Chapter 28: Wife-Watching Stone

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On the bed, Ruan Jinghong was wrapped in a particularly festive bright red quilt, with messy light brown long hair, and brown pupils as round as almonds. Her ignorant and surprised expression was like a little kitten caught by its owner while stealing dried fish.


Wen Jin's heart softened and naturally reached out to stroke the kitten's hair.


She looked at the little thing on the bed still looking dumb. She smiled and walked away two steps to get out of sight in front of the big bed, exposing Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang in front of Ruan Jinghong who had just woken up.


Ruan Jinghong looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in the room, as well as the two dark cameras. In her mind, there were ten thousand grass mud horses rushing by.


Compared to the staff of the program team, Wen Jin, who shares a room with her and in the same group, appears particularly close at this time.


Ruan Jinghong tightened the quilt and wrapped herself, she didn't want to appear in front of the camera disheveled.


"Teacher Wen, why are they here too?" Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin aside, with a slightly nasal tone in the morning that seemed somewhat awkward.


Still a cute little kitten.


Wen Jin noticed the little one's subconscious trust and dependence, and was in a good mood and answered with a gentle tone that she had not even noticed.


"Director Wen asked them to take some footage of the guest waking up in the morning, saying they were preparing to cut it into the pilot episode." Wen Jin repeated what Xiao Chen had said before.


But... but I am like this now, it's embarrassing.


Ruan Jinghong, who had just woken up and was still feeling a bit dizzy, gave Wen Jin a pitiful look, indicating a very obvious call for help.


Wen Jin understood and turned to Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang.


"I think you have enough shot of people waking up in the morning, please let the camera take a rest for a while, and we can take some more footage later when we go out."


Since it was Queen Wen who personally spoke, Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang dared not have any objections, let alone they had already gained a lot from their trip. They immediately cooperated and turned off the camera in front of Wen Jin.


But Xiao Yang kept an eye out. The recording was not turned off. Since the female star didn't want to be filmed as she wake up and wash up, so recording some audio would be fine.


After confirming that the cameras were tightly closed, Wen Jin returned to the bed and rubbed Ruan Jinghong's small head outside the blanket like a cat. She gently coaxed, "Now they can't take any pictures, lazy little cat, get up."


Ruan Jinghong, who is so old and still treated like a child, is very embarrassed, but she couldn't procrastinate anymore.


She quickly pulled herself out of the quilt and rushed towards the bathroom in her slippers.


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"I'm not a lazy little cat."


The moment before the bathroom door closed, Wen Jin, who was not far away, heard such a whisper.


Knowing that there were still people outside, Ruan Jinghong washed up very quickly, and the routine of rinsing her mouth and face, and combing her hair took only ten minutes. When she deemed herself to be presentable in front of people, she finally felt a little more confident.


After Ruan Jinghong finished washing up, Wen Jin also happened to come out of the nearby dressing room and had already changed into a regular outfit.


When recording a variety show, one should not dress too casually, but there is no need to be too formal. After all, Director Wen may have a hot brain at any time and invite guests to blend into the crowd to do tasks.


At this moment, Wen Jin was wearing a pair of black women's Martin boots, and her denim blue leggings were tied up with a metal ring belt. She was wearing a small blue and white plaid vest and a beige long windbreaker. Her black and long hair was simply tied together with a light blue headband, making her look several years younger.


Ruan Jinghong had seen Wen Jin's elegant appearance, powerful aura, and mischievous demeanor, but it was the first time she had seen her looking so young and lively, and she couldn't help but take two more glances.


Wen Jin deliberately changed her dressing style this time and was very satisfied with Ruan Jinghong's reaction at this time. She stood at the entrance of the dressing room and joked, "Little fool, what are you afraid of doing standing there? Are you learning to be a Husband-watching Stone* there?


*or Wang Fu Shi, is a historic scenic spot located in various places which are all tied up in a folklore. The most popular ones are in Bengbu City, Anhui Province and the Amah Rock in Hong Kong. It is a boulder in a mountain that is shaped like a human. The folklore (of many versions) is about a wife steadfastly waiting for her husband's return, she waited and waited until she eventually turned into a stone. (the husband had to leave for various reasons but mostly, he was sent to war.)


It symbolizes a wife's love and devotion for her husband. An extended term was later coined; Wang Qi Shi or Wife-watching Stone to represent a loyal husband. (in this case another loyal wife)


Ruan Jinghong, who was staring at Wen Jin in a daze, blushed, and said dissatisfied in her heart: What "Husband-watching stone"? You look so good, it's normal for people to take a second look. Besides, you are also a woman, even if I look at you, it should be "Wife-watching Stone". Ah, bah, bah, what am I thinking about?


In order to hide her embarrassment, Ruan Jinghong dragged her little pink suitcase and trotted to the dressingroom.


"Teacher Wen, I'm going to change my clothes."


Perhaps it was because of Wen Jin's attire that suddenly narrowed the invisible distance between the two of them. Ruan Jinghong unconsciously became more casual when talking to Wen Jin than before.


Wen Jin took two steps away, saw Ruan Jinghong entered the dressing room, and closed the door for her thoughtfully, then turned to look at Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang, and gave them a very friendly smile.


Xiao Chen, who had been watching silently for a long time, already had an aunt smile on her face, and only regretted not being able to turn on the camera now.


But Xiao Yang secretly praised her wit inwardly: Fortunately, the recording isn't turned off just now.


Ruan Jinghong looked at the few sets of regular clothes she had brought from her home, without much fuss. She chose a pink and white knitted sweater, paired with silver gray tight pants and small white shoes, and looked like a youthful college student.


Ruan Jinghong originally wanted to tie her hair up, but the hair tie suddenly broke when she was tying it in her hand.

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So she could only open the small door of the dressing room, poke her head out, and look at Wen Jin waiting outside.


"Teacher Wen, do you still have anymore hair ties here?"


Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong's hazy appearance with her curled long hair slightly dishiveled, smiled, and said, "Yes, I'll tie it for you."


Ah, how embarrassing.


Ruan Jinghong hesitated while standing still.


Wen Jin couldn't understand Ruan Jinghong's concerns and deliberately said, "Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang have been waiting here for half a day. If we don't go out now, we may delay the filming


Ruan Jinghong, who was born to be the most afraid of affecting others and causing trouble, quickly compromised upon hearing this and said, "Then I'll trouble Teacher Wen."


Thinking that her clothes had already been changed, in order to save time, Ruan Jinghong did not return to the dressing room again. She walked a few steps to the bedside and sat down, staring at Wen Jin with round cat eyes.


Wen Jin walked to the bedside with two light pink hair bands in her hand, took the comb from Ruan Jinghong's hand and combed several mischievous strands of hair together for her.


The slight curls of this light brown long hair are natural and have not undergone physical perm, so the hair  is very smooth. Wen Jin took the opportunity to stroke the fluffy hair twice more.


Ruan Jinghong's head felt a little tingly from being stroke, and she asked with a blushing face, "Teacher Wen, is my hair hard to comb?"


"It's okay, don't move."


Wen Jin's words successfully prevented Ruan Jinghong from turning her head.


She used a comb to divide Ruan Jinghong's hair into two parts from the middle, tied them with hair ties, and even tied a simple knot.


It was the first time for Wen Jin to give someone this hairstyle, and the effect... She is very satisfied.


"It's done."


It didn't take much effort for Wen Jin to complete her masterpiece, and she thoughtfully took a mirror for Ruan Jinghong to see for herself.


Ruan Jinghong looked in the mirror, and his delicate face immediately wrinkled into a ball, "Teacher Wen, why are these... twin tails?"



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"Aren't twin tails good? Isn't it quite cute? "Wen Jin turned to look at Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang aside and asked, "You two tell me, isn't this cute?"


"Cute and lovely! "Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang, who were called, nodded hurriedly.


Ruan Jinghong's mood did not become sunny because of this: What's the use of being cute? As an adult, who wants to wear twin tails?


She bit her lips with white teeth and looked at Wen Jin with grievances.


Wen Jin was caught off guard by the little thing's appearance, but she didn't intend to compromise.


"That's it, I personally combed it. Besides, we're about to start filming today," Wen Jin said, pretending to check her phone for the time.


In the end, Ruan Jinghong succumbed to Wen Jin's "abuse of power" and arrived at the breakfast spot with a fluffy pair of twin tails and a depressed face.


The program team arranged the guests' breakfast in a small courtyard, where there was a temporary pergola, which was the only shelter from the wind. It looks really special... original


Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun were the first guests to arrive at the pergola to take their seats. Because it was open air, Yin Xiang stood solemnly behind Zhong Manyun, spreading his coat to cover her back, looking really affectionate.


Upon seeing this scene, Ruan Jinghong was suddenly reminded of the fourth prince from "Scarlet Heart*". Obviously, it should be a very beautiful and sad scene. But it seemed a bit strange when it came to them.


*2011 Chinese TV drama adapted from a novel, a Korean Version was also aired in 2016.entitled Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, posting iconic scene RJH was talking about, below.


Anyway, other people's business has nothing to do with her, Ruan Jinghong said hello to the two people, then found a seat and sat down.


Wen Jin saw Ruan Jinghong's eyes lingering on Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun for a while, and sat next to her and asked softly, "Do you feel cold?"  


"No, no...not cold." Ruan Jinghong, who was suddenly called, shook her head hastily.


The early morning sunshine was very warm, and she was wearing a sweater. Even if there was a gentle breeze, it was just right and comfortable, and she wouldn't feel cold at all.


"That's good. It's okay for me to wear a windbreaker. I was thinking about lending you a coat."


The staff of the program team successively placed various breakfasts on the table, featuring some local special snacks.


Ruan Jinghong silently looked at the various breakfast snacks on the table, and couldn't help but twitch her index finger, but she didn't let go of her vigilance.


Based on past experience, how could the director of a reality show variety show just let the guests have a good meal without doing anything?


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Ruan Jinghong waited and waited, not for the loud speaker to come out for the call process, but for the delayed arrival of Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong.


It's strange to say that Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong are clearly on the same team now, and they had collaborated in the popular TV series "Wind Fall" before.


But at this moment, they seemed to not know each other very well, going their separate ways, with a distance of exactly one meter between them.


Ruan Jinghong remembered yesterday when she went to the farmers' market with Wen Jin to buy groceries, they seemed to be like that.


It's really weird to pretend that they don't know each other even though they belong to the same group. It seems that she has to find another way to avoid suspicion.


Ruan Jinghong thought to herself and raised her hand to greet Jin Ziyi.


Seeing the familiar little sister, Jin Ziyi swept her bored look away and stepped over to Ruan Jinghong, playing with the twin tails on her head with one hand. Her eyes flashed with excitement, "A'Ruan, you are so cute!"


Ruan Jinghong:...


Don't mention the twin tails please.


"Ziyi, why are you coming over now?" Ruan Jinghong tried to change the topic.


As expected, Jin Ziyi was easily distracted, and she rolled her eyes and said, "I just encountered something, and I was about to tell you. When I passed by the program group, I found that they were doing something behind our backs!"


Why do you find some news every time you pass by the program group, are you asking for it?


Ruan Jinghong roasted in her heart, but on the surface she was her very cooperative, "What's the matter, let's hear it."


Jin Ziyi was waiting for this question, and she continued with the words, "Yesterday, after we each returned to our rooms, didn't we turn off the camera at 9 o'clock? As a result... I just found out, they also installed cameras in the hallway and leaked these footage as a spoiler."


"Oh, I see."


Ruan Jinghong nodded in understanding. This is not a big deal. Before the official broadcast, many program groups will take the initiative to reveal some spoilers to attract attention.


Furthermore, the hallway is already a public area, and even without cameras, there would be no shady footage of the guests there. So, if the program team wants to get it done, just get it done. Ruan Jinghong is quite open-minded about this.


"Why are you acting so calm, are you not surprised or angry at all?"


Jin Ziyi didn't get the expected feedback, so she took out her mobile phone and clicked on Weibo, and a video was playing, "This spoiler video is about you and Senior Wen. Hey wait, why are you on the hot search?"

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