could talk about it and was most familiar with Wen Jin at the moment is Ruan Jinghong, so she tentatively asked.

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"I'll just ask you this, I was eating melons on the Internet before. You seem to have something to do with Senior Wen. I don't know...Of course, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help laughing when she saw Jin Ziyi's look of wanting to eat melons but hesitating. She originally appeared on this show to refute rumors, so naturally there is nothing she could not say.

"Those are all rumors on the Internet. Teacher Wen and I haven't met twice before the show. I don't know her very well."

After all, they are still on a show. In order to avoid complications and for the sake of Wen Jin's reputation, Ruan Jinghong omitted the part where she went to Wen Jin's house when she got sick, and focused on explaining the big misunderstanding at the Manfeng Ceremony.

After hearing this, Jin Ziyi nodded her head, "So that's it. I mean, the two of you have completely different personalities. How could you be a couple? If someone told me this, I might still have some doubts, but you look honest, so I believe you."

Ruan Jinghong, who was trusted, was very moved, "That's right, it's not advisable to be influenced by others' opinions. That's how rumors are born. If everyone is as clear-headed as you are, there will be less misunderstandings in this world."

Ruan Jinghong saw that Jin Ziyi was also very talkative, so she turned against the guest and said, "Since I have satisfied your desire to eat melons, can you do me a favor?"

Jin Ziyi nodded graciously, "No problem, all sisters within the four seas are sisters, if a sister has a request, I will be willing to die for her."

Ruan Jinghong: ...

There's no need to exaggerate like this.

It seems that Jin Ziyi has just been killed from an ancient drama, and the after-effects are a bit serious.

Ruan Jinghong thought for a moment, and rarely spoke seriously.

"It's just... I always feel that this program team deliberately put me and Teacher Wen together, just to use the popularity of the previous hot search to stir up the CP traffic.

"It doesn't matter to me, but Teacher Wen has kept herself clean for so many years. If she got involved in a scandal because of this variety show and ruin her reputation, it would be too much of a loss.

"If that rumored object is still me, then I will feel very, very guilty."

"So, as a variety show guest and an insider, if the program team does something later, when I ask you for help, can you come out and interrupt?

"If someone else comes to eat that rumored melon, would it be best if you could help us dispel it?

"If we can get out of this variety show in one piece, Teacher Wen and I will be very grateful to you."

Jin Ziyi rubbed her chin, "I don't expect Senior Wen to appreciate me."

Seeing Ruan Jinghong's disappointed face, she changed her voice, "But... I just said, you are my sister, and I will help you with this."

Ruan Jinghong and Jin Ziyi hated meeting each other late, and they chatted very well. If not for the loudspeaker broadcast from the program group suddenly sounding, the two of them would still be chatting for a while.

"The time for the first round of tasks is up, please bring your own group works and gather in the center of the courtyard."

Unfortunately, when they heard the speaker, they remembered that they were still on duty, and hurriedly separated and went back to find their respective partners.

When Ruan Jinghong came to the small kitchen, Wen Jin had already placed the casserole for cooking chicken noodle soup on the tray, and several small dishes were placed on the tray for seasonings and side dishes.

I let Teacher Wen do so much work again.

Ruan Jinghong stepped forward guiltily and wanted to pick up the tray, "Teacher Wen, I'm back."

"Mm." Wen Jin picked up the tray first, motioned to Ruan Jinghong and said, "Bring the seasoning on the table."

There were casserole and porcelain plates in the tray, and Ruan Jinghong didn't want to fight over them, so she picked up a lot of bottles and jars according to Wen Jin's instructions.

With the tray in both arms, Wen Jin walked steadily, and the items on the tray were as immovable as a mountain as if they were rooted.

Ruan Jinghong followed Wen Jin step by step, for fear of accidentally bumping into her.

"You and Miss Jin seem to hit it off very well." Wen Jin, who was walking in front, suddenly said this.

"Yeah." Ruan Jinghong nodded subconsciously, "Ziyi is a familiar person with a very easy-going personality."


Wen Jin pursed her lips and walked faster.

Ruan Jinghong:?

"Teacher Wen, in fact, the program team gave us some time, so we don't have to..."


Ruan Jinghong swallowed the last word silently after receiving Wen Jin's condensed gaze.

In the center of the courtyard is a long table made up of several square tables. Five chairs were placed on each side of the long table, and there were local residents invited by the program group to make comments.

With only three groups each with one dish, how can they make a full banquet battle?

Ruan Jinghong complained in her heart, put the bottles and cans in her hands on the spot designated by the program group, and began to take out the dishes from the tray together with Wen Jin. Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong had already stepped into their group area, and Ruan Jinghong glanced at the large porcelain plate in front of them.

It turned out to be spring rolls, but it also fit the theme.

Jin Ziyi saw Ruan Jinghong and sent her a big WINK to show her friendship.  As a result, the sending direction of this WINK was a bit off, and she met Wen Jin's cold arrow-like gaze.

Jin Ziyi shrank the chilly back of her neck, retreated to Huo Yitong's side, and arranged spring rolls with her.

Zhong Manyun and Yin Xiang were the last group to arrive. What they brought was also a casserole, but it was much smaller than Ruan Jinghong's chicken soup pot.

The guests gathered, and the loudspeaker began to call the process dutifully.

"Now that the theme dishes of the three groups of guests are in place, the program team specially invited ten local residents to conduct two rounds of evaluations on the works of each group.

"In the first round, the theme fit is evaluated, that is, the connection between the dishes of each group and the artistic conception of the poems obtained, and the evaluation results will determine the integral coefficient of each group.

"In the second round, diner satisfaction, after tasting the dishes, ten residents will give a score of 1 to 10 according to their personal preferences, and the average of the ten scores is the point base for each group.

"The coefficient multiplied by the base will be used as the final result for ranking.

"The accommodation conditions of the members of each group tonight will be determined by the ranking of this mission. At the same time, the program group has also prepared a special surprise reward for the first-place group."

For this mission, Ruan Jinghong used her housekeeping skills. She is not interested in any special surprise rewards.

But when she thought that if she fall behind in the ranking, Wen Jin would be forced to spend the night with her in a room with unknown conditions, so she had to go all out.

Ruan Jinghong glanced at her newly-acquainted little sister*, Jin Ziyi, and looked serious when seeing her.

*Ruan Jinghong and Jin Ziyi both address each other little sister (xiao jiemei) and Jinghong is already calling her by first name so I'm guessing they are more or less same aged.

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No matter how many people complained about the unreliable news in their hearts before, once the competition starts, human beings can be more or less aroused to be competitive.

This is why the group competition mode in variety shows has endured for a long time.

The theme fit of the first round was judged by the guests. After all, it involves ancient Chinese poetry, and it is difficult for foreigners to comment on it.

The guests rated each other, which is the subtle point that the program team deliberately manipulated.

This is a reality variety show. For the competition, each group naturally has to make an all-out effort to win. If you are good to everyone, it is easy to be roasted and bored by the audience.

Regarding the judgments of other groups, one cannot blindly compliment them politely, not to mention that if the scores of the opposing group are higher, it means that the ranking of one's own group will drop.

Therefore, how to give fair and convincing judgments in the program, while demonstrating one's own intelligence and maximizing the benefits for one's own group, is particularly important.

Huo Yitong Jin Ziyi's group got the verse "The garden is full of spring scenery and cannot be closed, a branch of red apricot came out of the wall.", and the corresponding theme is spring.

Their entry, spring rolls, is recognized as a food that can represent spring in China. The other two groups couldn't find a reason to deduct points for this theme, so they gave them a full score coefficient of 1.0.

Next is the chicken noodle soup of Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong's group. Compared with the obvious topic of the previous group, the theme of their group seems a bit vague.

The most difficult thing to keep in the world, the vermilion face resigned from the mirror and the flowers resigned from the trees.

Yin Xiang was the first to question: "The poem that Ms. Ruan's team took is a classic sentence of lamenting the fleeting years, and the chicken noodle soup you took out is an ordinary food that we usually see everywhere. What does it have to do with fleeting years?"  What is the connection?"

He didn't dare to insult Wen Jin directly, so he said this to Ruan Jinghong. This not only shows that he takes the game seriously, but also does not leave a bad impression of disrespecting his seniors.

Wen Jin tacitly asked Ruan Jinghong to follow her own will in this dish, so the burden of explanation naturally fell on Ruan Jinghong's shoulders.

Combining Wen Jin's previous rhetoric, she said calmly: "The poem in our group does have a feeling that the years could not be kept, but throughout the ages, there has not been a single dish that has the meaning of 'the dead should not be recovered'."

"The ancestors condensed their wisdom and created various delicacies that are comparable to works of art. It is not for us to remember the past, but for us to commemorate and enjoy what we already have."

"The years can't be kept, but they can be commemorated. So we made this chicken noodle soup, hoping to bring back the good memories of the years in everyone's memory.

"This dish is very common, but its history is also very long. It can accompany a person through every stage of life in the long river of time, so how can it not represent the 'years' itself?"

Ruan Jinghong was aroused by the competition and had a sense of collective honor, and for a moment she forgot the purpose of keeping a low profile, and spoke clearly and sincerely.

"It's good 'years can't be kept, but can be commemorated'. I think this theme fits very well, and I can give a full score coefficient."

Huo Yitong was the first to put her hands together and give her own score.

"Mm, very good, great, full marks, full marks!" Jin Ziyi also expressed her admiration for the eloquence of her new acquaintance sister, and immediately echoed Huo Yitong's points.

Zhong Manyun saw that Huo Yitong and Jin Ziyi had already expressed their opinions, and that Ruan Jinghong's generous statement just now made people unable to find anything to refute, so he could only reluctantly say: "The coefficient is 1.0."

In the end, only the dishes made by Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun's group have not been announced yet.

The verse of their group is "May I ask where is the restaurant, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village", and the most suitable food is "wine".

This topic is much clearer than the previous "years".

Some people have already agreed in their hearts that the first round of evaluation is just going through the motions, as long as they can speak well, everyone will be 1.0 in the end.

They lifted the lid of the casserole, and a pot of glutinous rice balls made from brewed wine and glutinous rice appeared in front of everyone.

A small pot is filled with dense white balls, which is closely related to the theme of "wine".

The two stood in front of the pot with confident faces, ready to meet the full score coefficient of 1.0.

Wine brewed rice balls, apricot blossom wine, their group is also 1.0?

Jin Ziyi murmured in her heart, but seeing that Huo Yitong was still silent, she decided to observe first.

Ruan Jinghong looked at the wine rice balls on the table, hesitated to speak, and quietly glanced at Wen Jin who was at the side.

"Whatever you think in your heart, just say it, your opinion is mine." Wen Jin noticed Ruan Jinghong's hesitation, and encouraged her gently.

Ruan Jinghong, who was encouraged, felt inexplicably courageous, and boldly spoke first.

"The wine rice ball in this group is a deduction for the theme of 'wine', but..."

What, and but?

Zhong Manyun, who was waiting to be praised, heard this turning point, and stared at the little transparent Ruan Jinghong who was "outrageous" with wide eyes.

Ruan Jinghong received Zhong Manyun's gaze and took a step next to Wen Jin without pausing, continuing, "The 'Xinghua Village' in your poem is located in Xiushan, Chizhou, and now in the Anhui region of China. The wine rice balls are produced in Jiangnan, although they are all wine, they are completely different wines.

What the hell, wine has to be divided into places of origin, Zhong Manyun is very unconvinced, "Since you think the wine we used to make wine rice balls does not match the wine in the poem, then say one that matches."

Ruan Jinghong didn't expect that Zhong Manyun would turn tables on her. She thought for a while and said, "For example, Huizhou steamed chicken? This famous Anhui dish is made with hen, soy sauce and yellow wine. In many places in Anhui, yellow wine is abundant."

Zhong Manyun was just asking casually, but she didn't expect Ruan Jinghong to be able to answer. As long as she is more knowledgeable, she can retort that "rice wine is not only produced in Anhui", and then make a distinction with it.

But she doesn't know this, she only knows that there is wine in the poem, so make a food with wine as an ingredient.

At this moment, she was dumbfounded by Ruan Jinghong, so she could only look to her partner Yin Xiang for help.

Yin Xiang shrugged, and returned her helpless eyes.

Isn't this just a group competition in a variety show, so why go so far?

Zhong Manyun's team lost in the debate with Ruan Jinghong, and finally only got a point coefficient of 0.8.

There were three groups in total, and only one group did not get the full score in the first round. Yin Xiang gave Ruan Jinghong a resentful look.

Ruan Jinghong realized that the two people in the opposite group were in a bad mood, and she, who was still eloquent just now, returned to her usual cowardly appearance, standing beside Wen Jin and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, was it excessive?"

"No, you said it very well." Wen Jin took advantage of Ruan Jinghong's approach and patted her on the head.

The part of the guests scoring each other needs to be questioned and debated to be interesting. This part itself does not have a fixed judging standard, and the comparison is just who can speak better.

Before that, Yin Xiang also took the initiative to question Ruan Jinghong, but in the end he was defeated in eloquence. Afterwards, Zhong Manyun was not as good as others in common sense, so she couldn't blame others.

Wen Jin looked at the little one beside her with admiration in her eyes: I never thought that you would be so eloquent when you're usually absent-minded.

Even Jin Ziyi cast admiring gazes at her: Sister, real people don't show their faces!

On the other hand, Huo Yitong just stared at Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong for a moment, smiling without saying a word.

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Ruan Jinghong didn't know that her speech would arouse so many people's different psychological activities.

She usually doesn't like to communicate with people so much, and that's the case when she was studying. She just buried her head in books and immersed herself in her own little world. So she saw a lot and thought a lot.

She just returned to her own small world just now, and said all the content in her heart all at once, and she didn't have time to think about other things.

After the integral coefficient of theme fit came out, the next step is to let the locals who have been waiting here for a long time taste and comment on the works of the guests.

The guests of each group spread out the porcelain bowls they had prepared, divided their entries into ten equal parts, and sent them to the judging table.

The locals abroad don't know much about the artistic conception of ancient Chinese poems, they only care about whether the food is good or not.

Thanks to the fact that it happened to be dinner time at this time, and the judges were still hungry, the chicken noodle soup as the staple food was well received.

The soup is fresh and mellow, the chicken is smooth and tender, and the noodles are firm, which makes people feel refreshed. The only downside is that there is only a small bowl per person, which seems a bit small.

Therefore, the spring rolls, which are also food, are still popular. Each judge has a small bowl of chicken noodle soup and a small spring roll.

Compared with the popularity of the previous two groups of works, the wine rice balls as a dessert seemed to be left out in the cold.

After all, the staple food is not full yet, so who cares too much about desserts after the meal. The final scoring results came out, chicken noodle soup 8.9×1=8.9 points, spring rolls 8.6×1=8.6 points, fermented rice balls 7.2×0.8=5.76 points.

The big horn of the CALL process sounded again.

"Congratulations to each group of guests for completing the first task of this vacation, and then the program team will announce where each group of guests will stay tonight based on the ranking of this task.

"The third place, Yin Xiang Zhong Manyun's group, won the right to live in a farmhouse for one night."

Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun, who were at the bottom of the ranking, were relieved when they heard the words. The show crew had a conscience and didn't let the bottom one sleep on the street.

"The second place, Huo Yitong and Jin Ziyi's team, won the right to live in a courtyard suite for one night."

Jin Ziyi, who was still regretful for missing the first place just now, expressed her satisfaction with this, as it was at least a room for one person.

"The first place, Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong obtained the right to live in a big bedroom in the villa for one night."

The conditions for the first place are naturally the best.

Wait a minute, villa, big bedroom, one room?

Ruan Jinghong suspected that she had misheard, so she questioned weakly, "Director, does the first place only have one room for the first night?"

The loudspeaker patiently replied: "Yes, although you only have one room this night, the daily rental fee for this room is higher than the sum of the second and third places. The program team is absolutely fair and just, ensuring that each guest is rewarded with one score and one treatment."

Is it a matter of cost? In case the first place is Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun's team, your program team is not afraid of having accidents?

In an instant, Ruan Jinghong felt heartbroken that she had fought hard to get the first place, but in the end was set up by the program crew.

However, her worries are a bit superfluous. The program team hid the final ranking rewards for a long time before announcing it, because the final interpretation right belongs to the program team.

Wen Duoduo saw Ruan Jinghong's depressed face through the camera, and picked up the microphone to send comfort.

"Don't feel dissatisfied, this time our program team has specially prepared a special surprise reward for the first-place team."

I don't want any special surprise bonus, please provide another room.

Ruan Jinghong, who felt deeply cheated, dared not speak out.

"This time the first-place team can not only watch the starry sky at night in the top-floor suite, but also enjoy the private hot spring bath provided by the hot spring villa. Sorry everyone."

Private, hot spring bath?

Are you sure this is a surprise and not a scare?

Ruan Jinghong shrunk her neck with a bitter face: Although she didn't expect the so-called surprise reward at the beginning, she didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

On the other hand, after Jin Ziyi heard about the treatment of the first team, the previous feeling of being behind in the ranking disappeared.

She patted her chest with one hand, and let out a long breath: "It's so dangerous, so fortunately I didn't win the first place."

Because the reality show needs to ensure the material, there will still be cameras in the rooms of each guest, but after nine o'clock in the evening, the guests can cover the camera by themselves.

There was still an hour before nine o'clock in the evening, and Ruan Jinghong and Wen Jin came to the big bed room of the hot spring villa prepared by the program team for the first place.

The room is indeed beautifully furnished, with brocade-like wallpapers and carpets, and a large star-shaped chandelier that sprinkles orange into the room. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the rockery and trees not far away at a glance.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing in the room is the big bed in the center.

The 2.5-meter-wide bed is covered with a particularly festive red bedding, and even the headboard of the bed is in the shape of two hearts.

Ruan Jinghong: ...

Why does she always feel that this is not a serious program group.

Wen Jin is not surprised that Wen Duoduo, who started her career as a romance director, could come up with such a technique. Although she had always felt that Wen Duoduo was unreliable in all aspects before, she has to say that this arrangement was quite careful.

There was still an hour before the camera was turned off, Ruan Jinghong was in the same room with Wen Jin at this time, so she could no longer pretend to be very unfamiliar with her like before, and had to find something to do.

Wen Jin sat on the edge of the bed, watching the little one standing on the edge of the bed with a hesitant expression on her face. She wanted to speak several times but hesitated.

That look was interesting and amusing, Wen Jin didn't want to interrupt, and simply enjoyed this free Sichuan opera face-changing* silently.

*ancient Chinese dramatic art where performers wear brightly colored costumes and move to quick, dramatic music. They also wear vividly colored masks, typically depicting well known characters from the opera, which they change from one face to another almost instantaneously with the swipe of a fan, a movement of the head, or wave of the hand.

Finally, the little one took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and said, "Teacher Wen, do you want to play cards?"

Wen Jin:?

"With just the two of us, what cards are we playing?"

"Seven ghosts five two three*?"

*a type of Chinese poker game, can't explain click link ⬆️, translate page.

Two female stars, on a reality-variety show, in a big bed room in a hot spring villa, playing Seven Ghosts Five Two Three?

Wen Jin hesitated this time, seeing the pitiful look of the little one biting her lip in front of her, she finally softened her heart.

"Okay, do you have your cards?"

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"Brought it, brought it!" Ruan Jinghong hurriedly took out a brand new deck of playing cards from her suitcase, as if she had received amnesty.

Oh, well prepared.

Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong happily sitting by the bed with the cards in her hands, as if she would spend the rest of her life with this deck of cards, and said lazily,

"Just the two of us playing cards, it's so boring, why don't we add more prizes."

"Wh... what prize?" Ruan Jinghong said weakly, feeling very guilty.

She just wanted to find a way to pass this hour of camera time, so why would she bet on it? With her little wealth, she's afraid it's not enough for Wen Jin's teeth.

Wen Jin smiled warmly, "Don't be nervous, we play cards mainly for entertainment. How about this, the person who loses the most times must agree to a request from the winner. Naturally, this request cannot exceed the capabilities of the loser.”

Sounds like it's okay. Ruan Jinghong glanced at Wen Jin hesitantly.

Wen Jin's expression was very kind, "Don't worry, the camera is still there, there are witnesses from all over the country, I will not cheat you."

What do you mean by "will not cheat me", as if I must be the one who loses.

Ruan Jinghong was aroused by this sentence, and nodded heavily, "No problem, come on!"

Seven ghosts five two three, the playing method of this card is extremely simple, one person draws five cards, compares the size and gets points.

The five largest cards are the "Seven Ghosts Five Two Three" in the name, and the remaining cards are ranked in the same order as Fighting the Landlord*.

*another card game, click youtube link if you're interested to know about it.

Among them, "K" and "ten" each represent 10 points, and "five" represents 5 points. These three scoring cards each have four cards, totaling 100 points.

Ruan Jinghong has played this card game since she was a child, and she thinks she knows the rules by heart.

Even if Wen Jin looks smart, she may not be able to get much bargain in this kind of poker game with fixed rules and a lot of luck.

After figuring this out, Ruan Jinghong felt more confident.

She got off to a good start, drawing a pair of sevens, beating Wen Jin's fives and twos respectively, and raking in twenty points.

Ruan Jinghong, who had achieved such a great victory, was very proud, throwing out the cards in her hand.

Ruan Jinghong: "Ten."

Wen Jin:  "K."

Ruan Jinghong: "two."

Wen Jin: "seven."

Ruan Jinghong:?!

Didn't you just play the cards you drew just now? Where did you get the pair of sevens?

Wen Jin calmly retrieved her own forty points, as if she had a mind-reading skill, "Pair seven was drawn before, and I will play with you in one round. This card is too uncleanly shuffled."

Ruan Jinghong: You have a pair of sevens, why would you rather lose points than follow?

After the first game, Wen Jin scored 65 points and Ruan Jinghong scored 35 points.

Ruan Jinghong shuffled the cards in her hand, and reflected in her heart: Just now the main reason is that I don't keep cards, and next time this kind of big pair should be kept at the critical moment to get big points.

So the second round.

Wen Jin: "K."

Ruan Jinghong: "5."

Wen Jin: "Ghost*."


Ruan Jinghong pinched the seven in her hand, thinking of drawing another one to make a pair, "Pass."


Until the end of the second round, Ruan Jinghong failed to draw the second "seven". Looking at the pile of points that Wen Jin collected piecemeal, this was her first time playing "Seven Ghosts Five Two Three" and had her head shaved.

Ruan Jinghong cried in her heart, she didn't want to play anymore, but when she looked at her phone, only ten minutes had passed.

Wen Jin shuffled the cards and handed them to Ruan Jinghong. Seeing her small face about to burst into tears, she comforted her, "It's okay, keep going. You're out of luck for two rounds ahead, and you'll definitely be lucky later."


Ruan Jinghong drew the first card suspiciously, hey it's a seven.

As Wen Jin said, her luck this round was really good. Almost all four of seven, five, two, three and two ghosts were in her hands, and what Wen Jin drew was nothing more than "ten" and "K" bonus cards.

Ruan Jinghong played her cards like running water in this round, and easily won 90 points. She was almost able to shave the head of the opponent.

Ruan Jinghong, whose fortunes were reversed, regained her confidence, and before Wen Jin could speak, she couldn't wait to start another game.

Although Ruan Jinghong was not as lucky as before in the fourth round, she still narrowly won.

Such a simple game, but because of the previous wave of bottoming out, Ruan Jinghong's fighting spirit was aroused.

Ruan Jinghong, who has become more and more courageous in the battle, has already begun to think in her heart what kind of request she should ask Wen Jin later.

However, just as energy is conserved, so too does one's luck seem to be conserved.

In the following games, Ruan Jinghong started a cyclic journey of one loss, one win, and one loss, one win.

The scene began to become tensed, and before she knew it, it was nine o'clock in the evening, and it was time to turn off the camera.

Wen Jin put the cards away, her smile seemed to be filled with magic, "Six to five, do you want to come again?"

Naturally, Ruan Jinghong was the five.

Raw: jjwxc net/onebook.php?novelid=7288969

Translation: love4baihe blogspot com

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